In The News
Hillsborough County Deputy Dies by Suicide Outside CourthouseFox 13 (Tampa) | 31 Aug 2024
Jessica Dockstader said, "Once we know the scale of the problem, we can do something more about it. Once we know who's impacted, we can provide targeted programming, targeted interventions."
Scrutinizing North Korea’s Nuclear Missiles From the SkyNK News Podcast | 29 Aug 2024
Decker Eveleth joins the podcast to discuss where exactly North Korea’s missile program stands today, and why it presents a security problem not only for Asia and the U.S. but for the entire globe.
Sidelining Civilian-crewed Navy Ships Could Harm Overseas OperationsStars and Stripes | 28 Aug 2024
Steven Wills said, "In a world where the U.S. Navy cannot guarantee consistent amphibious ready group presence in the Mediterranean and Red Sea/Persian Gulf region, the (expeditionary sea bases) have proven to be valuable stand in ships and should not be sidelined."
Living Targets: Russian Drones Hunting CiviliansFinancial World | 28 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett explains, "At any given moment, there are probably tens of thousands of FPV drones operating in the skies over Ukraine."
WBTV3 NewsWBTV (CBS) | 28 Aug 2024
“The independent agency CNA Corporation, which was hired by [UNC-Chapel Hill] to review its response, gave recommendations for the future. University leaders say some of those recommendations include addressing gaps with its Alert Carolina system and providing more frequent updates or upgrades.”
‘Our Safety Bubble Burst:’ How UNC has Changed One Year after Campus ShootingWUNC | 27 Aug 2024
[Darrell Jeter, UNC-Chapel Hill Emergency Management and Planning department head] said the university has made several improvements since the [UNC-Chapel Hill] shooting. Most, Jeter said, are suggestions from an “after-action review” conducted by the Center for Naval Analyses.
Why Military ‘Drone Swarms’ Raise Ethical Concerns in Future WarsChristian Science Monitor | 26 Aug 2024
According to Samuel Bendett, “[next-generation, intelligent swarms] is the ‘holy grail’ for the military.”
Telegram Founder Arrest could Hurt Public Understanding of the Ukraine warDefense One | 25 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, “On the Russian side, Telegram is used by all levels of the Russian ministry of defense, from the senior officials down to specific units who report on their progress, the Russian government officials, by regional officials, by volunteers, by private citizens, and many others”
Russian Sailors are Practicing Flying Drones in Wwings so They can Hunt Ukraine's Exploding Drone Boats from Warships on the WavesBusiness Insider | 23 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, “Moscow has been using FPV drones in training to defeat Ukrainian naval drones for a while now. They're basically refining the efforts of using the most advanced technologies.”
Ukraine unleashes ‘four-legged killing machines’ against Putin’s forcesIntellinews | 21 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, “In addition to these rudimentary tank-bombs, Russia is advancing with high-tech, self-driving UGVs such as the Marker. This platform, equipped with AI and machine learning capabilities, has demonstrated the ability to navigate controlled environments without human operators”
Russia's Hyped Drone-on-Drone Strike Turns Out to Be Friendly FireNewsweek | 19 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett explains, “"Russian Telegrams are posting the following screenshot from a Russian unit "bragging" about what turned out to be a friendly fire incident when they used their DJI Mavic to down a Zala ISR drone, thinking it was a Ukrainian UAV."
Ukraine's Burgeoning Ground Drone Fleet Touts Major AdvantageNewsweek | 16 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, "In Ukraine, some ground drones used by the Russian military have a tethered connection to prevent signal jamming, and many being developed by the Russian industry and volunteers offer both a radio link and a tethered connection as an option."
US Cos. Watch Closely As Drones Find More Battle SuccessStreetwise Reports | 16 Aug 2024
Sam Bendett explains, "There were numerous attempts of Ukrainian FPVs trying to chase Russian helicopters before, but all such attacks were near misses. It's difficult to pilot an FPV drone towards a military helicopter flying at high speeds."
Ukraine Skillfully Used Drones, Jammers to Break Into Kursk: Russian ObserversDefense Post | 15 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, “it is no surprise that Ukraine would be using such an approach, considering its huge investment in electronic warfare.”
China’s Global Public Opinion War with the United States and the WestWar on the Rocks | 14 Aug 2024
Heidi Holz writes, "In recent years, with the intensification of strategic competition between the United States and China, the 'battle for the narrative' in the international media landscape has become more heated. But in the push to understand Beijing’s influence efforts, there is a tendency among elements of Washington and the broader China-watching community to focus on specific aspects of China’s activities depending on where they sit in the U.S. system."
Ukrainian Drone Tactics Make their Way to Kursk region, Russian Military Bloggers SuggestCBC | 14 Aug 2024
Samuel Bendett said, “It does seem plausible” regarding some outside observers view the recent gains made by Ukraine are due to Ukrainian forces skillfully using drones and jammers to limit Russia's defenses and break into Kurs.