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Report Cover For Independent Audit of the City of Little Rock Police Department
Independent Audit of the City of Little Rock Police Department
North Charleston South Caroline police vehicle parked at department headquarters
North Charleston SC Police Department Racial Bias Assessment
Recruitment and retention in corrections: Challenges and innovative solutions from the field
Generic Report Cover
AI and Autonomy in Russia Issue 25, November 8, 2021
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Chinese Views of Civilian Ship Mobilization
4 photo examples of correctional facilities safety protocols for Covid-19
Getting Back to Normal: Informing Renormalization of COVID-19
Document Cover
Law Enforcement Pandemic Response Field Guide
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Russian Media Analysis: Russian Perspectives on Western Military Activities, October 25 – November 7, 2021
The Ode to Decoy
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DOD Continuums of Harm
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Racial Extremism in the Military: A Continuum of Harm
Blowtorch Bob Komer
man testing underwater robot
Addressing AI's Operational Challenges
A computer screen displaying the words 'personal data (click)' written as if it were code
Seeing Through the Fog of Data Bias
Cover page of the report. No image included.
Russian Perspectives on Western Military Activities: October 11-24, 2021
Vitaly V. Kuzmin, β€œTOS-1A Flamthrower,” Wikicommons, accessed Oct. 20, 2021,
AI and Autonomy in Russia Issue 24, October 22, 2021
Pairing Trainers and Trainees
The Russian tanks on parade outside of the Kremlin
Russian Military Strategy: Core Tenets and Operational Concepts
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov attend a meeting with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, April 19, 2016,” Reuters, April 19, 2016, GF10000388343.html.
Russian Approaches to Competition
Supporting survivors of crime: Systemic barriers to providing culturally competent services and a path forward
Military planes leaving Afghanistan
Implications of the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
China's Defense Exports