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Special Programs
- Critical Incident Analysis
- Data Management Analytics
- Emergency Management and Operations
- Enterprise Systems Modernization
- Homeland Security and Infrastructure Resilience
- Justice Research and Innovation
- Military Advisory Board
- Public Health Preparedness and Resilience
- Vulnerable Population Protection
AI, Robots, and Swarms: Issues, Questions, and Recommended Studies
The Role of Groceries in Response to Catastrophes
Determining the Statistical Power of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Anderson-Darling Goodness-of-Fit Tests via Monte Carlo Simulation
Gaming Sea-based Multinational HA/DR Operations at PACOM Amphibious Leaders Symposium 2016
Becoming a Great “Maritime Power”: A Chinese Dream
Las Vegas After-Action Assessment
Water Resource Competition in the Brahmaputra River Basin: China, India, and Bangladesh
Cumulative Land Cover Impacts of Proposed Transmission Pipelines in the Delaware River Basin
Retirement Choice 2016
Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Assessing Counterterrorism Actions
Managing Conflict: Examining Recent PLA Writings on Escalation Control
Summary Report: U.S.-UK Integration in Helmand
An Analysis of Female Representation and Marines’ Performance in Aviation and Logistics Occupations
Food Chain Reaction—A Global Food Security Game
National Security and Assured U.S. Electrical Power
Mobilizing Compatriots: Russia's Strategy, Tactics, and Influence in the Former Soviet Union
The Effect of Credentialing on Sailor Advancement, Retention, and Unemployment
Assessment of Changes in Marines’ Perspectives During the GCE ITF
The Potential Environmental Impact from Fracking in the Delaware River Basin
Charting the Course for Civil Affairs in the New Normal
Russia’s “Ambiguous Warfare” and Implications for the U.S. Marine Corps
Rethinking the U.S. Approach to Boko Haram: The Case for a Regional Strategy
CNA Small Group Discussion: Aiding Cameroon’s Effort to Counter Boko Haram
Differences in Male and Female Predictors of Success in the Marine Corps
Diagnosing the Boko Haram Conflict: Grievances, Motivations, and Institutional Resilience in Northeast Nigeria