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Law Enforcement Officer Safety Risks and Recommendations Bulletin
Photo from Duke University and North Carolina Central University partnership (
Estimated Effects of Facility Quality on SROTC Recruitment and Retention
American Counter-Insurgency and Policing
Officer standing in open police car door
Law Enforcement Officer Safety
The AI Is Smarter on the Other Side of the FENCE
The U.S. Departs Afghanistan
Japan Elevates Security Concerns Over Taiwan Strait
China, Malaysia and the South China Sea
GPT Is My CoPilot
Using data to advance the justice system: Forecasting, risk-assessments, and predictive analytics in law enforcement
lightbulb shining on squares transforming to a circle
How to Think about Innovation
China and Iran's Pact
Journey to the Cause of Reason
A pie chart featuring different military forces
Optimizing Total Force Management
Rioters at the US Capitol on January 6 2021
A Better Approach to Containing Domestic Violent Extremism
The UFO Phenomenon: Reckoning with the Inconceivable
Resiliency in the Age of CyberAttacks
From UFO to UAP
Reward of the Coprophages
Testing Tomorrow’s Decisions, Today: Introducing StaffLab™
StaffLab Frequently Asked Questions
No Time to AI
Crisis Como Siempre (Crisis as Always)
American and Russian flags
Five Key Challenges in US-Russian Relations