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Four police cruisers driving away on a city street
The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform
Life Is Like a Box of Matrices
Military unit marching in street
The Impact of COVID-19 on Military Recruiting
The Parallels Between Education and Wargaming
The Ohio-class guided-missile submarine USS Georgia (SSGN 729) prepares to moor outboard of the submarine tender USS Emory S. Land
Diego Garcia: US and Allied Basing Rights in the Era of Great Power Competition
Russian building during the daytime.
Artificial Intelligence in Russia Issue 6, July 17, 2020
A Tesseract to Follow
US Air Force Photo
Improving the DOD Manpower Management Workforce
Anthropomorphic robot holding firearm in left hand
Artificial Intelligence in Russia Issue 5, July 1, 2020
Crime & Publishment
The Future of Police Reform
Dust in the Mind
A 1920s photo of a naval vessel with many people posing for picture
Naval Integration through History: Five Case Studies
The Bear Came Over the Mountain
military father with daughter
How a Single-Salary Compensation System Could Affect Privatized Military Housing
Wargame in progress
The Challenge of Virtual Wargaming
CAD rendering of profile view of a human head and arm, holding the letters 'AI'
14 More COVID-19 Resources that Use Artificial Intelligence
The GPT Blob
Communication graphic
5 Steps to Take Organizations to a New Normal that Works
Why We Wargame
: Imported American groceries are seen on display for sale at the American Food Store in London, England
Improving Knowledge About the Number and Characteristics of Servicemembers Receiving SNAP Benefits
Eye, Pac-Bot