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Jets on a carrier
The Russian Air Campaign in Syria: A Preliminary Analysis
Game of Drones - AI Winter Is Coming
Detective Centaur and the Curse of Footstep Awareness
Shiny Heart Reflecting in the Dark Lights Up (SHRDLU)
Super-AI Reveals Answer to Everything: IDK, LUL
The Relationship Between Colocation and Reenlistment in the Navy (Vol. 1)
Better Lying Through Alchemy
The Relationship Between Colocation and Reenlistment in the Navy (Vol. 2)
Chinese Arctic Investment, Part I
Nuclear War and/or Better French Fries
Human-Machine Teaming with Major General Mick Ryan
Moments in Time, Humans Are Underrated and Hugging Robots
The Reach of STEM, with CEO Katherine McGrady
Moscow Conference on International Security
Unmanned Systems, AI, and the U.S. Navy, with CAPT Sharif Calfee, Part II
Unmanned Systems, AI, and the U.S. Navy, with CAPT Sharif Calfee, Part I
Pushback on AI, Meta-learning, and Robot Expressions
A Turing Test, the GAN Zoo, and Dreaming of Electric Sheep
A meme from Toy Story
Exploring the Utility of Memes for U.S. Government Influence Campaigns
Driverless Vehicles, Digital Yeast, and Montezuma’s Revenge
Hawking, Measuring “AI Capability” to the 9th Decimal Point, AI & Legal Liability, and Digital Creativity
Common Sense, Black Boxes, and Getting Robots to Teach Themselves
Can Anything Stop the Malicious AI??
Insights Into Russian Developments in AI and Unmanned Systems