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The Thinker made out of geometric webs
REDEFINING HUMAN CONTROL‌‌: Lessons from the Battlefield for Autonomous Weapons
Left photo depicts an F-14A VF-213 intercepting a Soviet Il-38 in 1981. Right photo depicts PLAN ships at sea.
Great Power Competition in the Indian Ocean: The Past As Prologue?
Talent, Gadgets, Collaboration, and Doggos
Synapses, Voynich, ELIZA, and Golem XIV
Nuclear Posture Review
AI with AI: Lethal Autonomy and the Military Targeting Process, Part II
Lethal Autonomy and the Military Targeting Process, Part I
Generative Adversarial Networks Galore
cropped cover
Pinellas County, Florida Hurricane Irma After-Action Report
Meta AI
Countering AI Classifiers, and Introducing Doubt to AI
Tacotron, Aesthetics, and a Musical Game
Vlad Putin giving a speech at a podium
Mapping Russian Media Network: Media’s Role in Russian Foreign Policy and Decision-making
Top 100s, Workshops, Ethics, and Quantum Computing!
Population Representation in the Military Services-Fiscal Year 2017 Summary Report
NIPS, Docs, and Clips
The Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Conference
AlphaZero and the AI Index
Russian Disinformation Tactics
Ice drifting at sea
Unconstrained Foreign Direct Investment: An Emerging Challenge to Arctic Security
DoD AI Spending, Lifelong Learning Machines, and Accountability
Violent protest in Bolivia over government increases to the cost of water.
The Role of Water Stress in Instability and Conflict
USS Ford
U.N. Convention on Conventional Weapons, Part I