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Support to the Hurricane Katrina Response by the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
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Alternative Sea Manning Concepts: Practices and Policy Implications
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Renewal of Navy’s Riverine Capability: A Preliminary Examination of Past, Current and Future Capabilities
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Political-Military Trends in Italy, Greece, and Spain
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Non-Citizens in Today’s Military: Final Report
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Statistical Analysis of Hearing Loss Among Navy Personnel
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The Changing Nature of Warfare: Transcript and Summary of a Conference, 25-26 May 2004 at The CNA Corporation
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Transforming Naval Wargaming
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“North American Maritime Homeland Security and Defense” A CNA Corporation Workshop
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A Review of the US Coast Guard’s Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Specialties
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U.S.-Greek Naval Relations Begin: Antipiracy Operations in the Aegean Sea
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Interwar U.S. and Japanese National Product and Defense Expenditure
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Statistical Methods for Learning Curves and Cost Analysis
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“Forward . . . From the Start”: The U.S. Navy & Homeland Defense: 1775-2003
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Seabee Assignment Tradeoffs
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A Brief History of Shipbuilding in Recent Times
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Hard-to-Fill Billets, Individual Assignment Preferences, and Continuation
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Charting the Pathway to OMFTS: A Historical Assessment of Amphibious Operations From 1941 to the Present
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Future Deployable Medical Capabilities and Platforms for Navy Medicine
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Senior Enlisted Personnel: Do We Need Another Grade?
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Standard of Living of Enlisted Personnel
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Military Organizations and the Navy: Facilitating Joint Communication
China Reconsiders Its National Security
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Defining and Measuring Shared Situational Awareness