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Explore All: Countering Threats and Challenges

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Serbian flag with Putin photos in a crowd
Shining a Light on the Western Balkans: Internal Vulnerabilities and Malign Influence from Russia, Terrorism, and Transnational Organized Crime
The flag of the Lord's Resistance Army
Sources of Resilience in the Lord’s Resistance Army
BELGRADE, Serbia-A U.S. Navy SEAL assigned to Naval Special Warfare Unit 2 observes the target as a member of the Serbian Special Anti-terrorist Unit shoots in the prone position on the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon during a Special Operations Command Europe Joint Combined Exchange Training Nov. 28.
The Role of Special Operations Forces in Global Competition
ISIS Tactics
Flags in a straight line
The Same, Yet Different: United States and Gulf State Interests in the Post-Arab Spring Maghreb
A bar graph outlining terrorist incidents in the USA
Asking the Right Questions: A Framework for Assessing Counterterrorism Actions
A collage of CNA logos
Summary Report: U.S.-UK Integration in Helmand
ISIS-Sinai's Violent Start to 2019
U.S. Marine Corps Civil Affairs Staff Sgt. Alan O'Donnell hands out soccer balls to children at a medical civic action project (MEDCAP) during Southern Partnership Station 2014.
Charting the Course for Civil Affairs in the New Normal
Three soldiers with guns
Russia’s “Ambiguous Warfare” and Implications for the U.S. Marine Corps
A man inspecting a bus
Rethinking the U.S. Approach to Boko Haram: The Case for a Regional Strategy
Generic CNA report logo
CNA Small Group Discussion: Aiding Cameroon’s Effort to Counter Boko Haram
Two AK-47s under a book and ISIS flag
Diagnosing the Boko Haram Conflict: Grievances, Motivations, and Institutional Resilience in Northeast Nigeria
Sons of Iraq members prepare to secure a torture house for destruction in Iraq.
Risky Business: The Future of Civil Defense Forces and Counterterrorism in an Era of Persistent Conflict
Members of New York’s Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) following the 1981 Brinks’ armored truck robbery in Nyack, New York.
The “First War on Terrorism?” U.S. Domestic Counterterrorism During the 1970s and Early 1980s
A CNA Corporation War Game on a table
Bone Dry and Flooding Soon: A Regional Water Management Game Final Report
Army General Raymond T. Odierno, commander of Multinational Force Iraq, provides an operational update briefing May 8, 2009, to the Pentagon press corps.
Are We Winning? A Brief History of Military Operations Assessment
This is an image of the purported leader of The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, delivering a sermon on Mosul, Iraq on July 5, 2014.
Reviving the Caliphate: Fad, or the Future?
Anbar tribal leaders meet early in 2013 in Fallujah to discuss ways to support the Iraqi security forces.
“No Security Without Us”: Tribes and Tribalism in Al Anbar Province, Iraq
A group of people posing for a photo
The Trans Sahara Counter Terrorism Partnership: Building Partner Capacity to Counter Terrorism and Violent Extremism
Three Afghan Security Force soldiers
Were the Afghan National Security Forces Successful in 2013?
A photo of Afghan national security forces
Independent Assessment of the Afghan National Security Forces
A map of Pakistan
Unconventional Warfare and Counterinsurgency in Pakistan: A Brief History
Troops waiting in line
Conscription in the Afghan Army Compulsory Service versus an All Volunteer Force