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Strategy and Policy Analysis

Protecting Servicemembers from Foreign Influence
Protecting Servicemembers from MDM
CNA Expertise Supports Efforts to Control IUU Fishing
sailor and flags of NATO countries in front of Royal Canadian Navy frigate
NATO’s Navies at 75: Five Operational Imperatives to Watch
Map of Africa with Chinese yuan currency on it
Dangers and Opportunities as China’s Loans to Africa Come Due
2023 WPS Hybrid Workshop Summary: Building Inclusive Resilience in the Pacific
National Security Seminar logo
Emergency Management Best Practices Learned from COVID-19
The Department of the Navy and Strategic Competition with the People’s Republic of China
An Air Force officer operates a terminal for the Semi-Automatic Ground Environment, the world’s first networked computer system. Beginning in the late 1950s, it aggregated data from hundreds of radars to coordinate the defense of North America against nuclear-armed Soviet bombers. Photo credit: MIT Lincoln Lab.
Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear Operations
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Nuclear Risk Management and Great Power Cooperation
Artist’s concept of Soviet SS-20 mobile intermediate-range ballistic missile systems in launch position from Defense Intelligence Agency Soviet Military Power 1985. SS-20s as well as US Pershing II and Ground Launched Cruise Missiles were eliminated under the terms of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty.
Great Power Cooperation and Nuclear Risk Management
Understanding the Recent Protests in Latin America
The Iran Protests and Crackdown
Brazil's Election: Bolsonaro vs. Lula
Major General John Deedrick, 1st Special Forces Command (Airborne) commanding general, offers a coin to a newly promoted psychological operations noncommissioned officer during a promotion ceremony larger than any other in Army special operations history.
Next Generation Leadership and Implications for Special Operations Forces
In Review
What Did the Summit of The Americas Accomplish?
Nuclear Policy After the War in Ukraine
map of the arctic screened in water beside large glacier
Arctic Economic Security: Recommendations for Safeguarding Arctic Nations against China’s Economic Statecraft
flag of china screen into water beside large glacier
Exploring the Relationship between China’s Investment in the Arctic and Its National Strategy
judicial building with columns screened in water and glacier
Foreign Direct Investment Screening in the Arctic
chinese yen screened in water beside large glacier
Arctic Prospecting: Measuring China’s Arctic Economic Footprint
Generic Report Cover
Preparing for Tomorrow’s Threats: Overcoming Obstacles to Organize, Adapt, and Innovate
Generic Report Cover
Reimagining Defense Strategy
The Collapse of Cold War Naval Strategic Planning