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Explore All: Operational Warfighting

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AlphaGo Zero
Person playing a wargame
Gaming Sea-based Multinational HA/DR Operations at PACOM Amphibious Leaders Symposium 2016
Food chain reaction designed logo
Food Chain Reaction—A Global Food Security Game
A CNA Corporation War Game on a table
Bone Dry and Flooding Soon: A Regional Water Management Game Final Report
Photos of USS Freedom and USS Independence
CNA’s Integrated Ship Database: Fourth Quarter CY 2012 Update
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Systems Thinking and Wargaming
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Support to the Hurricane Katrina Response by the Joint Force Maritime Component Commander
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Transforming Naval Wargaming
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Charting the Pathway to OMFTS: A Historical Assessment of Amphibious Operations From 1941 to the Present
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Military Organizations and the Navy: Facilitating Joint Communication
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Defining and Measuring Shared Situational Awareness
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To Deter, Compel, and Reassure in International Crises: The Role of U.S. Naval Forces
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JTF Operations Since 1983
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National Security Strategy and Forward Presence: Implications for Acquisition and Use of Forces
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Peacetime Influence Through Forward Naval Presence
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Eastern Exit: The Noncombatant Evacuation Operation (NEO) From Mogadishu, Somalia, in January 1991
Painting, Oil on Canvas Board; by John Charles Roach; 1991
Military vehicles move ship to barge to shore in Maritime Prepositioning Force exercise
Maritime Prepositioning Force Analysis and Desert Storm
Dr. Ladd in Norway, evaluating U.S. Marine cold-weather training
The National Security Ecosystem Model
Improvised explosive device roadside bomb, vehicle approaching, training
Counter-IED Analysis Case Study - Iraq and Afghanistan
Will You, Won’t You Join the DANs?
Will You, Won’t You Join the DANs?