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Explore All: Operational Warfighting

Xen and the Art of Motorcell Maintenance
Donkey Pong
Three Smart Design Choices for the New Space Systems Command
Guise of the Machines
The Earth Dies Dreaming
Closeup of wargame baord
Wargame for Better Solutions, Not Better Wargames
Datalore SemaFor
Datalore SemaFor
Schrödinger’s Slime Mold
Schrödinger’s Slime Mold
The Little Ingenuity That Could
The Little Ingenuity That Could
The Low-Res Valley
The Low-Res Valley
Polar Politics: A Blue Arctic
Tempus Fluit
Tempus Fluit
Sokoban, and Thanks for All the Fish!
Sokoban, and Thanks for All the Fish!
How Machines Judge Humans
The Persistence of Memor-E
The Persistence of Memor-E
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
Pork Rewinds
Pork Rewinds
The 4-Bit Blopera
The 4-Bit Blopera
Seal of the United States Department of Defense
3 Steps Toward Transforming the Department of Defense
A flowchart explaining the processes of AI and emerging threats
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Themes, Issues, and Narratives
CONSORTing with the GPT