Operational Warfighting
Special Programs
- Critical Incident Analysis
- Data Management Analytics
- Emergency Management and Operations
- Enterprise Systems Modernization
- Homeland Security and Infrastructure Resilience
- Justice Research and Innovation
- Military Advisory Board
- Public Health Preparedness and Resilience
- Vulnerable Population Protection
3 Steps Toward Transforming the Department of Defense
Artificial Intelligence: Emerging Themes, Issues, and Narratives
CONSORTing with the GPT
[Abstraction Intensifies]
Putting Innovation into Practice
Some Pigsel
Highway to the Danger Zone
Elementary, Dear GPT
Remember, Remember, the Fakes of November
Bots Behaving Badly
Diversity & Inclusion in Wargaming
[Abstraction Intensifies]
Life Is Like a Box of Matrices
The Parallels Between Education and Wargaming
A Tesseract to Follow
Crime & Publishment
Dust in the Mind
Naval Integration through History: Five Case Studies
The Challenge of Virtual Wargaming
The GPT Blob
Why We Wargame
Eye, Pac-Bot