Minorities and Occupational Assignments An overview of the distribution of Selected Reserve officers by race/ethnicity is provided in Table 6.10. More than half of Whites, Hispanics, and "Others" serve in either tactical operations or health care occupations. The largest proportions of White and Hispanic officers are in tactical operations (36 and 27 percent, respectively); the largest percentages of Black and "Other" racial category officers are in health care occupations (27 and 32 percent, respectively). As detailed in Appendix Table C-32, there are race/ethnicity differences among the Reserve Components by occupational areas. For example, 60 percent of White officers in the USMCR have occupations in tactical operations, while only 34 percent of Black officers do. Other occupational areas such as health care attract members of different race/ethnic groups more uniformly. For example, in the USAFR, 42 percent of Blacks, 35 percent of "Other" minorities, and 34 percent of Hispanics serve in health care, compared to 24 percent of Whites.