Table B-37.  FY 2004 Active Component Officer Corps by Occupational Area, Service, and Gender (see continued)
a.  Number                  
        Engineering Scientists     Supply,    
  General Tactical   and and Health Admin- Procurement, Non-  
GENDER Officers* Operations Intelligence Maintenance Professionals Care istration and Allied Occupational** TOTAL
  Males 303 22,910 3,438 7,171 4,239 9,350 3,439 5,703 649 57,202
  Females 10 725 823 1,830 561 4,639 1,352 1,425 61 11,426
  Total 313 23,635 4,261 9,001 4,800 13,989 4,791 7,128 710 68,628
  Males 201 19,463 1,846 5,043 1,768 7,045 1,242 2,697 5,371 44,676
  Females 11 1,322 344 295 364 3,774 476 644 800 8,030
  Total 212 20,785 2,190 5,338 2,132 10,819 1,718 3,341 6,171 52,706
MARINE CORPS                  
  Males 79 8,081 797 1,274 404 0 793 1,941 1,790 15,159
  Females 2 173 40 91 43 0 205 228 161 943
  Total 81 8,254 837 1,365 447 0 998 2,169 1,951 16,102
AIR FORCE                    
  Males 258 22,534 2,773 9,398 3,776 7,173 3,647 5,212 5,542 60,313
  Females 16 1,480 853 1,585 832 4,734 1,675 1,342 1,079 13,596
  Total 274 24,014 3,626 10,983 4,608 11,907 5,322 6,554 6,621 73,909
TOTAL DoD                  
  Males 841 72,988 8,854 22,886 10,187 23,568 9,121 15,553 13,352 177,350
  Females 39 3,700 2,060 3,801 1,800 13,147 3,708 3,639 2,101 33,995
  Total 880 76,688 10,914 26,687 11,987 36,715 12,829 19,192 15,453 211,345
*  Calculations do not include 6 male Army, 1 male Navy, 619 male and 21 female Marine Corps, and 372 male and 23 female Air Force O-6 officers classified as general officers
    by the Services.
** Non-occupational includes patients, students, those with unassigned duties, and unknowns.