U.S. COAST GUARD Characteristics of Reserve Component Officers In FY 2004, the USCG Reserve accessed a total of 235
new officers and the overall Reserve officer corps end-strength stood
at 1,028. Accessions were stable, and the corps was up slightly from FY
2003 (240 accessions and 996 end-strength). Just as with enlisted accessions,
USCG Reserve officer accessions were more likely to be White than their
peers in the DoD Reserve Components. Likewise, members of the overall
USCG Reserve officer corps, were more likely to be White than were their
DoD Reserve counterparts, as shown in Table 7.17. Black officer accessions
were represented at a noticeably lower rate compared to the DoD reserve
officer accessions, but Hispanic officer accession were higher compared
to DOD. Women, however, were found at slightly higher percentage compared
to DoD accessions—23 compared to 19 percent. The distribution of
women and Hispanics in the USCG Reserve officer corps was very similar
to DoD Reserve officers. There appears to be a slight under-representation
of other racial groups. However, the fact that nearly 9 percent of all
officer accessions and 5 percent of the officer corps are uncategorized
means it is difficult to make definitive conclusions about the over- or
under-representation of these groups.
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