Table B-11 (Continued).  FY 2006 NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions* by Census Region, Division, State, and Race/Ethnicity with Civilian Comparison Group
      STATE # %   # %   # %       # % # % # %  
SOUTH REGION 9,198 13.10% 60,990 86.90% 70,188 100.00% 1,780,695 17.77% 8,239,728 82.23% 10,020,423 100.00%
   South Atlantic Division 2,980 8.64% 31,500 91.36% 34,480 100.00% 724,472 14.32% 4,334,441 85.68% 5,058,913 100.00%
      Delaware 17 4.50% 361 95.50% 378 100.00% 7,222 9.55% 68,363 90.45% 75,586 100.00%
      Maryland 144 5.02% 2,724 94.98% 2,868 100.00% 43,697 8.76% 455,260 91.24% 498,957 100.00%
      District of Columbia 5 4.95% 96 95.05% 101 100.00% 4,386 7.94% 50,881 92.06% 55,267 100.00%
      Virginia 268 5.59% 4,527 94.41% 4,795 100.00% 65,967 9.64% 618,151 90.36% 684,118 100.00%
      West Virginia 16 1.59% 989 98.41% 1,005 100.00% 1,635 1.06% 152,263 98.94% 153,898 100.00%
      North Carolina 195 3.54% 5,319 96.46% 5,514 100.00% 100,550 13.01% 672,529 86.99% 773,079 100.00%
      South Carolina 82 2.75% 2,898 97.25% 2,980 100.00% 22,648 5.91% 360,493 94.09% 383,141 100.00%
      Georgia 223 3.70% 5,799 96.30% 6,022 100.00% 117,349 12.86% 795,449 87.14% 912,798 100.00%
      Florida 2,030 18.77% 8,787 81.23% 10,817 100.00% 361,017 23.72% 1,161,052 76.28% 1,522,069 100.00%
   East South Central Division 190 1.88% 9,936 98.12% 10,126 100.00% 71,152 4.33% 1,572,176 95.67% 1,643,328 100.00%
      Kentucky 34 1.63% 2,054 98.37% 2,088 100.00% 9,083 2.44% 363,556 97.56% 372,639 100.00%
      Tennessee 86 2.54% 3,302 97.46% 3,388 100.00% 31,711 5.88% 507,527 94.12% 539,238 100.00%
      Alabama 56 1.71% 3,212 98.29% 3,268 100.00% 16,408 3.63% 435,608 96.37% 452,016 100.00%
      Mississippi 14 1.01% 1,368 98.99% 1,382 100.00% 13,951 4.99% 265,485 95.01% 279,436 100.00%
   West South Central Division 6,028 23.56% 19,554 76.44% 25,582 100.00% 985,071 29.69% 2,333,111 70.31% 3,318,181 100.00%
      Arkansas 49 2.54% 1,878 97.46% 1,927 100.00% 20,671 7.88% 241,655 92.12% 262,325 100.00%
      Louisiana 74 3.16% 2,266 96.84% 2,340 100.00% 11,236 2.59% 423,196 97.41% 434,432 100.00%
      Oklahoma 223 8.01% 2,562 91.99% 2,785 100.00% 25,325 7.16% 328,177 92.84% 353,503 100.00%
      Texas 5,682 30.66% 12,848 69.34% 18,530 100.00% 927,839 40.91% 1,340,083 59.09% 2,267,921 100.00%
*  The Population Representation in the Military Services (POPREP) is based on data from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). Breakouts of accessions by service component 
    and prior service/non-prior service designation will not match reports by individual services because of differences in defining prior service accessions. DMDC uses the Defense Enrollment 
    Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to determine prior service, but the services each use their own criteria.
**Includes individuals who indicated non-Hispanic ethnicity or did not respond to ethnicity question.
    Rows may not add to totals due to rounding.
    Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey File, October 2005-September 2006.        

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