Table B-13.  FY 2007 Prior Service (PS) Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
17 2 24 26 0 7 7 2 31 33 7.69% 0.00% 6.06% 3,837 6,052 9,889
18 61 720 781 15 141 156 76 861 937 7.81% 9.62% 8.11% 14,906 17,362 32,269
19 164 906 1,070 44 214 258 208 1,120 1,328 15.33% 17.05% 15.66% 26,334 54,391 80,725
20 232 802 1,034 52 193 245 284 995 1,279 22.44% 21.22% 22.20% 58,481 105,720 164,201
21 302 749 1,051 67 136 203 369 885 1,254 28.73% 33.00% 29.43% 127,704 152,566 280,269
22 411 700 1,111 91 129 220 502 829 1,331 36.99% 41.36% 37.72% 189,524 204,772 394,297
23 582 695 1,277 98 93 191 680 788 1,468 45.58% 51.31% 46.32% 266,019 329,536 595,555
24 663 668 1,331 102 71 173 765 739 1,504 49.81% 58.96% 50.86% 421,600 437,735 859,335
25 659 595 1,254 108 74 182 767 669 1,436 52.55% 59.34% 53.41% 564,926 531,143 1,096,069
26 602 472 1,074 101 41 142 703 513 1,216 56.05% 71.13% 57.81% 678,400 645,837 1,324,237
27 624 359 983 64 46 110 688 405 1,093 63.48% 58.18% 62.95% 791,387 654,427 1,445,814
28 498 298 796 86 35 121 584 333 917 62.56% 71.07% 63.69% 843,130 704,365 1,547,494
29 439 225 664 56 31 87 495 256 751 66.11% 64.37% 65.91% 949,019 788,770 1,737,788
30 409 187 596 46 18 64 455 205 660 68.62% 71.88% 68.94% 1,047,494 783,333 1,830,827
31 355 168 523 43 15 58 398 183 581 67.88% 74.14% 68.50% 1,024,017 814,197 1,838,214
32 312 117 429 40 21 61 352 138 490 72.73% 65.57% 71.84% 1,133,330 822,927 1,956,257
33 240 118 358 37 9 46 277 127 404 67.04% 80.43% 68.56% 1,125,837 832,777 1,958,614
34 236 112 348 29 9 38 265 121 386 67.82% 76.32% 68.65% 1,160,422 878,499 2,038,921
35 236 110 346 23 15 38 259 125 384 68.21% 60.53% 67.45% 1,314,785 926,127 2,240,912
36+ 1,452 564 2,016 151 94 245 1,603 658 2,261 72.02% 61.63% 70.90% NA NA NA
TOTAL 8,479 8,589 17,068   1,253 1,392 2,645   9,732 9,981 19,713   49.68% 47.37% 49.37%   11,741,153 9,690,535 21,431,688
b.  Percent
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total
17 7.69% 92.31% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 6.06% 93.94% 100.00% 0.44% 0.69% 0.56%
18 7.81% 92.19% 100.00% 9.62% 90.38% 100.00% 8.11% 91.89% 100.00% 1.40% 1.76% 1.57%
19 15.33% 84.67% 100.00% 17.05% 82.95% 100.00% 15.66% 84.34% 100.00% 2.23% 4.95% 3.54%
20 22.44% 77.56% 100.00% 21.22% 78.78% 100.00% 22.20% 77.80% 100.00% 4.02% 8.07% 5.94%
21 28.73% 71.27% 100.00% 33.00% 67.00% 100.00% 29.43% 70.57% 100.00% 8.07% 11.60% 9.67%
22 36.99% 63.01% 100.00% 41.36% 58.64% 100.00% 37.72% 62.28% 100.00% 11.69% 14.58% 13.03%
23 45.58% 54.42% 100.00% 51.31% 48.69% 100.00% 46.32% 53.68% 100.00% 16.37% 21.65% 18.92%
24 49.81% 50.19% 100.00% 58.96% 41.04% 100.00% 50.86% 49.14% 100.00% 22.98% 27.96% 25.28%
25 52.55% 47.45% 100.00% 59.34% 40.66% 100.00% 53.41% 46.59% 100.00% 28.73% 34.33% 31.20%
26 56.05% 43.95% 100.00% 71.13% 28.87% 100.00% 57.81% 42.19% 100.00% 36.36% 40.75% 38.38%
27 63.48% 36.52% 100.00% 58.18% 41.82% 100.00% 62.95% 37.05% 100.00% 41.96% 42.81% 42.35%
28 62.56% 37.44% 100.00% 71.07% 28.93% 100.00% 63.69% 36.31% 100.00% 46.36% 48.27% 47.21%
29 66.11% 33.89% 100.00% 64.37% 35.63% 100.00% 65.91% 34.09% 100.00% 52.25% 51.56% 51.93%
30 68.62% 31.38% 100.00% 71.88% 28.13% 100.00% 68.94% 31.06% 100.00% 56.18% 51.79% 54.22%
31 67.88% 32.12% 100.00% 74.14% 25.86% 100.00% 68.50% 31.50% 100.00% 59.53% 57.10% 58.43%
32 72.73% 27.27% 100.00% 65.57% 34.43% 100.00% 71.84% 28.16% 100.00% 63.56% 59.96% 61.99%
33 67.04% 32.96% 100.00% 80.43% 19.57% 100.00% 68.56% 31.44% 100.00% 65.17% 61.77% 63.68%
34 67.82% 32.18% 100.00% 76.32% 23.68% 100.00% 68.65% 31.35% 100.00% 65.90% 61.15% 63.77%
35 68.21% 31.79% 100.00% 60.53% 39.47% 100.00% 67.45% 32.55% 100.00% 67.99% 63.07% 65.87%
36+ 72.02% 27.98% 100.00% 61.63% 38.37% 100.00% 70.90% 29.10% 100.00%      NA      NA      NA
TOTAL 49.68% 50.32% 100.00%   47.37% 52.63% 100.00%   49.37% 50.63% 100.00%   37.41% 36.85% 37.16%
  1. Comparison group limited to civilians in the workforce.
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, 17-35 year-olds in the civilian workforce, October 2006-September 2007 average.