Table A-2.  FY 2008 Applicants1 for Active Component Enlistment by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
16-17 209 45,073 45,282 89 13,149 13,238 298 58,222 58,520 0.46% 0.67% 0.51% 13,188 21,923 35,111
18 712 56,481 57,193 309 13,442 13,751 1,021 69,923 70,944 1.24% 2.25% 1.44% 17,118 56,953 74,072
19 1,161 38,587 39,748 549 8,959 9,508 1,710 47,546 49,256 2.92% 5.77% 3.47% 42,589 97,729 140,318
20 1,536 26,561 28,097 680 5,595 6,275 2,216 32,156 34,372 5.47% 10.84% 6.45% 76,543 163,875 240,418
21 1,849 19,366 21,215 653 3,892 4,545 2,502 23,258 25,760 8.72% 14.37% 9.71% 137,456 233,572 371,027
22 1,934 14,733 16,667 785 2,851 3,636 2,719 17,584 20,303 11.60% 21.59% 13.39% 214,092 370,528 584,620
23 2,148 10,903 13,051 674 2,040 2,714 2,822 12,943 15,765 16.46% 24.83% 17.90% 291,465 488,547 780,013
24 2,120 7,853 9,973 662 1,410 2,072 2,782 9,263 12,045 21.26% 31.95% 23.10% 387,118 602,697 989,815
25 1,958 5,775 7,733 551 1,120 1,671 2,509 6,895 9,404 25.32% 32.97% 26.68% 556,247 755,375 1,311,622
26 1,801 4,272 6,073 511 793 1,304 2,312 5,065 7,377 29.66% 39.19% 31.34% 678,772 891,391 1,570,163
27 1,582 3,157 4,739 449 613 1,062 2,031 3,770 5,801 33.38% 42.28% 35.01% 789,286 974,786 1,764,072
28 1,396 2,330 3,726 338 399 737 1,734 2,729 4,463 37.47% 45.86% 38.85% 927,341 1,077,450 2,004,791
29 1,115 1,688 2,803 287 307 594 1,402 1,995 3,397 39.78% 48.32% 41.27% 953,415 1,112,751 2,066,166
30 999 1,312 2,311 236 237 473 1,235 1,549 2,784 43.23% 49.89% 44.36% 1,023,597 1,144,605 2,168,202
31 799 1,045 1,844 211 200 411 1,010 1,245 2,255 43.33% 51.34% 44.79% 1,091,498 1,118,258 2,209,756
32 726 830 1,556 156 163 319 882 993 1,875 46.66% 48.90% 47.04% 1,088,817 1,118,045 2,206,862
33 653 692 1,345 158 117 275 811 809 1,620 48.55% 57.45% 50.06% 1,205,286 1,319,846 2,525,132
34 561 575 1,136 137 131 268 698 706 1,404 49.38% 51.12% 49.72% 1,179,439 1,202,334 2,381,773
35 492 445 937 112 94 206 604 539 1,143 52.51% 54.37% 52.84% 1,255,739 1,295,595 2,551,334
36+ 2,177 1,968 4,145 534 496 1,030 2,711 2,464 5,175 52.52% 51.84% 52.39% NA NA NA
TOTAL 25,928 243,646 269,574   8,081 56,008 64,089   34,009 299,654 333,663   9.62% 12.61% 10.19%   11,929,006 14,046,261 25,975,267
b.  Percent
Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total
16-17 0.46% 99.54% 100.00% 0.67% 99.33% 100.00% 0.51% 99.49% 100.00% 0.58% 0.96% 0.77%
18 1.24% 98.76% 100.00% 2.25% 97.75% 100.00% 1.44% 98.56% 100.00% 0.78% 2.77% 1.74%
19 2.92% 97.08% 100.00% 5.77% 94.23% 100.00% 3.47% 96.53% 100.00% 2.30% 5.29% 3.79%
20 5.47% 94.53% 100.00% 10.84% 89.16% 100.00% 6.45% 93.55% 100.00% 3.71% 8.28% 5.95%
21 8.72% 91.28% 100.00% 14.37% 85.63% 100.00% 9.71% 90.29% 100.00% 6.83% 11.60% 9.22%
22 11.60% 88.40% 100.00% 21.59% 78.41% 100.00% 13.39% 86.61% 100.00% 10.12% 18.05% 14.03%
23 16.46% 83.54% 100.00% 24.83% 75.17% 100.00% 17.90% 82.10% 100.00% 14.02% 23.62% 18.81%
24 21.26% 78.74% 100.00% 31.95% 68.05% 100.00% 23.10% 76.90% 100.00% 19.48% 29.59% 24.60%
25 25.32% 74.68% 100.00% 32.97% 67.03% 100.00% 26.68% 73.32% 100.00% 25.65% 37.73% 31.45%
26 29.66% 70.34% 100.00% 39.19% 60.81% 100.00% 31.34% 68.66% 100.00% 31.99% 42.85% 37.36%
27 33.38% 66.62% 100.00% 42.28% 57.72% 100.00% 35.01% 64.99% 100.00% 37.64% 45.53% 41.63%
28 37.47% 62.53% 100.00% 45.86% 54.14% 100.00% 38.85% 61.15% 100.00% 44.61% 51.23% 47.93%
29 39.78% 60.22% 100.00% 48.32% 51.68% 100.00% 41.27% 58.73% 100.00% 48.49% 55.05% 51.82%
30 43.23% 56.77% 100.00% 49.89% 50.11% 100.00% 44.36% 55.64% 100.00% 51.90% 57.13% 54.54%
31 43.33% 56.67% 100.00% 51.34% 48.66% 100.00% 44.79% 55.21% 100.00% 57.21% 58.23% 57.72%
32 46.66% 53.34% 100.00% 48.90% 51.10% 100.00% 47.04% 52.96% 100.00% 58.67% 60.38% 59.53%
33 48.55% 51.45% 100.00% 57.45% 42.55% 100.00% 50.06% 49.94% 100.00% 62.81% 65.57% 64.22%
34 49.38% 50.62% 100.00% 51.12% 48.88% 100.00% 49.72% 50.28% 100.00% 62.92% 65.74% 64.32%
35 52.51% 47.49% 100.00% 54.37% 45.63% 100.00% 52.84% 47.16% 100.00% 64.73% 64.78% 64.76%
36+ 52.52% 47.48% 100.00% 51.84% 48.16% 100.00% 52.39% 47.61% 100.00% NA NA NA
TOTAL 9.62% 90.38% 100.00%   12.61% 87.39% 100.00%   10.19% 89.81% 100.00%   31.00% 36.67% 33.83%
  1. Refers to non-prior service (NPS) individuals whose first formal application (i.e., taking a screening physical exam or the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery 
      (ASVAB)) was in FY 2008.  Does not include participants in the High School Testing Program unless otherwise tested.
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, noninstitutional, age 17-35, October 2007-September 2008 average.