Table B-2.  FY 2008 Non-Prior Service (NPS) Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Male Female Total DoD   Male Female Total
17 56 5,305 5,361 20 1,261 1,281 76 6,566 6,642 1.04% 1.56% 1.14% 13,188 21,923 35,111
18 652 39,545 40,197 241 7,680 7,921 893 47,225 48,118 1.62% 3.04% 1.86% 17,118 56,953 74,072
19 1,081 29,057 30,138 355 4,954 5,309 1,436 34,011 35,447 3.59% 6.69% 4.05% 42,589 97,729 140,318
20 1,280 18,015 19,295 381 3,076 3,457 1,661 21,091 22,752 6.63% 11.02% 7.30% 76,543 163,875 240,418
21 1,438 12,163 13,601 364 1,894 2,258 1,802 14,057 15,859 10.57% 16.12% 11.36% 137,456 233,572 371,027
22 1,312 8,586 9,898 342 1,395 1,737 1,654 9,981 11,635 13.26% 19.69% 14.22% 214,092 370,528 584,620
23 1,243 5,846 7,089 324 942 1,266 1,567 6,788 8,355 17.53% 25.59% 18.76% 291,465 488,547 780,013
24 1,055 3,960 5,015 289 543 832 1,344 4,503 5,847 21.04% 34.74% 22.99% 387,118 602,697 989,815
25 886 2,642 3,528 213 480 693 1,099 3,122 4,221 25.11% 30.74% 26.04% 556,247 755,375 1,311,622
26 708 1,828 2,536 211 315 526 919 2,143 3,062 27.92% 40.11% 30.01% 678,772 891,391 1,570,163
27 636 1,299 1,935 171 222 393 807 1,521 2,328 32.87% 43.51% 34.66% 789,286 974,786 1,764,072
28 475 954 1,429 143 150 293 618 1,104 1,722 33.24% 48.81% 35.89% 927,341 1,077,450 2,004,791
29 400 582 982 108 111 219 508 693 1,201 40.73% 49.32% 42.30% 953,415 1,112,751 2,066,166
30 293 472 765 78 86 164 371 558 929 38.30% 47.56% 39.94% 1,023,597 1,144,605 2,168,202
31 243 329 572 73 70 143 316 399 715 42.48% 51.05% 44.20% 1,091,498 1,118,258 2,209,756
32 219 287 506 53 58 111 272 345 617 43.28% 47.75% 44.08% 1,088,817 1,118,045 2,206,862
33 196 246 442 52 36 88 248 282 530 44.34% 59.09% 46.79% 1,205,286 1,319,846 2,525,132
34 154 187 341 54 53 107 208 240 448 45.16% 50.47% 46.43% 1,179,439 1,202,334 2,381,773
35 106 125 231 34 31 65 140 156 296 45.89% 52.31% 47.30% 1,255,739 1,295,595 2,551,334
36+ 531 350 881 179 116 295 710 466 1,176 60.27% 60.68% 60.37% NA NA NA
TOTAL 12,964 131,778 144,742   3,685 23,473 27,158   16,649 155,251 171,900   8.96% 13.57% 9.69%   11,929,006 14,046,261 25,975,267
b.  Percent
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Male Female Total
17 1.04% 98.96% 100.00% 1.56% 98.44% 100.00% 1.14% 98.86% 100.00% 0.58% 0.96% 0.77%
18 1.62% 98.38% 100.00% 3.04% 96.96% 100.00% 1.86% 98.14% 100.00% 0.78% 2.77% 1.74%
19 3.59% 96.41% 100.00% 6.69% 93.31% 100.00% 4.05% 95.95% 100.00% 2.30% 5.29% 3.79%
20 6.63% 93.37% 100.00% 11.02% 88.98% 100.00% 7.30% 92.70% 100.00% 3.71% 8.28% 5.95%
21 10.57% 89.43% 100.00% 16.12% 83.88% 100.00% 11.36% 88.64% 100.00% 6.83% 11.60% 9.22%
22 13.26% 86.74% 100.00% 19.69% 80.31% 100.00% 14.22% 85.78% 100.00% 10.12% 18.05% 14.03%
23 17.53% 82.47% 100.00% 25.59% 74.41% 100.00% 18.76% 81.24% 100.00% 14.02% 23.62% 18.81%
24 21.04% 78.96% 100.00% 34.74% 65.26% 100.00% 22.99% 77.01% 100.00% 19.48% 29.59% 24.60%
25 25.11% 74.89% 100.00% 30.74% 69.26% 100.00% 26.04% 73.96% 100.00% 25.65% 37.73% 31.45%
26 27.92% 72.08% 100.00% 40.11% 59.89% 100.00% 30.01% 69.99% 100.00% 31.99% 42.85% 37.36%
27 32.87% 67.13% 100.00% 43.51% 56.49% 100.00% 34.66% 65.34% 100.00% 37.64% 45.53% 41.63%
28 33.24% 66.76% 100.00% 48.81% 51.19% 100.00% 35.89% 64.11% 100.00% 44.61% 51.23% 47.93%
29 40.73% 59.27% 100.00% 49.32% 50.68% 100.00% 42.30% 57.70% 100.00% 48.49% 55.05% 51.82%
30 38.30% 61.70% 100.00% 47.56% 52.44% 100.00% 39.94% 60.06% 100.00% 51.90% 57.13% 54.54%
31 42.48% 57.52% 100.00% 51.05% 48.95% 100.00% 44.20% 55.80% 100.00% 57.21% 58.23% 57.72%
32 43.28% 56.72% 100.00% 47.75% 52.25% 100.00% 44.08% 55.92% 100.00% 58.67% 60.38% 59.53%
33 44.34% 55.66% 100.00% 59.09% 40.91% 100.00% 46.79% 53.21% 100.00% 62.81% 65.57% 64.22%
34 45.16% 54.84% 100.00% 50.47% 49.53% 100.00% 46.43% 53.57% 100.00% 62.92% 65.74% 64.32%
35 45.89% 54.11% 100.00% 52.31% 47.69% 100.00% 47.30% 52.70% 100.00% 64.73% 64.78% 64.76%
36+ 60.27% 39.73% 100.00% 60.68% 39.32% 100.00% 60.37% 39.63% 100.00%      NA      NA      NA
TOTAL 8.96% 91.04% 100.00%   13.57% 86.43% 100.00%   9.69% 90.31% 100.00%   31.00% 36.67% 33.83%
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.  DoD FY08 NPS accessions does not include 111 males and 33 females whose age and/or marital status was unknown.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, 17-35 year-old noninstitutional civilians, October 2007-September 2008 average.