Table B-13.  FY 2008 Prior Service (PS) Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
17 1 3 4 0 1 1 1 4 5 25.00% 0.00% 20.00% 6,863 5,777 12,640
18 6 56 62 2 20 22 8 76 84 9.68% 9.09% 9.52% 13,247 24,729 37,976
19 42 182 224 13 62 75 55 244 299 18.75% 17.33% 18.39% 37,007 45,516 82,523
20 79 222 301 42 50 92 121 272 393 26.25% 45.65% 30.79% 73,007 93,275 166,281
21 125 238 363 40 47 87 165 285 450 34.44% 45.98% 36.67% 118,669 126,926 245,595
22 242 341 583 55 51 106 297 392 689 41.51% 51.89% 43.11% 192,837 223,879 416,716
23 449 423 872 78 53 131 527 476 1,003 51.49% 59.54% 52.54% 267,744 311,508 579,253
24 491 474 965 109 39 148 600 513 1,113 50.88% 73.65% 53.91% 360,502 400,361 760,863
25 512 423 935 88 42 130 600 465 1,065 54.76% 67.69% 56.34% 516,193 497,721 1,013,914
26 525 382 907 83 47 130 608 429 1,037 57.88% 63.85% 58.63% 628,342 598,126 1,226,468
27 459 321 780 66 38 104 525 359 884 58.85% 63.46% 59.39% 743,250 670,635 1,413,885
28 430 281 711 56 26 82 486 307 793 60.48% 68.29% 61.29% 888,133 759,726 1,647,859
29 391 223 614 51 19 70 442 242 684 63.68% 72.86% 64.62% 905,462 777,380 1,682,842
30 299 166 465 50 10 60 349 176 525 64.30% 83.33% 66.48% 976,367 814,336 1,790,703
31 295 142 437 48 11 59 343 153 496 67.51% 81.36% 69.15% 1,047,912 782,984 1,830,896
32 239 100 339 25 12 37 264 112 376 70.50% 67.57% 70.21% 1,047,162 778,865 1,826,028
33 209 92 301 32 10 42 241 102 343 69.44% 76.19% 70.26% 1,139,582 932,467 2,072,049
34 200 79 279 24 9 33 224 88 312 71.68% 72.73% 71.79% 1,128,903 839,381 1,968,284
35 178 78 256 13 11 24 191 89 280 69.53% 54.17% 68.21% 1,199,403 913,715 2,113,118
36+ 1,151 499 1,650 159 78 237 1,310 577 1,887 69.76% 67.09% 69.42% NA NA NA
TOTAL 6,323 4,725 11,048   1,034 636 1,670   7,357 5,361 12,718   57.23% 61.92% 57.85%   11,290,585 9,597,307 20,887,891
b.  Percent
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total
17 25.00% 75.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 20.00% 80.00% 100.00% 0.89% 0.67% 0.78%
18 9.68% 90.32% 100.00% 9.09% 90.91% 100.00% 9.52% 90.48% 100.00% 1.18% 2.40% 1.76%
19 18.75% 81.25% 100.00% 17.33% 82.67% 100.00% 18.39% 81.61% 100.00% 3.19% 4.21% 3.68%
20 26.25% 73.75% 100.00% 45.65% 54.35% 100.00% 30.79% 69.21% 100.00% 4.99% 7.21% 6.03%
21 34.44% 65.56% 100.00% 45.98% 54.02% 100.00% 36.67% 63.33% 100.00% 8.05% 9.49% 8.74%
22 41.51% 58.49% 100.00% 51.89% 48.11% 100.00% 43.11% 56.89% 100.00% 11.61% 15.31% 13.35%
23 51.49% 48.51% 100.00% 59.54% 40.46% 100.00% 52.54% 47.46% 100.00% 15.21% 20.23% 17.55%
24 50.88% 49.12% 100.00% 73.65% 26.35% 100.00% 53.91% 46.09% 100.00% 21.12% 26.35% 23.58%
25 54.76% 45.24% 100.00% 67.69% 32.31% 100.00% 56.34% 43.66% 100.00% 26.98% 33.24% 29.73%
26 57.88% 42.12% 100.00% 63.85% 36.15% 100.00% 58.63% 41.37% 100.00% 33.27% 37.71% 35.30%
27 58.85% 41.15% 100.00% 63.46% 36.54% 100.00% 59.39% 40.61% 100.00% 39.41% 40.91% 40.11%
28 60.48% 39.52% 100.00% 68.29% 31.71% 100.00% 61.29% 38.71% 100.00% 46.56% 47.15% 46.83%
29 63.68% 36.32% 100.00% 72.86% 27.14% 100.00% 64.62% 35.38% 100.00% 49.61% 50.96% 50.22%
30 64.30% 35.70% 100.00% 83.33% 16.67% 100.00% 66.48% 33.52% 100.00% 53.56% 53.98% 53.75%
31 67.51% 32.49% 100.00% 81.36% 18.64% 100.00% 69.15% 30.85% 100.00% 59.37% 54.70% 57.28%
32 70.50% 29.50% 100.00% 67.57% 32.43% 100.00% 70.21% 29.79% 100.00% 60.91% 56.76% 59.07%
33 69.44% 30.56% 100.00% 76.19% 23.81% 100.00% 70.26% 29.74% 100.00% 64.71% 62.64% 63.76%
34 71.68% 28.32% 100.00% 72.73% 27.27% 100.00% 71.79% 28.21% 100.00% 64.67% 62.26% 63.62%
35 69.53% 30.47% 100.00% 54.17% 45.83% 100.00% 68.21% 31.79% 100.00% 66.83% 61.22% 64.28%
36+ 69.76% 30.24% 100.00% 67.09% 32.91% 100.00% 69.42% 30.58% 100.00%      NA      NA      NA
TOTAL 57.23% 42.77% 100.00%   61.92% 38.08% 100.00%   57.85% 42.15% 100.00%   36.25% 36.04% 36.15%
  1. Comparison group limited to civilians in the workforce.
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, 17-35 year-olds in the civilian workforce, October 2007-September 2008 average.