Table C-2.  FY 2008 Non-Prior Service (NPS) Selected Reserve Enlisted Gains by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
17 16 12,054 12,070 16 4,189 4,205 32 16,243 16,275 0.13% 0.38% 0.20% 13,188 21,923 35,111
18 82 12,793 12,875 56 3,689 3,745 138 16,482 16,620 0.64% 1.50% 0.83% 17,118 56,953 74,072
19 190 9,153 9,343 78 2,404 2,482 268 11,557 11,825 2.03% 3.14% 2.27% 42,589 97,729 140,318
20 313 6,256 6,569 134 1,638 1,772 447 7,894 8,341 4.76% 7.56% 5.36% 76,543 163,875 240,418
21 323 4,370 4,693 154 1,078 1,232 477 5,448 5,925 6.88% 12.50% 8.05% 137,456 233,572 371,027
22 408 3,060 3,468 157 764 921 565 3,824 4,389 11.76% 17.05% 12.87% 214,092 370,528 584,620
23 445 2,223 2,668 163 590 753 608 2,813 3,421 16.68% 21.65% 17.77% 291,465 488,547 780,013
24 434 1,529 1,963 137 460 597 571 1,989 2,560 22.11% 22.95% 22.30% 387,118 602,697 989,815
25 384 1,113 1,497 122 333 455 506 1,446 1,952 25.65% 26.81% 25.92% 556,247 755,375 1,311,622
26 388 788 1,176 101 242 343 489 1,030 1,519 32.99% 29.45% 32.19% 678,772 891,391 1,570,163
27 351 657 1,008 86 214 300 437 871 1,308 34.82% 28.67% 33.41% 789,286 974,786 1,764,072
28 330 537 867 97 158 255 427 695 1,122 38.06% 38.04% 38.06% 927,341 1,077,450 2,004,791
29 302 367 669 74 123 197 376 490 866 45.14% 37.56% 43.42% 953,415 1,112,751 2,066,166
30 261 314 575 69 103 172 330 417 747 45.39% 40.12% 44.18% 1,023,597 1,144,605 2,168,202
31 245 244 489 55 75 130 300 319 619 50.10% 42.31% 48.47% 1,091,498 1,118,258 2,209,756
32 221 188 409 49 78 127 270 266 536 54.03% 38.58% 50.37% 1,088,817 1,118,045 2,206,862
33 188 166 354 59 75 134 247 241 488 53.11% 44.03% 50.61% 1,205,286 1,319,846 2,525,132
34 196 165 361 52 66 118 248 231 479 54.29% 44.07% 51.77% 1,179,439 1,202,334 2,381,773
35 165 117 282 37 63 100 202 180 382 58.51% 37.00% 52.88% 1,255,739 1,295,595 2,551,334
36+ 716 454 1,170 215 217 432 931 671 1,602 61.20% 49.77% 58.11% NA NA NA
Unknown 1 4 5 0 0 0 1 4 5 20.00% NA 20.00% 0 0 0
TOTAL 5,959 56,552 62,511 1,911 16,559 18,470 7,870 73,111 80,981 9.53% 10.35% 9.72% 11,929,006 14,046,261 25,975,267
b.  Percent
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total
17 0.13% 99.87% 100.00% 0.38% 99.62% 100.00% 0.20% 99.80% 100.00% 0.58% 0.96% 0.77%
18 0.64% 99.36% 100.00% 1.50% 98.50% 100.00% 0.83% 99.17% 100.00% 0.78% 2.77% 1.74%
19 2.03% 97.97% 100.00% 3.14% 96.86% 100.00% 2.27% 97.73% 100.00% 2.30% 5.29% 3.79%
20 4.76% 95.24% 100.00% 7.56% 92.44% 100.00% 5.36% 94.64% 100.00% 3.71% 8.28% 5.95%
21 6.88% 93.12% 100.00% 12.50% 87.50% 100.00% 8.05% 91.95% 100.00% 6.83% 11.60% 9.22%
22 11.76% 88.24% 100.00% 17.05% 82.95% 100.00% 12.87% 87.13% 100.00% 10.12% 18.05% 14.03%
23 16.68% 83.32% 100.00% 21.65% 78.35% 100.00% 17.77% 82.23% 100.00% 14.02% 23.62% 18.81%
24 22.11% 77.89% 100.00% 22.95% 77.05% 100.00% 22.30% 77.70% 100.00% 19.48% 29.59% 24.60%
25 25.65% 74.35% 100.00% 26.81% 73.19% 100.00% 25.92% 74.08% 100.00% 25.65% 37.73% 31.45%
26 32.99% 67.01% 100.00% 29.45% 70.55% 100.00% 32.19% 67.81% 100.00% 31.99% 42.85% 37.36%
27 34.82% 65.18% 100.00% 28.67% 71.33% 100.00% 33.41% 66.59% 100.00% 37.64% 45.53% 41.63%
28 38.06% 61.94% 100.00% 38.04% 61.96% 100.00% 38.06% 61.94% 100.00% 44.61% 51.23% 47.93%
29 45.14% 54.86% 100.00% 37.56% 62.44% 100.00% 43.42% 56.58% 100.00% 48.49% 55.05% 51.82%
30 45.39% 54.61% 100.00% 40.12% 59.88% 100.00% 44.18% 55.82% 100.00% 51.90% 57.13% 54.54%
31 50.10% 49.90% 100.00% 42.31% 57.69% 100.00% 48.47% 51.53% 100.00% 57.21% 58.23% 57.72%
32 54.03% 45.97% 100.00% 38.58% 61.42% 100.00% 50.37% 49.63% 100.00% 58.67% 60.38% 59.53%
33 53.11% 46.89% 100.00% 44.03% 55.97% 100.00% 50.61% 49.39% 100.00% 62.81% 65.57% 64.22%
34 54.29% 45.71% 100.00% 44.07% 55.93% 100.00% 51.77% 48.23% 100.00% 62.92% 65.74% 64.32%
35 58.51% 41.49% 100.00% 37.00% 63.00% 100.00% 52.88% 47.12% 100.00% 64.73% 64.78% 64.76%
36+ 61.20% 38.80% 100.00% 49.77% 50.23% 100.00% 58.11% 41.89% 100.00% NA NA NA
Unknown 20.00% 80.00% 100.00% NA NA NA 20.00% 80.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
TOTAL 9.53% 90.47% 100.00% 10.35% 89.65% 100.00% 9.72% 90.28% 100.00% 31.00% 36.67% 33.83%
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, October 2007-September 2008 average.