Table B-26.  Active Component Commissioned Officer Gains and Corps, FY15: by Service and Education

EDUCATION            #          %         #        %          #          %        #           %           #            %
Officer Gains    
Males and Females
Less than 4-year college graduate 523 9.3 19 0.5 613 38.7 251 5.8 1,406 9.0
4-year college graduate 4,297 76.0 59 1.47 944 59.60 1,462 33.9 6,762 43.5
Greater than 4-year college graduate 766 13.6 22 0.5 11 0.7 359 8.3 1,158 7.4
Unknown 65 1.2 3,907 97.50 16 1.0 2,246 52.0 6,234 40.1
TOTAL 5,651 100   4,007 100   1,584 100   4,318 100   15,560 100
Less than 4-year college graduate 425 7.5 18 0.4 530 33.5 175 4.1 1,148 7.4
4-year college graduate 3,413 60.4 44 1.10 884 55.81 1,100 25.5 5,441 35.0
Greater than 4-year college graduate 546 9.66 16 0.4 11 0.69 244 5.7 817 5.3
Unknown 46 0.8 3,007 75.04 13 0.8 1,648 38.2 4,714 30.3
TOTAL 4,430 78.4   3,085 77.0   1,438 90.8   3,167 73.3   12,120 77.9
Less than 4-year college graduate 98 1.7 1 0.02 83 5.2 76 1.8 258 1.7
4-year college graduate 884 15.6 15 0.37 60 4 362 8.4 1,321 8.5
Greater than 4-year college graduate 220 3.89 6 0.1 0 0.00 115 2.7 341 2.2
Unknown 19 0.3 900 22.46 3 0.2 598 13.8 1,520 9.8
TOTAL 1,221 21.6   922 23.0   146 9.2   1,151 26.7   3,440 22.1
EDUCATION            #          %         #        %          #          %        #           %           #            %
Officer Corps
Males and Females
Less than 4-year college graduate 1,232 1.5 590 1.1 1,366 7.4 259 0.4 3,447 1.6
4-year college graduate 43,568 54.5 13,511 25.7 13,405 72.2 22,226 36.4 92,710 43.7
Greater than 4-year college graduate 34,928 43.73 19,352 36.8 3,415 18.4 36,806 60.3 94,501 44.6
Unknown 150 0.2 19,104 36.3 393 2.1 1,713 2.81 21,360 10.1
TOTAL 79,878 100   52,557 100   18,579 100   61,004 100   212,018 100
Less than 4-year college graduate 1,051 1.3 519 1.0 1,195 6.4 167 0.3 2,932 1.4
4-year college graduate 35,920 45.0 11,076 21.1 12,530 67.4 17,570 28.8 77,096 36.4
Greater than 4-year college graduate 28,252 35.37 16,412 31.2 3,181 17.1 29,739 48.7 77,584 36.6
Unknown 91 0.1 15,242 29.00 337 1.8 1,161 1.90 16,831 7.9
TOTAL 65,314 81.8   43,249 82.3   17,243 92.8   48,637 79.7   174,443 82.3
Less than 4-year college graduate 181 0.2 71 0.1 171 0.9 92 0.2 515 0.2
4-year college graduate 7,648 9.6 2,435 4.6 875 4.7 4,656 7.6 15,614 7.4
Greater than 4-year college graduate 6,676 8.36 2,940 5.6 234 1.26 7,067 11.58 16,917 8.0
Unknown 59 0.07 3,862 7.35 56 0.30 552 0.90 4,529 2.14
TOTAL 14,564 18.2   9,308 17.7   1,336 7.2   12,367 20.3   37,575 17.7
  Note:  Officer gains reflect an addition to the officer ranks. This addition can reflect a new accession, a movement from another component, or the return of 
      the officer to the same component.  The OSD definition of an officer gain is a transaction in a database that reflects the addition of an SSN that was not in 
      the previous file.
  The data from the Services used to populate the "Gains" portion of this table appear to be inaccurate and are not reliable.  Efforts are underway to improve the quality and accuracy of the data 
      in the future.  The data referencing the education level of the Officer Corps appear to be accurate and are to be considered a reliable data source for this topic.
   Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.