Table C-9.  Prior Service (PS) Selected Reserve Enlisted Gains, FY17: by Gender, Marital Status, and Age with Civilian Comparison Group

AGE Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total
17 4 269 273 0 135 135 4 404 408 6,007 634,229 640,236 7,531 698,712 706,242
18 11 936 947 2 382 384 13 1,318 1,331 12,511 905,511 918,022 12,640 830,348 842,988
19 13 914 927 3 269 272 16 1,183 1,199 18,553 1,026,378 1,044,930 32,885 947,459 980,344
20 26 761 787 21 217 238 47 978 1,025 42,917 1,290,558 1,333,475 59,317 1,149,703 1,209,020
21 125 884 1,009 54 234 288 179 1,118 1,297 78,454 1,405,985 1,484,439 110,002 1,238,646 1,348,648
22 385 1,457 1,842 144 313 457 529 1,770 2,299 115,313 1,463,643 1,578,956 152,969 1,341,230 1,494,199
23 601 1,715 2,316 161 365 526 762 2,080 2,842 175,107 1,525,254 1,700,360 215,469 1,397,522 1,612,992
24 940 1,785 2,725 196 400 596 1,136 2,185 3,321 298,723 1,554,009 1,852,732 306,685 1,378,907 1,685,592
25 1,070 1,785 2,855 258 406 664 1,328 2,191 3,519 384,467 1,524,367 1,908,834 369,621 1,247,428 1,617,049
26 1,193 1,587 2,780 248 381 629 1,441 1,968 3,409 488,972 1,513,223 2,002,195 494,791 1,283,487 1,778,278
27 1,164 1,300 2,464 234 310 544 1,398 1,610 3,008 575,364 1,375,180 1,950,543 590,527 1,173,300 1,763,828
28 1,150 1,046 2,196 198 267 465 1,348 1,313 2,661 708,248 1,252,972 1,961,219 698,285 1,065,939 1,764,223
29 999 863 1,862 182 200 382 1,181 1,063 2,244 820,011 1,152,004 1,972,015 747,818 977,050 1,724,868
30 957 639 1,596 179 161 340 1,136 800 1,936 881,780 1,029,344 1,911,123 756,654 848,846 1,605,500
31 894 524 1,418 138 172 310 1,032 696 1,728 950,814 1,006,947 1,957,761 784,577 783,708 1,568,285
32 834 431 1,265 139 112 251 973 543 1,516 1,022,183 895,077 1,917,260 830,614 791,747 1,622,362
33 762 447 1,209 132 129 261 894 576 1,470 1,055,371 744,625 1,799,997 877,260 706,783 1,584,043
34 618 313 931 122 105 227 740 418 1,158 1,163,711 759,460 1,923,171 950,656 683,704 1,634,360
35 533 271 804 91 72 163 624 343 967 1,166,827 738,067 1,904,894 920,465 663,689 1,584,154
36 447 214 661 76 48 124 523 262 785 1,256,830 675,101 1,931,931 933,072 682,033 1,615,105
37 416 171 587 63 49 112 479 220 699 1,242,027 647,252 1,889,279 969,139 623,029 1,592,168
38 347 129 476 43 45 88 390 174 564 1,195,254 581,476 1,776,730 910,618 618,716 1,529,335
39 287 122 409 40 33 73 327 155 482 1,149,448 555,954 1,705,401 961,499 538,331 1,499,830
40 191 81 272 26 25 51 217 106 323 1,195,063 526,384 1,721,448 960,009 585,967 1,545,976
41 167 71 238 28 17 45 195 88 283 1,216,292 491,853 1,708,145 947,708 566,114 1,513,821
42 162 74 236 26 17 43 188 91 279 1,177,120 527,825 1,704,945 971,000 528,586 1,499,586
43 138 49 187 14 14 28 152 63 215 1,205,148 467,082 1,672,230 904,737 529,904 1,434,641
44 132 35 167 19 9 28 151 44 195 1,231,367 479,955 1,711,321 912,600 536,416 1,449,016
45+ 671 285 956 78 103 181 749 388 1,137 14,077,559 5,404,643 19,482,202 11,340,272 6,231,870 17,572,142
Unknown 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
TOTAL 15,237 19,159 34,396   2,915 4,990 7,905   18,152 24,149 42,301   34,911,441 32,154,355 67,065,796 0 28,729,419 30,649,174 59,378,593
Percent by Age              
AGE Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total
17 0.03 1.40 0.79 0 2.71 1.71 0.02 1.67 0.96 0.02 1.97 0.95 0.03 2.28 1.19
18 0.07 4.89 2.75 0.07 7.66 4.86 0.07 5.46 3.15 0.04 2.82 1.37 0.04 2.71 1.42
19 0.09 4.77 2.70 0.10 5.39 3.44 0.09 4.90 2.83 0.05 3.19 1.56 0.11 3.09 1.65
20 0.17 3.97 2.29 0.72 4.35 3.01 0.26 4.05 2.42 0.12 4.01 1.99 0.21 3.75 2.04
21 0.82 4.61 2.93 1.85 4.69 3.64 0.99 4.63 3.07 0.22 4.37 2.21 0.38 4.04 2.27
22 2.53 7.60 5.36 4.94 6.27 5.78 2.91 7.33 5.43 0.33 4.55 2.35 0.53 4.38 2.52
23 3.94 8.95 6.73 5.52 7.31 6.65 4.20 8.61 6.72 0.50 4.74 2.54 0.75 4.56 2.72
24 6.17 9.32 7.92 6.72 8.02 7.54 6.26 9.05 7.85 0.86 4.83 2.76 1.07 4.50 2.84
25 7.02 9.32 8.30 8.85 8.14 8.40 7.32 9.07 8.32 1.10 4.74 2.85 1.29 4.07 2.72
26 7.83 8.28 8.08 8.51 7.64 7.96 7.94 8.15 8.06 1.40 4.71 2.99 1.72 4.19 2.99
27 7.64 6.79 7.16 8.03 6.21 6.88 7.70 6.67 7.11 1.65 4.28 2.91 2.06 3.83 2.97
28 7.55 5.46 6.38 6.79 5.35 5.88 7.43 5.44 6.29 2.03 3.90 2.92 2.43 3.48 2.97
29 6.56 4.50 5.41 6.24 4.01 4.83 6.51 4.40 5.30 2.35 3.58 2.94 2.60 3.19 2.90
30 6.28 3.34 4.64 6.14 3.23 4.30 6.26 3.31 4.58 2.53 3.20 2.85 2.63 2.77 2.70
31 5.87 2.74 4.12 4.73 3.45 3.92 5.69 2.88 4.09 2.72 3.13 2.92 2.73 2.56 2.64
32 5.47 2.25 3.68 4.77 2.24 3.18 5.36 2.25 3.58 2.93 2.78 2.86 2.89 2.58 2.73
33 5.00 2.33 3.51 4.53 2.59 3.30 4.93 2.39 3.48 3.02 2.32 2.68 3.05 2.31 2.67
34 4.06 1.63 2.71 4.19 2.10 2.87 4.08 1.73 2.74 3.33 2.36 2.87 3.31 2.23 2.75
35 3.50 1.41 2.34 3.12 1.44 2.06 3.44 1.42 2.29 3.34 2.30 2.84 3.20 2.17 2.67
36 2.93 1.12 1.92 2.61 0.96 1.57 2.88 1.08 1.86 3.60 2.10 2.88 3.25 2.23 2.72
37 2.73 0.89 1.71 2.16 0.98 1.42 2.64 0.91 1.65 3.56 2.01 2.82 3.37 2.03 2.68
38 2.28 0.67 1.38 1.48 0.90 1.11 2.15 0.72 1.33 3.42 1.81 2.65 3.17 2.02 2.58
39 1.88 0.64 1.19 1.37 0.66 0.92 1.80 0.64 1.14 3.29 1.73 2.54 3.35 1.76 2.53
40 1.25 0.42 0.79 0.89 0.50 0.65 1.20 0.44 0.76 3.42 1.64 2.57 3.34 1.91 2.60
41 1.10 0.37 0.69 0.96 0.34 0.57 1.07 0.36 0.67 3.48 1.53 2.55 3.30 1.85 2.55
42 1.06 0.39 0.69 0.89 0.34 0.54 1.04 0.38 0.66 3.37 1.64 2.54 3.38 1.72 2.53
43 0.91 0.26 0.54 0.48 0.28 0.35 0.84 0.26 0.51 3.45 1.45 2.49 3.15 1.73 2.42
44 0.87 0.18 0.49 0.65 0.18 0.35 0.83 0.18 0.46 3.53 1.49 2.55 3.18 1.75 2.44
45+ 4.40 1.49 2.78 2.68 2.06 2.29 4.13 1.61 2.69 40.32 16.81 29.05 39.47 20.33 29.59
Unknown 0 0.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100   100 100 100   100 100 100
Percent by Marital Status
AGE Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total Married Single Total
17 1.47 98.53 100 0 100 100 0.98 99.02 100 0.94 99.06 100 1.07 98.93 100
18 1.16 98.84 100 0.52 99.48 100 0.98 99.02 100 1.36 98.64 100 1.50 98.50 100
19 1.40 98.60 100 1.10 98.90 100 1.33 98.67 100 1.78 98.22 100 3.35 96.65 100
20 3.30 96.70 100 8.82 91.18 100 4.59 95.41 100 3.22 96.78 100 4.91 95.09 100
21 12.39 87.61 100 18.75 81.25 100 13.80 86.20 100 5.29 94.71 100 8.16 91.84 100
22 20.90 79.10 100 31.51 68.49 100 23.01 76.99 100 7.30 92.70 100 10.24 89.76 100
23 25.95 74.05 100 30.61 69.39 100 26.81 73.19 100 10.30 89.70 100 13.36 86.64 100
24 34.50 65.50 100 32.89 67.11 100 34.21 65.79 100 16.12 83.88 100 18.19 81.81 100
25 37.48 62.52 100 38.86 61.14 100 37.74 62.26 100 20.14 79.86 100 22.86 77.14 100
26 42.91 57.09 100 39.43 60.57 100 42.27 57.73 100 24.42 75.58 100 27.82 72.18 100
27 47.24 52.76 100 43.01 56.99 100 46.48 53.52 100 29.50 70.50 100 33.48 66.52 100
28 52.37 47.63 100 42.58 57.42 100 50.66 49.34 100 36.11 63.89 100 39.58 60.42 100
29 53.65 46.35 100 47.64 52.36 100 52.63 47.37 100 41.58 58.42 100 43.36 56.64 100
30 59.96 40.04 100 52.65 47.35 100 58.68 41.32 100 46.14 53.86 100 47.13 52.87 100
31 63.05 36.95 100 44.52 55.48 100 59.72 40.28 100 48.57 51.43 100 50.03 49.97 100
32 65.93 34.07 100 55.38 44.62 100 64.18 35.82 100 53.31 46.69 100 51.20 48.80 100
33 63.03 36.97 100 50.57 49.43 100 60.82 39.18 100 58.63 41.37 100 55.38 44.62 100
34 66.38 33.62 100 53.74 46.26 100 63.90 36.10 100 60.51 39.49 100 58.17 41.83 100
35 66.29 33.71 100 55.83 44.17 100 64.53 35.47 100 61.25 38.75 100 58.10 41.90 100
36 67.62 32.38 100 61.29 38.71 100 66.62 33.38 100 65.06 34.94 100 57.77 42.23 100
37 70.87 29.13 100 56.25 43.75 100 68.53 31.47 100 65.74 34.26 100 60.87 39.13 100
38 72.90 27.10 100 48.86 51.14 100 69.15 30.85 100 67.27 32.73 100 59.54 40.46 100
39 70.17 29.83 100 54.79 45.21 100 67.84 32.16 100 67.40 32.60 100 64.11 35.89 100
40 70.22 29.78 100 50.98 49.02 100 67.18 32.82 100 69.42 30.58 100 62.10 37.90 100
41 70.17 29.83 100 62.22 37.78 100 68.90 31.10 100 71.21 28.79 100 62.60 37.40 100
42 68.64 31.36 100 60.47 39.53 100 67.38 32.62 100 69.04 30.96 100 64.75 35.25 100
43 73.80 26.20 100 50.00 50.00 100 70.70 29.30 100 72.07 27.93 100 63.06 36.94 100
44 79.04 20.96 100 67.86 32.14 100 77.44 22.56 100 71.95 28.05 100 62.98 37.02 100
45+ 70.19 29.81 100 43.09 56.91 100 65.88 34.12 100 72.26 27.74 100 64.54 35.46 100
Unknown 0 100 100 ---- ---- ---- 0 100 100
TOTAL 44.30 55.70 100 36.88 63.12 100 42.91 57.09 100   52.06 47.94 100   48.38 51.62 100
Note: Enlisted gains reflect an addition to the enlisted ranks between 1 October 2016 and 30 September 2017. This addition can reflect a new accession, a movement from another component, or the return of the officer to the same component.  The OSD definition of a gain is a transaction in a database that reflects the addition of an SSN that was not in the previous file.
Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, October 2016-September 2017, average.  Military data are provided by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).