Table B-15.  Active Component Enlisted Members, FY18: by Service, Gender, and Age Group with Civilian Comparison Group

AGE Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total Males Females Total
17-19 33,243 7,066 40,309 15,324 5,639 20,963 24,874 2,848 27,722 13,120 4,361 17,481 86,561 19,914 106,475 2,526,638 2,513,016 5,039,654
20-24 115,626 19,797 135,423 69,056 20,959 90,015 77,872 7,614 85,486 66,502 17,494 83,996 329,056 65,864 394,920 7,658,688 7,287,496 14,946,183
25-29 74,603 12,573 87,176 54,637 13,851 68,488 23,377 2,361 25,738 52,502 12,683 65,185 205,119 41,468 246,587 10,031,045 8,833,372 18,864,417
30-34 45,907 7,195 53,102 37,723 7,110 44,833 11,861 881 12,742 36,609 8,148 44,757 132,100 23,334 155,434 9,796,938 8,338,624 18,135,562
35-39 32,943 4,733 37,676 25,612 4,209 29,821 7,560 464 8,024 26,163 6,413 32,576 92,278 15,819 108,097 9,471,379 8,058,936 17,530,315
40-44 14,802 1,953 16,755 10,725 1,357 12,082 3,033 128 3,161 9,915 2,173 12,088 38,475 5,611 44,086 8,545,350 7,614,717 16,160,067
45-49 6,168 937 7,105 3,224 380 3,604 1,045 41 1,086 2,188 459 2,647 12,625 1,817 14,442 8,892,101 8,098,550 16,990,651
50-55 1,797 332 2,129 732 117 849 118 6 124 198 49 247 2,845 504 3,349 10,344,770 9,540,575 19,885,345
Unknown 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 4 0 0 0
TOTAL 325,089 54,586 379,675   217,036 53,622 270,658   149,740 14,343 164,083   207,198 51,780 258,978   899,063 174,331 1,073,394   67,266,909 60,285,285 127,552,194
17-19 10.23 12.94 10.62 7.06 10.52 7.75 16.61 19.86 16.90 6.33 8.42 6.75 9.63 11.42 9.92 3.76 4.17 3.95
20-24 35.57 36.27 35.67 31.82 39.09 33.26 52.00 53.09 52.10 32.10 33.79 32.43 36.60 37.78 36.79 11.39 12.09 11.72
25-29 22.95 23.03 22.96 25.17 25.83 25.30 15.61 16.46 15.69 25.34 24.49 25.17 22.81 23.79 22.97 14.91 14.65 14.79
30-34 14.12 13.18 13.99 17.38 13.26 16.56 7.92 6.14 7.77 17.67 15.74 17.28 14.69 13.38 14.48 14.56 13.83 14.22
35-39 10.13 8.67 9.92 11.80 7.85 11.02 5.05 3.24 4.89 12.63 12.39 12.58 10.26 9.07 10.07 14.08 13.37 13.74
40-44 4.55 3.58 4.41 4.94 2.53 4.46 2.03 0.89 1.93 4.79 4.20 4.67 4.28 3.22 4.11 12.70 12.63 12.67
45-49 1.90 1.72 1.87 1.49 0.71 1.33 0.70 0.29 0.66 1.06 0.89 1.02 1.40 1.04 1.35 13.22 13.43 13.32
50-55 0.55 0.61 0.56 0.34 0.22 0.31 0.08 0.04 0.08 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.32 0.29 0.31 15.38 15.83 15.59
Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 100 100 100   100 100 100   100 100 100   100 100 100   100 100 100   100 100 100
Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, 17-55 year-olds in the civilian labor force, September 2018.  Military data are provided by the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC).  The military data in this table reflect enlisted members as of 30 September 2018.