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Your search for Zoë Thorkildsen found 15 results.

Zoë Thorkildsen
Zoë Thorkildsen is a CNA expert in program evaluation and assessments, organizational transformation, and applied research in the justice sector.
Thorkildsen-Zoe Zoë Thorkildsen is a CNA expert in program evaluation and assessments, organizational transformation, and applied research in the justice sector. /images/Experts/Thorkildsen-Zoe.webp Zoë Thorkildsen is an expert in program evaluation and assessments, organizational transformation through training and technical assistance, and applied research using mixed methods approaches ... policy and public administration at the Trachtenberg School of George Washington University. Zoë Thorkildsen Director of Development Initiatives Featured Squares white Explore more
justice talks: Racial equity in traffic stops: Instituting reform by changing data collection and policing practices
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed the impact of COVID-19 on corrections officers and incarcerated populations, specifically in a jail setting, and out-of-the-box ways they’re working to keep these populations safe during the pandemic. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with CNA's Zoë Thorkildsen, and Chief Harold Medlock (ret.) about CNA's work conducting traffic stop analyses, and the steps officers and executives can take to implement equitable practices in their agencies.
3 In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed the impact of COVID-19 on corrections officers and incarcerated populations, specifically in a jail setting, and out-of-the-box ways they’re working to keep these populations safe during the pandemic. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with CNA's Zoë Thorkildsen, and Chief Harold Medlock (ret.) about CNA's work ... , crime prevention, corrections, juvenile justice and restorative justice. Zoë Thorkildsen   provides expertise in the areas of criminal justice and policing, program evaluation and research design
The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform
The nation’s interest in police reform has never been greater. For effective and lasting police reform to emerge from this wave of national attention, all stakeholders need to commit to these four pillars.
The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform The nation’s interest in police reform has never been greater. For effective and lasting police reform to emerge from this wave of national attention, all stakeholders need to commit to these four pillars. /images/InDepth/Post59.jpg The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform 59 Zoë Thorkildsen Zoë Thorkildsen provides expertise in the areas of criminal justice and policing, program evaluation and research design. The nation's interest in police reform has never been greater. Conversations that used to take place largely in government buildings
CNA conducted a police staffing analysis, police operations analysis, and police business process analysis to improve efficiency in the Minneapolis PD.
, and recommendations related to the staffing analysis, operations analysis, problem nature code analysis, and business processes analysis. The report closes with a brief conclusion section. Zoë Thorkildsen Bryce
Use of Force Assessment of San Jose PD
This work coincided with an assessment of the SJPD’s efforts to bring the department in line with the recommended best practices promoted in the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report.
/reports/2022/01/SJPDColor-Guard-color.jpg Justice Research and Innovation Distribution: Unlimited. 110 IIM-2021-U-030446 Zoë Thorkildsen
Racial Bias Assessment of North Charleston PD
CNA conducted a racial bias assessment of the North Charleston Police Department. We assessed the NCPD’s policies and practices against emerging best practices.
in Chief Burgess and his abilities to meaningfully engage with the community. Zoë Thorkildsen Bridgette Bryson /reports/2021/11/Racial-Bias-Assessment-of-the-North-Charleston-Sourth-Carolina-Polic
Racial Bias Audit of the Niskayuna New York Police Department
This audit provides baseline information to inform the Town of Niskayuna’s response to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Order No. 203: New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative.1 In December of 2020, the Town of Niskayuna developed a contract with CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation to conduct a racial bias audit of the NPD. This assessment focused on policies and practices, while also touching on more than racial matters. These types of assessments can help police departments gauge the status of community relationships and work towards improvement.
progress.  Bridgette Bryson Zoë Thorkildsen /reports/2021/03/IRM-2020-U-028800-Final.pdf /reports/2021/03/IRM-2020-U-028800-Final.png /reports/2021/03/NiskayunaRacialBiasPageImage.jpg Justice Research
Racial Bias Audit of Albany NY PD
This audit will provide baseline information to inform the City of Albany’s response to Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s Executive Order No. 203: New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative.1 In August of 2020, the City of Albany, through a competitive bid, selected the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation to conduct a racial bias audit of the Albany, Police Department.
that APD and the City of Albany seek an independent firm to help implement these recommendations and track APD’s progress. Zoë Thorkildsen Bridgette Bryson /reports/2021/01/IRM-2021-U-029039.pdf
Technology in Law Enforcement
There are no currently-known, formal studies of the frequency and use of common operational picture (COP) technology in law enforcement. This market review report is part of an overarching mixed-methods study that will include a national survey of law enforcement agencies to discern the types of COP technology used in the field and a set of case studies on the COP technology adoption process, lessons learned, and best practices for implementing and using COP technologies. This market review illustrates COP technology features and capabilities available to law enforcement agencies, though these technologies may not necessarily be in use. This report is not intended to rank or evaluate the products listed. We did not test or evaluate the products. The report’s sole purpose is to provide the law enforcement community with an overview of COP products available at the time the data was collected.
distribution. Other requests for this document shall be referred to 66 IRM-2017-U-015846-Final Zoë Thorkildsen
Use of Safety Equipment in Correctional Facilities
This study of prison safety equipment in 7 facilities and assaults and injuries finds correctional officer safety depends on training, attitude, and equipment.
across the eight study sites. Our research improves the evidence base related to safety equipment efficacy and will guide future research and technical assistance opportunities. Zoë Thorkildsen Emma Wohl