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Your search for Military History found 104 results.
- Global Issues Beckon Japan’s New Prime Minister
- /our-media/indepth/2020/10/global-issues-beckon-japans-new-prime-minister
- When Yoshihide Suga succeeded Shinzo Abe as Japan’s prime minister on September 14, many observers anticipated a shift in the government’s focus. Will Suga be pulled in two directions?
- in Japanese history — has proven Suga incomparable when it comes to managing and deftly orchestrating the vast and powerful Japanese bureaucracy. Suga has already signaled his reform agenda. His initial ... threats emanating from North Korea and increasing Chinese military incursions into Japanese national airspace and territorial waters. Compounding these challenges is the strategic distrust between
- Washington Takes a Stand in the South China Sea
- /our-media/indepth/2020/09/washington-takes-a-stand-in-the-south-china-sea
- In 2020, a senior U.S. government official used blunt language to publicly accuse Beijing of making unlawful maritime claims, and Washington finally began punishing companies that assist in China’s illegal island building.
- several major projects related to maritime disputes in the East and South China Seas and China's ambition to become a "great" maritime power. This summer was a very important period in the history ... possess no territorial sea or EEZ. A fourth objective was to adopt as its own the Obama administration’s hard line against military base development on Scarborough Shoal. In early 2016, Scarborough
- ai with ai: D.E.R.Y.L.
- /our-media/podcasts/ai-with-ai/season-4/4-18
- In news, Andy and Dave discuss a machine learning algorithm from Synergies Intelligent System and Universität Hamburg that can identify people in a moving crowd who are mostly likely asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19. US lawmakers have introduced the Public Health Emergency Privacy Act, to boost privacy protections for COVID-19 technology such as tracing apps and vaccine scheduling apps. A team led by researchers from Oxford have introduced new reporting guidelines to bridge a gap in development to implementation when using clinical AI technologies, dubbed DECIDE-AI. Over 30 authors from a wide swath of organizations have proposed a “living benchmark” to evaluate progress in natural language generation, which they call GEM (Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics). And the combination we saw coming, research from Queen Mary University demonstrate a deep learning framework for detection of emotion using wireless signals. Researchers at the University of Virginia claim to detect physiological responses to racial bias with 76.1% accuracy, though it more focuses on exploring any link between mental associations of skin color. In research, Stanford researchers explore how learning and evolution occur in complex environments, and how they affect the diversity of morphological forms, with DERL (Deep Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning). Researchers from University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, introduce GANs for editing images via their latent space, which provides greater control over editing (e.g., editing a mouth without re-generating the entire face). And in the video of the week, a 12-minute video provides a short history on DARPA with highlights on many of its military robot programs. Listener Survey
- of the week, a 12-minute video provides a short history on DARPA with highlights on many of its military robot programs. Listener Survey /images/AI-Posters/AI_4_18.jpg D.E.R.Y.L. Announcements / News
- CNA Analysts Share How 9/11 Impacted Their Careers
- /our-media/indepth/2021/09/cna-analysts-share-how-9/11-impacted-their-careers
- Eight CNA analysts share the stories of how the events of September 11, 2001, shaped their careers.
- of enlisting in the military, I decided to find another way to serve and support my country. The next semester, I enrolled in my first international affairs class. I changed my minor to political science ... command. One of my various analysis projects included tracing and reconstructing the history of a piece of the World Trade Center, which reminded me of why I first pursued and have remained ... was supposed to replace at the billet, to work with the strike team. So started a two-year blur of a tour that gave me a front-row seat to two momentous events. Very rarely can a person say they watched history
- cna talks: Finland and Sweden's NATO Accession
- /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2023/03/finland-and-swedens-nato-accession
- In this episode, Dmitry Gorenburg and Steve Wills join John Stimpson. They discuss Finland and Sweden’s NATO accession and what it means for the alliance and for Russia.
- , the Russian military, Russian foreign policy, and ethnic politics and identity. He is also an associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian studies at Harvard University. Twitter: @russmil Steve Wills is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Strategy and Policy Analysis Program. As a Navy historian, his research interests include the history of U.S. Navy strategy development over the Cold War
- wargaming-fourth-generation-warfare
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/wargaming-fourth-generation-warfare.pdf
- of other sponsors.The Wargaming Department has a long history of gaming conven-tional military operations. Now it must adapt to the new operationalrealities of the early 21st century. To assist ... factors in warmaking throughout history, such aspolitical motivation, military forces, money, diplomacy, and intelli-gence. Others were once less prominent—or perhaps less “visible”—but became more ... informationalized process in which enemies attempt to evade or neu-tralize the overwhelming conventional military superiority of the United States and its allies through irregular and asymmetric meth-ods. The NWC
- gaming-the-gig-a-brief-manifesto
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/gaming-the-gig-a-brief-manifesto.pdf
- experimentation and agent-based techniques hold promiseNot only have wargames long contributed training and operations support, but also they have had a long history of use in support of military ... of the Chief of Military History, MS P-094, 1952 [8]Col Matthew B. Caffrey, Jr., USAFR. “Red Flag For Joint Cam-paigns: Building a more effective Air and Joint Force throughbetter operation and strategic ... and simulation (M&S) community understand the implications of the Global Information Grid for future military operations and for the M&S community’s ability to model and support those operations more
- story-of-cna
- /documents/corporate/story-of-cna.pdf
- of government,” he says, influencingdecisions on the Littoral Combat Ship, aircraft carriers and Zumwalt-class destroyers. The Story of CNA66 The link between CNA’s history of military operations ... Did. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1999. References 73Bob Sheldon, “Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Oral History Project Interview of Dr. Phil E. DePoy.” Military Operations ... given of their time to share with me their stories — in person, on the phone and by email — of their years at this organization. Some of them are not mentioned by name in the short history
- transforming-naval-wargaming-a-framework-for-operational-level-wargaming
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/transforming-naval-wargaming-a-framework-for-operational-level-wargaming.pdf
- tobe selected for coping with uncertainty. At various periods in history…different military organizations … approached the problem fromradically different angles and with radically different results ... efforts totransform U.S. military thinking and practice in response to the per-ceived changes in the global military-political-technical environmentat the start of the 21st Century. The words wargame ... /press/Review/2001/Spring/art5-sp1.htm3.See, for example, Garstka, John J. "Network Centric Warfare: An Over-view of Emerging Theory," Phalanx: The Bulletin of Military OperationsResearch, Dec 2000, Vol
- wargaming-strategic-linkage
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/wargaming-strategic-linkage.pdf
- traditionally carried out at the Naval War College and most other Service schools and research organizations.3 Such games include player cells manned by one or more decision makers (military officers ... adjust-ments as needed to one of our predefined outcomes and use it to7.Anne M. Dixon and Maureen A. Wigge, eds. CNA 1995 Annual Confer-ence: Proceedings: Military Support to Complex Humanitarian ... , then, encompasses the responsibili-ties of the NCA and its senior military and civilian advisors; for exam-ple, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, cabinet secretaries, and other senior members