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Your search for Police found 220 results.

Stationary Cameras vs Body-Worn Cameras in a Local Jail
Body-worn cameras may be a valuable addition to prisons and jails according to a review of jail video footage from nearly 100 stationary and body-worn cameras.
States have adopted body‑worn cameras (BWCs) (Hyland, 2018). The rapid diffusion of these devices has been driven by several factors, most notably numerous controversial uses of force by police against ... ; Sutherland et al., 2017), added evidentiary value in investigations and downstream court proceedings (Huff et al., 2023; Todak et al., 2023), and enhanced perceptions of procedural justice and police legitimacy (Demir et al., 2020; McCluskey et al., 2019). The demand for police BWCs has continued unabated into the 2020s (National Conference of State Legislatures, 2022; White & Malm, 2020
pla update: Issue 3, April 4, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 3, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
and People's Armed Police (PAP) delegates to the NPC on March 7. [15] PLA Daily published four commentaries on Xi's remarks to the delegates (the hyperlink leads to the first ... 有关经费保障制度的通知》), China Military Online (中国军网-), Mar. 8, 2022, [36] Wang Shizhuo, “Team from Peoples' Armed Police Coast Guard Academy Team ... Online, (中国军网), Mar. 7, 2022, [68] See, for example, “At an Altitude of 3,800 Meters, Fight Fiercely in the Pamirs, the Armed Police
justice talks: Racial equity in traffic stops: Instituting reform by changing data collection and policing practices
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed the impact of COVID-19 on corrections officers and incarcerated populations, specifically in a jail setting, and out-of-the-box ways they’re working to keep these populations safe during the pandemic. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with CNA's Zoë Thorkildsen, and Chief Harold Medlock (ret.) about CNA's work conducting traffic stop analyses, and the steps officers and executives can take to implement equitable practices in their agencies.
collection and policing practices Biographies James "Chip" Coldren , guest host, is a justice research expert with over 35 years of research experience in justice system effectiveness, police evaluation ... . Chief Harold Medlock (ret.) served as Chief of Police of the Fayetteville Police Department (FPD) for nearly four years, retiring in January 2017. ContactName /*/Contact/ContactName
justice talks: Using data to advance the justice system: Forecasting, risk-assessments, and predictive analytics in law enforcement
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed alternative response models to individuals in crisis. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with Dr. Grant Duwe, Dr. Theron "T" Bowman, and Dr. Brittany Cunningham about innovative uses of data to advance the justice system.
in law enforcement Biographies James "Chip" Coldren , guest host, is a justice research expert with over 35 years of research experience in justice system effectiveness, police evaluation, crime ... expertise in the areas of data analytics and law enforcement. Grant Duwe, PhD is research director at the Minnesota Department of Corrections. Theron "T" Bowman, PhD is the retired chief of police and former assistant city administrator for the Arlington, Texas, Police Department. ContactName /*/Contact/ContactName ContactTitle /*/Contact/JobTitle ContactEmail /*/Contact/Email
ai with ai: A Tesseract to Follow
In COVID-related AI news, Purdue University has built a website that tracks global response to social distancing, by pulling live footage and images from over 30,000 cameras in 100 countries. Simon Fong, Nilanjan Dey, and Jyotismita Chaki have published Artificial Intelligence for Coronavirus Outbreak, which examines AI’s contribution to combating COVID-19. Researchers at Harvard and Boston Children’s Hospital use a "regular" Bayesian model to identify COVID-19 hotspots over 14 days before they occur. In non-COVID AI news, the acting director of the JAIC announces a shift to enabling joint warfighting operations. The DoD Inspector General releases an Audit of Governance and Protection of DoD AI Data and Technology, which reveals a variety of gaps and weaknesses in AI governance across DoD. Detroit Police Chief James Craig reveals that the police department's experience with facial recognition technology resulted in misidentified people about 96% of the time. Over 1400 mathematicians sign and deliver a letter to the American Mathematical Society, urging researchers to stop working on predictive-policing algorithms. DARPA awards the Meritorious Public Service Medal to Professor Hava Siegelmann for her creation and research in the Lifelong Learning Machines Program. And Horace Barlow, one of the founders of modern visual neuroscience, passed away on 5 July at the age of 98. In research, Udrescu and Tegmark release AI Feynman 2.0, with unsupervised learning of equations of motion by viewing objects in raw and unlabeled video. Researchers at CSAIL, NVidia, and the University of Toronto created the Visual Causal Discovery Network, which learns to recognize underlying dependency structures for simulated fabrics, such as shirts, pants, and towels. In reports, the Montreal AI Ethics Institute publishes its State of AI Ethics. In the video of the week, Max Tegmark discusses the previously mentioned research on equations of motion and also discusses progress in symbolic regression. And GanBreeder upgrades to ArtBreeder, which can create realistic-looking images from paintings, cartoons, or just about anything.
across DoD. Detroit Police Chief James Craig reveals that the police department's experience with facial recognition technology resulted in misidentified people about 96% of the time. Over 1400 ... Summary Audit 110 Page Full report (public-release version; some parts redacted) Detroit Police Chief:   "Facial Recognition Software Misidentifies 96% of the Time" Publicly released data by the Detroit Police Department Letter to AMS Notices: Boycott collaboration with police Story Letter to AMS Notices List of signatories Review of PrePol's use
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 3, November 18, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 3, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
allowed operators to provide “red” aviation forces with targeting information on “blue” ships. The People’s Daily   reported   that the People’s Armed Police China Coast Guard Academy is now ... the Central Military Commission, each of the services, service academies, the People’s Armed Police, the Ministry of Public Security, and the defense industry. The exhibition will also feature
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 4, December 2, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 4, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
government of Wuxi, a city near Shanghai. This information led the Italian police to conclude that Mars was a shell company created to bring Alpi under the control of the Chinese government ... sold outside of Italy. Italian authorities assert that the transaction was “opaque” and designed to conceal the role of the PRC companies. According to a police statement, Alpi Aviation had been bought
justice talks: Officer safety: The role of the 911 professional
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed the data issues related to use of force in policing. In this episode, Chip Coldren led a discussion with Nicole Melendez and Kira Cincotta on the importance of the 911 professional in enhancing officer safety. Coldren, Melendez, and Cincotta discussed the key functions of the 911 professional, 911 professional perspectives on an embedded dispatch, and how risk models can assist 911 professionals and officers overcome barriers to effectively answering calls for service.
James "Chip" Coldren , guest host, is a justice research expert with over 35 years of research experience in justice system effectiveness, police evaluation, crime prevention, corrections, juvenile ... . Ms. Nicole Melendez   is a Dispatch Supervisor and the Social Media Team Lead for the Indio, CA, Police Department. ContactName /*/Contact/ContactName ContactTitle /*/Contact/JobTitle
justice talks: Officer health and wellness: Using sports psychology to increase officer resilience
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed the importance of the 911 professional in enhancing officer safety. In this episode, Hildy Saizow led a discussion with Dr. Brandi Burque, Dr. William Land, and Officer Cliff Burns on the intersection of sports psychology, law enforcement, and wellness programming. Saizow, Burque, Land, and Burns discuss the  Performance Recovery and Optimization (PRO) model  and how aspects of each of the six skills - tactical, mental, physical, spiritual, social, and financial - featured in a wellness program can create a holistic program for justice system professionals.
for providing psychological treatment for police officers and their families, teaching classes for the police academy and for other various local and federal agencies. Dr. William Land is an Associate
pla update: Issue 5, June 6, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 5, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
during a conflict. [3] The summary below discusses the organization and roles of several PLA and People's Armed Police (PAP) units in a recent earthquake relief exercise led by civilian authorities ... Liberation Army, the Chinese People's Armed Police Force and the militia shall participate in emergency rescue, relief and handling in accordance with the provisions of this Law and of the relevant laws
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