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Your search for Maritime Security found 154 results.

cna talks: Polar Politics: Great Power Competition in the Arctic and Antarctic
On this episode of CNA Talks, we are bringing you the first episode of our new occasional series, “Polar Politics,” hosted by Josh Tallis. In this series, CNA experts will discuss the strategic implications of the Polar Regions, in an era of Great Power Competition.  Ralph Espach and Nilanthi Samaranayake sit down to discuss the current state of play in the Polar Regions, and how the major players are positioning themselves to protect their interests in the regions.
and Antarctic Biographies Nilanthi Samaranayake   directs the Strategy and Policy Analysis Program. She has led several studies at CNA on Indian Ocean and South Asia security. Joshua Tallis   is a Research Scientist specializing in maritime security, irregular threats, and issues of naval and national security strategy. Ralph Espach   is an expert on inter-American security relations, especially regarding Central America and Brazil, the security implications of climate change, and security cooperation. Related Materials CNA InDepth : What do Greenland and Mauritius Have
cna talks: How Special Operations Forces Can Help Address IUU Fishing
The People's Republic of China is the most significant contributor to the global problem of illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. Its distant water fishing fleet is the largest in the world and operates everywhere, from the Pacific Island Countries to the Atlantic Coast of Africa. In this episode, Heidi Holz and Cornell Overfield join John Stimpson to discuss how US Special Operations Forces can help counter the problem of Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated fishing by serving as a global connector for this issue.   
Special Operations Forces Can Help Address IUU Fishing Guest Biographies Heidi Holz   is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA’s   China Studies Program . She has researched PRC security issues, including PRC strategy and investments in the Arctic, illicit maritime activities by PRC actors, Chinese military doctrine and operations, and U.S.-China military-to-military relations. Cornell Overfield   is a specialist in the relationship between maritime law and foreign policy. At CNA, he has worked on projects covering Arctic security and economic activity, improved engagement
cna talks: Polar Politics: Military Exercises in the Arctic
In the second episode of our occasional series, “Polar Politics,” Adam Clemens and Mallory Ladd join Josh Tallis to discuss their experiences supporting Naval exercises in the Arctic.
supporting Naval exercises in the Arctic. Polar Politics: Military Exercises in the Arctic Biographies Joshua Tallis  is a Research Scientist specializing in maritime security, irregular threats, and issues of naval and national security strategy. Josh also served as the CNA field representative to Carrier Strike Group EIGHT during the Navy's first instantiation of Dynamic Force Employment ... in Arctic maritime security.   Adam Clemens is currently the CNA field representative to the Second Marine Expeditionary Force. He has observed and analyzed multiple exercises and has studied
cna talks: AUKUS
In this episode, Ralph Espach and Stephanie Stapleton discuss their assessment of AUKUS, the trilateral security agreement between Australia, the UK, and the US. 
AUKUS In this episode, Ralph Espach and Stephanie Stapleton discuss their assessment of AUKUS, the trilateral security agreement between Australia, the UK, and the US.  AUKUS Guest Biographies Ralph Espach   is an expert in U.S.-Latin American relations, U.S. security assistance and cooperation in Latin America, and the assessment, monitoring, and evaluation of U.S. strategies and programs. His work focuses on U.S. security relations across the Americas, maritime security and naval issues, U.S. security cooperation efforts, and strategic risks such as Chinese and Russian regional
cna talks: The PLA's Role in China's COVID-19 Response
Like many militaries, China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) played a role in their COVID-19 relief efforts. What do these operations show us about the PLA’s domestic and international capabilities? In this episode of CNA Talks, Heidi Holz and Brian Waidelich discuss their recent report on this topic.
Heidi Holz is a Senior Research Scientist in the CNA China Studies Program . Her research interests include PRC maritime policies and activities, and Chinese military doctrine and operations. Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist in CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program . His research focuses on the People's Liberation Army (PLA) organization and Indo-Pacific maritime and space security issues. Rx PLA: The PLA Medical System’s Role in China’s Efforts to Fight COVID-19 CNA InDepth: Tonga Aid ContactName /*/Contact/ContactName ContactTitle /*/Contact/JobTitle
cna talks: Polar Politics: Rule of Law at the Poles (Part 2)
On the latest episode of our occasional series, Polar Politics, Josh Tallis sits down with Mark Rosen and Cornell Overfield. They discuss how the Universal Law of the Sea is applied in the Arctic region, and examine the territorial disputes in the region.
  is an expert in transatlantic relations and international relations theory. His recent research topics include great power competition and the law of the sea. Mark Rosen   is an expert in maritime law and policy, maritime arms control, the Arctic and regulation of the global commons, international law and treaties, the law of armed conflict and homeland security. Related Materials Lawfare   - Could a Kiwi Sailor’s Northwest Passage Transit Break the Legal Ice Between Canada and the U.S.? CNA   - Unconstrained Foreign Direct Investment: An Emerging Challenge to Arctic Security
cna talks: Polar Politics: Rule of Law at the Poles (Part 1)
On the latest episode of our occasional series, Polar Politics, Josh Tallis sits down with Mark Rosen and Cornell Overfield. They discuss the treaties and agreements that govern the Polar Regions writ large, before taking a deep dive into the Antarctic Treaty system.
in maritime law and policy, maritime arms control, the Arctic and regulation of the global commons, international law and treaties, the law of armed conflict and homeland security. Related Materials Lawfare - Could a Kiwi Sailor’s Northwest Passage Transit Break the Legal Ice Between Canada and the U.S.? CNA - Unconstrained Foreign Direct Investment: An Emerging Challenge to Arctic Security
cna talks: Special Edition: The U.S. Navy's 245th Birthday
On the latest episode of our occasional series, Polar Politics, Josh Tallis sits down with Mark Rosen and Cornell Overfield. They discuss the treaties and agreements that govern the Polar Regions writ large, before taking a deep dive into the Antarctic Treaty system.
in maritime law and policy, maritime arms control, the Arctic and regulation of the global commons, international law and treaties, the law of armed conflict and homeland security. Related Materials ... Security ContactName /*/Contact/ContactName ContactTitle /*/Contact/JobTitle ContactEmail /*/Contact/Email ContactPhone /*/Contact/Phone 73 16383197
cna talks: Russia's Shifting Nuclear Doctrine
This episode examines the views of three stakeholder communities within Moscow’s interconnected nuclear ecosystem and how they view Russia’s nuclear doctrine.  * A previous version of this episode incorrectly stated that Russia's Security Council changed its nuclear doctrine during a September 25 meeting. The correct telling is that Russian President Vladimir Putin soft-launched proposed changes to the doctrine during this meeting. At this time, Russia has made no official changes to its nuclear doctrine. 
Gabriela Rosa Hernandez is a specialist in Russia's security policy. Her recent research has focused on Russian strategic deterrence, security orders, conventional and nuclear arms control in Europe, and the Russian military. Cornell Overfield is a specialist in the relationship between maritime law and foreign policy. At CNA, he has worked on projects covering Arctic security ... .  * A previous version of this episode incorrectly stated that Russia's Security Council changed its nuclear doctrine during a September 25 meeting. The correct telling is that Russian President
cna talks: South Korea: Martial Law and President Yoon’s Impeachment
This episode covers South Korean President Yoon’s December 3 declaration of martial law, his impeachment, and what this means for US/ROK security cooperation. 
security cooperation.  South Korea: Martial Law and President Yoon’s Impeachment Guest Biographies Dr. Thomas Bickford is a principal research scientist in the CNA I ndo-Pacific Security Affairs Program . His research has focused on Chinese maritime strategy, Chinese national security policy, and China’s relations with its neighbors. Carita Reid is the Research Assistant for the  China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division . Her research focuses on the Korean peninsula, and she is interested in the domestic environment of both Koreas, nuclear proliferation, democratization efforts