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Your search for Police found 220 results.
- pla update: Issue 19, March 22, 2024
- /our-media/newsletters/pla-update/issue-19
- PLA Update, Issue 19, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
- tradition, NPC delegates did not vote on personnel appointments this year. This year's NPC delegation from the PLA and the People's Armed Police (PAP) was led by Central Military Commission (CMC
- PAJ DAY 1 Organizational Change and Development
- /videos/2023/paj-day-1-organizational-change-and-development
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- , and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization
- PAJ DAY 1 4 Emerging Technologies
- /videos/2023/paj-day-1-4-emerging-technologies
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional
- PAJ DAY 1 5 Closing Remarks
- /videos/2023/paj-day-1-5-closing-remarks
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional
- PAJ DAY 2 1 Welcome and Introductions
- /videos/2023/paj-day-2-1-welcome-and-introductions
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization
- PAJ DAY 2 2 Keynote Speaker
- /videos/2023/paj-day-2-2-keynote-speaker
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional
- PAJ DAY 2 3 Community Relations
- /videos/2023/paj-day-2-3-community-relations
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional
- PAJ Symposium Clip - Dr. Nancy La Vigne, Director of National Institute of Justice
- /videos/2023/paj-symposium-clip-dr.-nancy-la-vigne-director-of-national-institute-of-justice
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging
- Viral Extremism COVID19 and Nontraditional Threats
- /reports/2021/03/viral-extremism-covid19-and-nontraditional-threats
- This policy brief, developed in collaboration with counterterrorism (CT) experts at CNA, seeks to answer the question of how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected domestic and international violent extremist organizations (VEOs), the US CT community, and the ability of US partners to support CT operations. Importantly, it provides a snapshot of how pandemics and other nontraditional threats can drive a cycle of violence in the future. This brief concludes that nearly every facet of VEO activities—environment, operations, resources, recruitment, and strategy—has benefitted from the chaotic and widespread effects of the pandemic. Conversely, US and partner forces tasked with containing the threat posed by terrorist groups have been affected negatively across these same five areas.
- in Missouri, and police headquarters in Orlando, Florida, and extremists have also encouraged followers to disrupt National Guard activities. In addition to COVID-related violence in the US, rising
- Domestic Terrorists Contact with System Stakeholders Before Attacks
- /reports/2024/08/domestic-terrorists-contact-with-system-stakeholders-before-attacks
- More than half of domestic terrorists in the US had contact with teachers, police, etc. before committing their attacks, so intervention might be possible.
- Domestic Terrorists Contact with System Stakeholders Before Attacks Domestic Terrorists' Contact with System Stakeholders Before Attacks More than half of domestic terrorists in the US had contact with teachers, police, etc. before committing their attacks, so intervention might be possible. Within the public violence literature—that is, the literature on domestic terrorism, mass shootings, school shootings, and hate crimes, among others—leakage has been identified as a core warning behavior. Leakage occurs when a would-be assailant communicates an intention to harm a target before