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Your search for Brian Waidelich found 24 results.

China’s New Military Leadership
By examining the newly selected leaders of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), their backgrounds and professional competencies, we can better understand how they may influence the trajectory of the PLA’s development over the next five years.
China's New Miliatry Leadership Possible Strengths and Weaknesses By examining the newly selected leaders of China’s Central Military Commission (CMC), their backgrounds and professional competencies, we can better understand how they may influence the trajectory of the PLA’s development over the next five years. /images/InDepth/2022/10/CCP-Conference-resize.jpg China’s New Military Leadership Brian Waidelich Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist with CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. On October 22, a new cohort of leaders responsible for overseeing all aspects of China's
Japan Elevates Security Concerns Over Taiwan Strait
On July 13, the Japanese Ministry of Defense released the latest edition of its annual white paper, Defense of Japan 2021.
Japan Elevates Security Concerns Over Taiwan Strait On July 13, the Japanese Ministry of Defense released the latest edition of its annual white paper, Defense of Japan 2021. /images/InDepth/Post94.jpg Japan Elevates Security Concerns Over Taiwan Strait 94 Brian Waidelich and Elizabeth Barrett Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist in CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. His research focuses on issues related to strategic competition and Indo-Pacific maritime security. Elizabeth Barrett is the Project Manager for Outreach and International Engagement in CNA’s China
Samoa Disputed Election Amid Great Power Rivalry
A disputed election has recently plunged Samoa into a state of constitutional crisis. The outcome of this dispute may reshape the small Pacific island country’s relations with China, the United States and U.S. allies in the region.
Samoa Disputed Election Amid Great Power Rivalry A disputed election has recently plunged Samoa into a state of constitutional crisis. The outcome of this dispute may reshape the small Pacific island country’s relations with China, the United States and U.S. allies in the region. /images/InDepth/Post89.jpg Samoa Disputed Election Amid Great Power Rivalry 89 Brian Waidelich and Benjamin DeThomas Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist in CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program . His research focuses on issues related to great power competition and Indo-Pacific maritime security
pla update: Issue 7, February 16, 2023
PLA Update, Issue 7, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Issue 7 PLA Update, Issue 7, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). /Newsletters/PLA%20Update/Issue-07/PLA-Update-Issue-7-February-16-2023.png Issue 7, February 16, 2023 Brian Waidelich and Patrick deGategno, editors Welcome to the February 2023 edition of PLA UPDATE, CNA’s newsletter on the internal and external affairs of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Each edition of this newsletter draws on the expertise of CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division to provide
pla update: Issue 6, September 30, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 6, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
Issue 6 PLA Update, Issue 6, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). /Newsletters/PLA%20Update/Issue-06/PLA-Update-Issue-6-September-30-2022_Page.png Issue 6, September 30, 2022 Patrick deGategno and Brian Waidelich, editors Welcome to the sixth issue of PLA UPDATE, CNA’s newsletter focused on the internal and external affairs of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Each edition of this newsletter draws on the expertise of CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division
Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation
China-Russia military cooperation grew 2014–2019 but then leveled off, despite political rhetoric. It is mostly one-sided, China consuming tech and expertise.
: distribution unlimited. 90 DRM-2023-U-034684-Final Brian Waidelich Paul Schwartz Russian-Chinese Military Cooperation
PRC Writings on Strategic Deterrence
Military technology innovations have bred PRC and PLA concerns as to the sustainability of China’s approach to strategic deterrence, recent writings suggest.
effective asymmetric strategic deterrence appears to be a source of significant debate among PRC scholars. Alison A. Kaufman Brian Waidelich /reports/2023/04
Rx PLA The PLA Medical System’s Role in China’s Efforts to Fight COVID19
China’s COVID-19 response shows that the large People’s Liberation Army medical staff can quickly deploy across China and around the world with diverse skills.
in the postponement or denial of JLSF requests for PLAAF transport aircraft. Heidi Holz Brian Waidelich /reports/2022/04/Rx-PLA-The-PLA-Medical-Systems-Role-in%20Chinas-Efforts-to-Fight-COVID-19.pdf
Chinese Views of Civilian Ship Mobilization
Key findings from an examination of People’s Liberation Army writings on China’s efforts to leverage its civilian shipping fleet in support of military operations.
be called on to conduct in support of large-scale PLA maritime operations. Brian Waidelich Patrick deGategno /reports/2022/01/Chinese-Views-of-Civilian-Ship-Mobilization.pdf /reports/2022/01
Chinas Space Narrative
Both China and the United States, have created separate parts of their military dedicated to space. Commercial, scientific, and military endeavors in space are all intimately linked, and one must understand how they are viewed to better understand how a nation might proceed in one or all of those fields. In accordance with our charter to support the Secretary of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Chief of Space Operations, and other DoD and U.S. government leaders, the China Aerospace Studies Institute designed it’s 2020 CASI Conference around China’s space activities. This report serves as the baseline and the core of that effort. This report was a collaboration between CASI and CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division. We would like to thank the team at CNA for their work on this project. The authors would like to thank Second Lieutenant Owen Ou (USA) for contributing his research for this project, and Dr. Brian Weeden for his review of the study
Aerospace Studies Institute. 144 DES-2020-U-028472-Final Anthony Miller Brian Waidelich China's Space Narrative ... on this project. The authors would like to thank Second Lieutenant Owen Ou (USA) for contributing his research for this project, and Dr. Brian Weeden for his review of the study The world is in the midst