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Your search for Elizabeth Clelan found 17 results.

Tracking Outcomes of Voluntary Military Education Programs Review
The Department of Defense (DoD) provides education benefits to Servicemembers and their spouses. Two such benefits are the Tuition Assistance (TA) program, designed to decrease the financial burden of higher education for military members, and the My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) scholarship program, a workforce development program designed to assist eligible military spouses in pursuing training, licenses, credentials, certifications, and associate degrees in support of developing portable employment and careers. A dearth of information on the educational and financial outcomes of TA and MyCAA users prompted Congress to mandate, in the 2014 DoD Appropriations Bill, a study to document the aggregate graduation rates, financial indebtedness, and loan default rates of these military families. Here, we summarize information from the TA and MyCAA literature. However, because little information is currently available, we also explore the civilian higher education literature on tuition reimbursement, graduation rates, student debt, and loan default rates. This provides the relevant background information needed for the quantitative portion of this study, in which we will collect and analyze available data on educational outcomes for TA and MyCAA users.
this flexibility for their students, which may make them particularly attractive to TA and MyCAA users. Lauren Malone Elizabeth Clelan /reports/2021/04
Tracking Outcomes of Voluntary Military Education Programs Data
In this report, we used individual-level data provided by each of the Services and Force Education and Training to calculate the Tuition Assistance (TA) and My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) educational outcome statistics of Servicemembers and their spouses, as requested in the 2014 DOD Appropriations Bill. These tabulations compare not only outcomes by Service but also by institutional sector (private for-profit, private not-for-profit, and public). By making these Service- and sector-level comparisons, we highlight differences in TA and MyCAA enrollment, cost, number of courses taken, credits received, courses completed, and degrees received. These summarized outcome measures will provide policy-makers with a better understanding of the differences that exist across Services and education sectors, allowing them to evaluate how the Services are using these Voluntary Education benefits.
. 106 DRM-2017-U-015276-2Rev Elizabeth Clelan
AVF Investments in Recruiting
Enlisted recruiting is the heart of the All‑Volunteer Force (AVF). The young men and women the Services recruit will define what the military force will look like in numbers and characteristics. Because the military is a hierarchical organization—that is, people enlist in the military as youth and advance through the ranks as they age—the Services must find recruits with the attributes that will make them successful Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines today and in the future.
and the viability of the AVF. This is the overarching theme of this report. Curtis Gilroy Elizabeth Clelan /reports/2020/05/DRM-2019-U-022349-1Rev.pdf /reports/2020/05/DRM-2019-U-022349-1Rev.png
cna talks: Beyond Representation: Identifying Systemic Bias in the Military
In this episode of CNA Talks, Elizabeth Clelan, Anita Hattiangadi, Yancey Hrobowski and Amanda Kraus discuss what big data can tell us about systemic bias in the military and how this can be applied to our institutions more broadly.
Beyond Representation In this episode of CNA Talks, Elizabeth Clelan, Anita Hattiangadi, Yancey Hrobowski and Amanda Kraus discuss what big data can tell us about systemic bias in the military and how this can be applied to our institutions more broadly. Beyond Representation: Identifying Systemic Bias in the Military The 2018 Population Representation in the Military Services is available here: Biographies Elizabeth Clelan is a Research Scientist in CNA's  Marine Corps and Defense Workforce Program. Anita Hattiangadi is the Director
cna talks: Modern Military Recruiting
CNA Experts Elizabeth Clelan, Jeffrey Peterson and Jared Huff discuss challenges and opportunities in the current military recruiting environment.
Modern Military Recruiting CNA Experts Elizabeth Clelan, Jeffrey Peterson and Jared Huff discuss challenges and opportunities in the current military recruiting environment. Modern Military Recruiting Biographies Elizabeth Clelan   is an expert in military manpower topics including recruiting, retention, and assignment policy. Her recent research topics include the integration of women into combat arms occupations, servicemember use of tuition assistance and youth e-cigarette use. Jeffery Peterson   directs the Navy Manning, Education, and Training Program. As a retired Marine
U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes
The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes has the CDC and some state departments of health extremely concerned about the safety of these products.
U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes has the CDC and some state departments of health extremely concerned about the safety of these products. /images/InDepth/Post13.jpg U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes 13 Dr. Elizabeth Clelan The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes has the CDC and some state departments of health extremely concerned about the safety of these products.  The CDC is urging Americans to stop using e-cigarette
cna talks: The Most Challenging Recruiting Year on Record?
Every branch of the military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals. Marine General David Ottignon recently told Congress that 2022 is “arguably the most challenging recruiting year since the inception of the all-volunteer force.” In this episode, we explore what is driving these challenges and how the military can adapt its recruiting strategizes to the modern media environment.
The Most Challenging Recruiting Year on Record? Every branch of the military is struggling to meet its fiscal year 2022 recruiting goals. Marine General David Ottignon recently told Congress that 2022 is “arguably the most challenging recruiting year since the inception of the all-volunteer force.” In this episode, we explore what is driving these challenges and how the military can adapt its recruiting strategizes to the modern media environment. The Most Challenging Recruiting Year on Record? Elizabeth Clelan   is a Principal Research Scientist in CNA’s ​Marine Corps