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Your search for Eric Trabert found 16 results.

cna talks: COVID-19: Lessons from Past Outbreaks
Eric Trabert and Amanda Kerrigan, sit down to discuss lessons from past outbreaks that can help us counter the Coronavirus.
COVID-19: Lessons from Past Outbreaks Eric Trabert and Amanda Kerrigan, sit down to discuss lessons from past outbreaks that can help us counter the Coronavirus. COVID-19: Lessons from Past Outbreaks Biographies Eric Trabert   serves as Director and Chief Scientist of the Center for Public Health Preparedness and Resilience. He is an expert in all-hazards preparedness with a focus on medical surge and mass casualty incident response. Amanda Kerrigan is a Research Analyst at CNA in the China Studies division. She has over a decade of China-related experience, living four of those
5 Steps to Take Organizations to a New Normal that Works
As government and private businesses begin to reopen in the ongoing pandemic, they need new approaches to rebuild operational capability while supporting employees and customers.
disease outbreak. For more information, contact Eric Trabert, Director | CNA Center for Public Health Preparedness and Resilience | . center
To Halt the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, Think Globally, Coordinate Locally
An international effort is underway to halt the spread of a novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV.
To Halt the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, Think Globally, Coordinate Locally An international effort is underway to halt the spread of a novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV. /images/InDepth/Post27.jpg To Halt the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, Think Globally, Coordinate Locally 27 Eric Trabert An international effort is underway to halt the spread of a novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV. The World Health Organization, Chinese health authorities, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are all critical to this effort. However, CNA’s Center for Public Health Preparedness and Resilience
cna talks: The Opioid Epidemic
In this episode of CNA Talks James "Chip" Coldren and Eric Talbert explore findings as part of the Opioid Data Initiative. The two discuss collaborating with communities across the country and point out that every jurisdiction they engaged with was hard at work trying to solve this national epidemic. Chip and Eric agree that more data sharing between different stakeholders could help better address the problem. Finally, Eric lays out the next steps in CNA's research including social network analyses to better understand drug activity within communities and where interventions would be most successful.
and many police departments across the country to study community policing, improve police-community relationships, implement body-worn camera policies and evaluate policing effectiveness. Eric Trabert ... The Opioid Epidemic In this episode of CNA Talks James "Chip" Coldren and Eric Talbert explore findings as part of the Opioid Data Initiative. The two discuss collaborating with communities across the country and point out that every jurisdiction they engaged with was hard at work trying to solve this national epidemic. Chip and Eric agree that more data sharing between different stakeholders
CNA Analysts Share How 9/11 Impacted Their Careers
Eight CNA analysts share the stories of how the events of September 11, 2001, shaped their careers.
, the eerie quiet as I drove home later that day. I remember my mom’s relief to hear that I was okay, and her tears when I told her I was still going to the Middle East. Eric Trabert Associate Director
, Harvey Spivack, Nancy Spruill, Peter Swartz, Fred Thompson, Eric Trabert, Jim Wilson, and Teresa Yung. And thanks to Christine LaPaille for suggesting that I write this short history, to Michelle ... that demanded analysis. When Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005, CNA moved into FEMA’s Washington operations center to support the planning section 24/7 for six weeks. Eric Trabert flew toward the storm to help deploy and monitor the prototype Federal Medical Station for the Department of Health and Human Services. Trabert followed every step as this tented hospital The Story of CNA64