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Your search for Samuel Bendett found 20 results.

Russian Military Autonomy in Ukraine Four Months In
Russian and Ukrainian militaries are demonstrating the value of cheap, commercial unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drones in the Russia-Ukraine war.
positions probably support at least part of the MOD’s claim about this large number of “eyes in the skies” over Ukraine. Samuel Bendett Jeffrey Edmonds /reports/2022/07
Russian Military Autonomy in a Ukraine Conflict
Russia sees autonomous weaponry, especially the drone systems it tested in Syria, as vital to a potential conflict with Ukraine, this report contends.
, to the electromagnetic spectrum—the Russian military is testing new autonomous systems and technologies. Jeffrey Edmonds Samuel Bendett /reports/2022/02
Russian Military Strategy: Core Tenets and Operational Concepts
Russia’s military strategy of “active defense” blends defensive and offensive constructs and seeks to answer perceived forms of undeclared warfare.
A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 104 DRM-2021-U-029755-Final Dmitry Gorenburg Mary Chesnut Jeffrey Edmonds Julian Waller With contributions by Kasey Stricklin and Samuel Bendett
AI and Autonomy in Russia
Comprehensive overview shows Russia sees AI as vital to military and societal success, but talent shortages and neglect of private initiatives stymie progress.
players, it is making some improvement. Jeffrey Edmonds Samuel Bendett /reports/2021/05/Artificial-Intelligence-and-Autonomy-in-Russia.pdf /reports/2021/05
cna talks: Tomorrow's Technology in the Ukraine War
The role of AI and autonomous systems in the war in Ukraine has attracted much attention in the media and from analysts tracking the use of new technologies in warfare. But what impact has it had on the battlefield? In this episode, Margarita Konaev and Samuel Bendett join the show to discuss how these technologies impact the situation on the ground, the private sector’s role in the conflict, and what this means for the future of warfare. 
Tomorrow's Technology in the Ukraine War The role of AI and autonomous systems in the war in Ukraine has attracted much attention in the media and from analysts tracking the use of new technologies in warfare. But what impact has it had on the battlefield? In this episode, Margarita Konaev and Samuel Bendett join the show to discuss how these technologies impact the situation on the ground, the private sector’s role in the conflict, and what this means for the future of warfare.  Tomorrow's Technology in the Ukraine War Biographies  Samuel Bendett   is an Advisor with CNA’s
ai with ai: Slightly Unconscionable
Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including a GAO report on AI – Status of Developing and Acquiring Capabilities for Weapon Systems [1:01]. The U.S. Army has awarded a contract for the demonstration of an offensive drone swarm capability (the HIVE small Unmanned Aircraft System), seemingly similar but distinct from DARPA’s OFFSET demo [4:11]. A ‘pitch deck’ from Clearview AI reveals their intent to expand beyond law enforcement and aiming to have 100B facial photos in its database within a year [5:51]. Tortoise Media releases a global AI index that benchmarks nations based on their level of investment, innovation, and implementation of AI [7:57]. Research from UC Berkeley and the University of Lancaster shows that humans can no longer distinguish between real and fake (generated by GANs) faces [10:30]. MIT, Aberdeen, and the Centre of Governance of AI look at trends of computation in machine learning, identifying three eras and trends, including a ‘large-scale model’ trend where large corporations use massive training runs [13:37]. A tweet from the chief scientist at OpenAI, speculating on the ‘slightly conscious’ attribute of today’s large neural networks, sparks much discussion [17:23]. While a white paper in the International Journal of Astrobiology examines what intelligence might look like at the planetary level, placing Earth as an immature Technosphere [19:04]. And Kush Varchney at IBM publishes for open access a book on Trustworthy Machine Learning, examining issues of trust, safety, and much more [21:29]. Finally, CNA Russia Studies Program member Sam Bendett returns for a quick update on autonomy and AI in the Ukraine-Russia conflict [23:30].
: Trustworthy Machine Learning Interview with Sam Bendett and Jeff Edmonds The Russia-Ukraine conflict: drones, AI, and disinformation; or not? Defense One: Where are Russia’s Drones? By Samuel Bendett Breaking Defense Fortune: A.I. is on the front lines of the war in Ukraine Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior (CIB) report of Facebook Input Magazine: Fake social ... Program member Sam Bendett returns for a quick update on autonomy and AI in the Ukraine-Russia conflict [23:30]. /images/AI-Posters/Season%205/AI_5_10.jpg Slightly Unconscionable Announcements / News
The Russian Way of War
Through work generously funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, CNA fills a critical gap in the understanding Russian military affairs.
Russia Studies Program Samuel Bendett Advisor, Russia Studies Program Anya Fink Research Analyst Russia Studies Program white ... Foreign Policy, April 27, 2022 Analyst Sam Bendett sheds light on the role of drones for both the Russian and Ukrainian militaries. Russia targeting Western weapons shipments in Ukraine
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in Russia
CNA Russia Studies maps and assesses the Russian artificial intelligence and autonomy ecosystem. We publish the Russia AI and Autonomy Newsletter.
:// article gray Explore more Contacts Jeffrey Edmonds Senior Research Scientist Russia Studies Program Samuel Bendett Advisor, Russia Studies Program Anya Fink Research Analyst Russia Studies Program white
ai with ai: Russian AI Kryptonite
CNA’s expert on Russian AI and autonomous systems,   Samuel Bendett , joins temporary host Larry Lewis (again filling in for Dave and Andy) to discuss Russia’s pursuits with the militarization of AI and autonomy. Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) has made no secret of its desire to achieve technological breakthroughs in IT and especially artificial intelligence, marshalling extensive resources for a more organized and streamlined approach to information technology R&D. MOD is overseeing a significant public-private partnership effort, calling for its military and civilian sectors to work together on information technologies, while hosting high-profile events aiming to foster dialogue between its uniformed and civilian technologists. For example, Russian state corporation Russian Technologies (Rostec), with extensive ties to the nation’s military-industrial complex, has overseen the creation of a company with the ominous name – Kryptonite. The company’s name – the one vulnerability of a super-hero – was unlikely to be picked by accident. Russia’s government is working hard to see that the Russian technology sector can compete with American, Western and Asian hi-tech leaders. This technology race is only expected to accelerate - and Russian achievements merit close attention.
1-40 CNA’s expert on Russian AI and autonomous systems,   Samuel Bendett , joins temporary host Larry Lewis (again filling in for Dave and Andy) to discuss Russia’s pursuits with the militarization of AI and autonomy. Russian Ministry of Defense (MOD) has made no secret of its desire to achieve technological breakthroughs in IT and especially artificial intelligence, marshalling extensive resources for a more organized and streamlined approach to information technology R&D. MOD is overseeing a significant public-private partnership effort, calling for its military and civilian sectors
cna talks: Cheap Commercial Drones and the War in Ukraine
High-end, long-range combat drones like the MQ-1 Predator can fly for thousands of miles and strike adversaries from far away. They are also extremely expensive—one MQ1 costs $20 million—and manufacturing takes time.   Such drones are in short supply in Russia, creating a gap in Russian military capabilities. But Russia has adapted. This episode examines Russian use of cheap commercial and foreign-made drones in Ukraine—how this impacts dynamics on the ground and what this may reveal about the broader Russian war effort.    
Commercial Drones and the War in Ukraine Guest Biography Samuel Bendett is an Advisor with CNA’s Russia Studies Program. His research focuses on Russian defense and technology developments