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Your search for Police found 220 results.
- vcu-life-report
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/vcu-life-report.pdf
- to Richmond Police Department, Richmond, VA by: Trisha Rhodes, Ph.D., Department of Criminal Justice, University of Arkansas at Little Rock William Pelfrey, Ph.D., L. Douglas Wilder School of Government ... agreement by the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Criminal Justice in partnership with the Richmond Police Department. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Tables and Figures ... : Percent of Youth Who Said Agree or Strongly Agree ..... 23 Figure 4. Legitimacy of Police: Percent of Youth Who Said Agree or Strongly Agree
- psychological-skills-inventory-for-law-enforcement-final report
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/2020/psychological-skills-inventory-for-law-enforcement-final report.pdf
- occupations, police officers and first responders are exposed to traumatic and life-threatening situations at frequencies far greater than the normal population (Aaron, 2000; Laufesweiler-Dwyer & Dwyer ... on police and fire services (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2014; Chantrill, 2015) with a significant portion going towards officer’s health, early retirement, and excessive force civil lawsuits (Andersen ... of imagery and mental practice of police tactical skills, adaptive coping strategies, and cue-controlled relaxation to manage arousal levels and concentration. Compared to a control group, cadets who
- indio-community-survey
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/indio-community-survey.pdf
- indio-community-survey 27 Appendix A RESEARCH PROCEDURES This research is being conducted by Arizona State University to examine your views about the Indio Police Department. If you agree ... Phoenix, AZ 85004 Or you can drop it off in a sealed envelope to the: Indio Police Department ATTN: Office of the Chief of Police 46-800 Jackson Street Indio, CA 92201 If you would prefer to take ... is a problem? k. Places where condoms or condom wrappers are a problem? 33 7. When thinking about the Indio Police Department, please indicate your level of agreement
- officer-readiness-assessment-tool-final
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/2020/officer-readiness-assessment-tool-final.pdf
- EXPERT Joel Pope is a San Antonio Police Department Academy instructor who teaches law enforcement officers and police trainees in emergency vehicle operations, patrol tactics, and officer health ... police services for our community members and builds trust between law enforcement and those they serve. Joel has spent over a decade developing various law enforcement training programs. These programs are based in realistic scenario training, with an emphasis on stress control techniques and performance psychology as it relates to critical police response. Joel supports officer career and life
- youth-post-test
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/youth-post-test.pdf
- Other_____________ Grade __________ Zip Code _______________ Section 2: A-1 I respect the police Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-2 I feel close to police officers Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-3 Police officers will treat me fairly when I get into trouble Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-4 Police officers will help me when I am in trouble Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-5 Police officers will listen
- youth-pre-test
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/youth-pre-test.pdf
- Other_____________ Grade __________ Zip Code _______________ Section 2: A-1 I respect the police Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-2 I feel close to police officers Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-3 Police officers will treat me fairly when I get into trouble Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-4 Police officers will help me when I am in trouble Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree A-5 Police officers will listen
- officer-resiliency-and-wellness-lesson-plan
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/2020/officer-resiliency-and-wellness-lesson-plan.docx
- the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department's (IMPD) Office of Professional Development and Wellness (OPDW), Wellness Model. The IMPD's OPDW has been Nationally Recognized by former United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, as the Model for Police Agencies across the country. Members from the unit will talk about the unique stressors officers face and the 5-Areas the OPDW has identified where ... of training.Examples of speakers:Chief of host agencySupporting area agenciesRepresentative of local UnionsSponsorsThe Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Office of Professional Development
- officer-resiliency-and-wellness-lesson-plan
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/officer-resiliency-and-wellness-lesson-plan.docx
- the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department's (IMPD) Office of Professional Development and Wellness (OPDW), Wellness Model. The IMPD's OPDW has been Nationally Recognized by former United States Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, as the Model for Police Agencies across the country. Members from the unit will talk about the unique stressors officers face and the 5-Areas the OPDW has identified where ... of training.Examples of speakers:Chief of host agencySupporting area agenciesRepresentative of local UnionsSponsorsThe Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department Office of Professional Development
- indio-police-department-corp-presentation
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/indio-police-department-corp-presentation.pdf
- indio-police-department-corp-presentation HOMELESSNESS AND NUISANCE BEHAVIOR IN INDIO, CALIFORNIA: THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH RESOURCE PROGRAM (CORP) Erika Martinez, Indio Police Department Cody ... of arrest as a tool Multiple Stakeholders 4 Criminal Justice Indio Police Superior Court District Attorney’s Office Probation Department Public Defender’s Office County Services Department ... quality of life at the following times? Views of Indio Police 8 Time Entrance Interview Mean (Std. Dev.) n = 42 Exit Interview Mean (Std. Dev.) n = 24 The police treated me with respect 3.30 (1.06) 3.48
- community-safety-survey
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/community-safety-survey.pdf
- community-safety-survey The Colorado Springs Police Department is interested in your opinions about safety on the Westside. Please assist the department by completing this survey. No responses ... on the Westside during the nighttime? 11. Please review the specific actions below the Colorado Springs Police Department has taken to improve public safety on the Westside and indicate how much ... /defecationgfedcgfedcgfedcSignficantly improved the problemsSomewhat improved the problemsDid not improve the problems at allAssigned dedicated police officers to the WestsidegfedcgfedcgfedcAssigned civilian