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Your search for Data Analytics found 72 results.

Data Science
Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to optimize outcomes for the Dept. of the Navy. Data science for the Navy's Performance to Plan.
Data Science Predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to optimize outcomes for the Dept. of the Navy. Data science for the Navy's Performance to Plan. /images/Centers/CNA/data_science_division.jpg Data Science We leverage data to predict the future...and change it. Data Science develops predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms to optimize outcomes for the Department of the Navy. The division tackles complex questions and massive datasets that demand advanced coding skills for data wrangling and modeling. CNA data scientists provide quick-turn support
The Case for Data Science at Sea
A data science team on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier harnessed the power of data analytics and software development to achieve new efficiencies and better performance.
The Case for Data Science at Sea A data science team on a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier harnessed the power of data analytics and software development to achieve new efficiencies and better performance. /images/InDepth/2024/06/USS-Carl-Vinson.webp The Case for Data Science at Sea Rear Admiral Carlos Sardiello and Lieutenant Commander Shane Halton, U.S. Navy, and Annie Voigt, CNA Rear Admiral Carlos ... awareness, and respond dynamically to emerging warfare requirements by harnessing the power of data analytics and software development at the tactical edge. As the Navy continues to adapt to an increasingly
Rules of the Sky
The rapidly approaching drone use into the airspace creates a unique safety challenge for aviation regulators and industry. UCATS™ provides insights into how to manage large-scale, commercial uncrewed aircraft.
. Contact Halleh Seyson Vice President and Director, Enterprise Systems and Data Analysis Division Shaelynn Hales Managing Director, CNA Center for Data Management and Analytics Rebekah Yang Systems Engineer, CNA Center for Data Management and Analytics white /reports/2023/06/drone-agent-based-modeling-airspace-fairness none image full This report lays
justice talks: Using data to advance the justice system: Forecasting, risk-assessments, and predictive analytics in law enforcement
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed alternative response models to individuals in crisis. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with Dr. Grant Duwe, Dr. Theron "T" Bowman, and Dr. Brittany Cunningham about innovative uses of data to advance the justice system.
5 In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed alternative response models to individuals in crisis. In this episode, Dr. Chip Coldren leads a discussion with Dr. Grant Duwe, Dr. Theron "T" Bowman, and Dr. Brittany Cunningham about innovative uses of data to advance the justice system. Using data to advance the justice system: Forecasting, risk-assessments, and predictive analytics ... expertise in the areas of data analytics and law enforcement. Grant Duwe, PhD is research director at the Minnesota Department of Corrections. Theron "T" Bowman, PhD is the retired chief of police
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 44, August 25, 2022
as an economic asset. Serebryanikova explains that the “proposed draft will deprive business of an incentive to develop projects in the field of data analytics and artificial intelligence, since ... hackathon to be held on August 5–7. The hackathon will be held online and has a prize of 300,000 rubles. A data analytics hackathon was held by VkusVill, an online grocery delivery app, from June 23 ... on programming, data analytics, artificial intelligence, information security, and marketing and design. In 2021, the project had 25,000 Russian participants. This year the organizers hope to attract 50,000
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 41, June 27, 2022
to be delivered to the MOD in 2024. TASS could not independently verify this information, although these data may relate to the maritime version of the Sirius long-range combat drone manufactured by the Kronstadt ... environment and high-speed processing of the received data. This system could consist of a wide-angle camera and a small computer that processes incoming information. According to Russian experts ... an adversary’s navigation systems, command and control systems, and air defense radars. According to Litovkin, Palantin combines disparate information sources, then organizes and redistributes data to those
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 45, September 7, 2022
systems, creating analytics clusters and data backup, and deploying NAS network file storages. It is used in order to replace the Amazon S3 cloud solution with a local one that has a compatible interface ... description, Grad MLRS systems were firing on Ukrainian positions practically nonstop with the help of UAVs, whose targeting data was transmitted to the field headquarters and rocket-artillery battery ... , the Russian internet services and social media company. The new platform, “VK Cloud Solutions,” is designed to “combine convenient tools for experimenting with data and working with machine learning models
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 40, June 15, 2022
.” President Putin also called on businesses and the government to de-bureaucratize supervisory activity to enhance entrepreneurial activities and to enhance the protection of personal data. He commented that this capability, lacking in Russian industry, is a vital priority to create a state system and protective environment for further development. New law to enhance data privacy On May 26, the Ministry of Digital Transformation held a meeting to discuss different ideas to enhance personal data privacy and security and to heighten the standards of responsibility for companies
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 37, May 2, 2022
, generates detailed results analytics, and provides HR and executives with unbiased data in addition to HR research results. According to the head of the TalentTech Polls team, Marina Buldovskaya: Each ... working in the office and remotely. Speakers included Victoria Piskareva, Head of HR Analytics and Automation, Kaspersky Lab; Elena Artemyeva, Director of Analytics, Research and Data Science, ... will be developed in partnership with enterprises and industrial centers in their native region. Planned course offerings include digital design, robotics, artificial intelligence, big data, digital twins
Guidance on the Collection and Use of Officer Injury Data Bulletin
This bulletin provides information related to officer injury data collection. Specifically, it provides suggested practices regarding what variables to collect, when to collect data, and how to collect data to better understand and utilize officer injury data to promote officer safety.
Officer Injury Bulletin This bulletin provides information related to officer injury data collection. Specifically, it provides suggested practices regarding what variables to collect, when to collect data, and how to collect data to better understand and utilize officer injury data to promote officer safety. As part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance-funded initiative Using Analytics ... officer injury data. Visit CNA’s Officer Safety and Wellness page to learn more about our analytics work. Officer safety is of critical importance in an era of increased risk for law enforcement