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Your search for Maritime Security found 140 results.

Honest, accurate, usable research to inform the important work of public policy decision-makers — a principle that is never compromised.
+ years ago, then left for NAVEUR-NAVAF. What happened in between is phenomenal. Anyone working IUU and maritime security needs to try this. — Joshua Tallis (@DocTallis
Christopher Steinitz
Chris Steinitz is a CNA wargame designer and facilitator.
Steinitz-Christopher Chris Steinitz is a CNA wargame designer and facilitator. /images/Experts/Steinitz-Christopher.jpg Chris Steinitz is a senior wargame designer and facilitator. He has designed and executed wargames to examine topics including force structure, operational warfighting, special operations, adversary decision-making and climate change. At CNA, he has conducted studies on maritime security cooperation, efforts to build partner capacity, naval strategy development, coalition-building, and adversary analytics. He has directed the North Korea portfolio as part of CNA’s
April Herlevi
April Herlevi is a CNA expert on PRC foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and economic, commercial, and military actors.
Herlevi-April April Herlevi is a CNA expert on PRC foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and economic, commercial, and military actors. /images/Experts/Herlevi-April.jpg April A. Herlevi is an expert on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and the increasing role of PRC commercial ... published research on port operations along China’s Maritime Silk Road, PLA views of Oceania, and China-Middle East relations, and she continues to research PRC technological upgrading. She regularly
Alison Vernon
Alison Vernon is a Senior Research Scientist at CNA.
posture, and U.S. Navy and Marine Corps integration. Additionally, and most recently, she has conducted multiple organizational analyses focusing on subjects as varied as the Maritime Operations Center ... for a multi-year project that has analyzed the impact in host nations of 16 recent humanitarian engagement and disaster relief operations. From this work, she developed an assessment model for security
Becker Testimony
Prepared Testimony by Jeffrey D. Becker Research Program Director, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, CNA To the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation
Becker Testimony China’s Maritime Silk Road Initiative: Implications for the Global Maritime Supply Chain Prepared Testimony by Jeffrey D. Becker Research Program Director, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, CNA To the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Chairman Maloney, Ranking Member Gibbs, and Members of the Subcommittee ... , Research Program Director, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, CNA To the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation /reports/2019/10/Becker
China Becoming a Maritime Power
In November 2012, then president Hu Jintao declared that China’s objective was to become a strong or great maritime power. This report, based on papers written by China experts for this CNA project, explores that decision and the implications it has for the United States. It analyzes Chinese thinking on what a maritime power is, why Beijing wants to become a maritime power, what shortfalls it believes it must address in order to become a maritime power, and when it believes it will become a maritime power (as it defines the term). The report then explores the component pieces of China’s maritime power—its navy, coast guard, maritime militia, merchant marine, and shipbuilding and fishing industries. It also addresses some policy options available to the U.S. government to prepare for—and, if deemed necessary, mitigate—the impact that China’s becoming a maritime power would have for U.S. interests.
of careful Chinese consideration of, and appreciation for, the importance of the maritime domain to China’s continued development, to China’s security, and to China’s vision of its place in the world ... and PLA that becoming a “maritime power” is a necessity for China. Anxiety regarding the security of China’s sea lanes China’s leaders worry about the security of its seaborne trade. The prominence ... ) security is a major preoccupation for the PLA. When will China become a maritime power? Remarks made by senior leaders since 2012 make it clear that the long-term goal is for China to be a leader
Samoa Disputed Election Amid Great Power Rivalry
A disputed election has recently plunged Samoa into a state of constitutional crisis. The outcome of this dispute may reshape the small Pacific island country’s relations with China, the United States and U.S. allies in the region.
Brian Waidelich is a Research Scientist in CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program . His research focuses on issues related to great power competition and Indo-Pacific maritime security. Benjamin DeThomas is a Research Scientist in CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program , where he works on issues related to China’s overseas influence and economic statecraft. A disputed election has ... and to build capacity and resilience in the field of maritime security. Recent strategic guidance from the Biden Administration also reiterates the U.S. intention to “reinforce our partnership with Pacific
intersections: Issue 6, October 2023
Intersections, Issue 6, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security.
resilience Maritime security Border security Cyber security Space security Source: New Zealand Government, Secure Together: New Zealand’s National Security ... Issue 6 Intersections, Issue 6, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security. /Newsletters/Intersections ... Security Strategy, and Germany’s China strategy alongside our recurring coverage of PRC technical developments and illegal activities. PRC Imposes Critical Mineral Restrictions PRC places
ai with ai: From A to Z
Two special guests join Andy and Dave for a discussion about research in AI and autonomy. First, Dr. Andrea Gilli is a researcher at the NATO Defense College in Rome, where he works on defense innovation, military transformation, and armed forces modernization. And second, Ms. Zoe Stanley-Lockman is a fellow at the Maritime Security Programme of the Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies at the Rajartnam School of International Studies in Singapore, where she is researching, among other things, the roles of ethics in AI.
on defense innovation, military transformation, and armed forces modernization. And second, Ms. Zoe Stanley-Lockman is a fellow at the Maritime Security Programme of the Institute of Defence and Strategic ... Security, Security Studies, The RUSI Journal, and Washington Post’s Monkey Cage.” Zoe Stanley Lockman “Zoe Stanley-Lockman is an Associate Research Fellow in the Maritime Security Programme ... prize for the best dissertation on European defense, security and strategy. Andrea has provided consulting services to both private and public organizations, including the EU Military Committee
intersections: Issue 9, April 2024
Intersections, Issue 9, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security.
in the maritime domain. In the US, many of those threats originate from PRC hackers and PRC-manufactured equipment. In other parts of the world, there is increasing concern about the security of subsea cable ... of cyber risks posed by PRC-produced cranes. The US Coast Guard issued a Maritime Security Directive on cyber risk management actions for PRC-manufactured STS cranes located at US Commercial Strategic ... Issue 9 Intersections, Issue 9, CNA news digest of China’s efforts to acquire Western technology, U.S. and partner efforts to protect technology for national security. /Newsletters/Intersections