Search Results
Your search for Police found 220 results.
- Independent Audit of the Little Rock PD
- /reports/2021/11/independent-audit-of-the-little-rock-pd
- CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation conducted an independent audit of the Little Rock Police Department.
- Independent Audit of the Little Rock PD Independent Audit of the City of Little Rock Police Department CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation conducted an independent audit of the Little Rock Police Department. The ability of a police department to act in a fair and just manner is vitally important to creating internal and external trust, which in turn increases the perception ... shooting of Bradley Blackshire, a Black man, who was killed by a Little Rock Police Department (LRPD) officer in February 2019. The incident, in which Mr. Blackshire was fired upon at least 15 times, led
- Tactics and Operations
- /expertise/tactics-and-operations
- CNA is the oldest U.S. operations research organization, with tactics and operations analysis for Navy, Marine Corps, law enforcement, emergency management.
- of hurricanes. Ambushes of Police: Environment, Incident Dynamics, and the Aftermath of Surprise Attacks Against Law Enforcement Ambushes of Police: Environment, Incident Dynamics, and the Aftermath of Surprise Attacks Against Law Enforcement Ambush attacks against law enforcement officers remain a threat to officer safety
- Domestic Safety and Security
- /expertise/domestic-safety-and-security
- CNA has experts in policing, corrections, domestic terrorism, and emergency management, supporting the Department of Justice, FEMA and state and local agencies.
- Policing and Precision Policing initiatives were founded on CNA analysis, and we have been a leader in police racial bias audits and research on the effective use of body-worn cameras. Our emergency ... in learning more about the role of predictive analytics in police operations. Active Shooter Exercise KIt /centers-and-divisions/ipr/emo/active-shooter Explore More /our-research/explore-all Organizational
- Rachel Johnston
- /our-experts/johnston-rachel
- Rachel Johnston is a CNA expert in police organizations and policy. She has worked on several training and technical assistance projects.
- Johnston-Rachel Rachel Johnston is a CNA expert in police organizations and policy. She has worked on several training and technical assistance projects. /images/Experts/Johnston-Rachel.webp Rachel Johnston is an expert in police organizations and policy. She has worked on a number of training and technical assistance projects with CNA, including directing the Body-Worn Camera Training and Technical Assistance Policy Implementation Program. She also completed an assessment of fair and impartial policing in East Lansing, Michigan. Prior to CNA, Johnston was the research director
- The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform
- /our-media/indepth/2020/07/the-four-elements-of-successful-police-reform
- The nation’s interest in police reform has never been greater. For effective and lasting police reform to emerge from this wave of national attention, all stakeholders need to commit to these four pillars.
- The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform The nation’s interest in police reform has never been greater. For effective and lasting police reform to emerge from this wave of national attention, all stakeholders need to commit to these four pillars. /images/InDepth/Post59.jpg The Four Elements of Successful Police Reform 59 Zoë Thorkildsen Zoë Thorkildsen provides expertise in the areas of criminal justice and policing, program evaluation and research design. The nation's interest in police reform has never been greater. Conversations that used to take place largely in government buildings
- 21st Century Policing Assessment San Jose PD
- /reports/2022/01/21st-century-policing-assessment-san-jose-pd
- This report is an assessment of the San José Police Department’s (SJPD) implementation of recommendations and action items found within the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report, published in 2015.
- 21st Century Policing Assessment San Jose PD 21ST CENTURY POLICING ASSESSMENT OF THE SAN JOSÉ POLICE DEPARTMENT This report is an assessment of the San José Police Department’s (SJPD) implementation of recommendations and action items found within the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report, published in 2015. Recognizing the urgent need for transparency, accountability, and legitimacy, the San José Independent Police Auditor—through a competitive bid—selected CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation to complete an assessment of the San José Police Department’s (SJPD
- New CNA Reports Address San Jose Police Department's Use of Force Incidents
- /our-media/press-releases/2022/03-31
- Use of force data from the San Jose Police Department (SJPD) shows that the California city is moving in the right direction, but missteps and racial disparities are still evident during some interactions, according to a new report.
- Use of force data from the San Jose Police Department (SJPD) shows that the California city is moving in the right direction, but missteps and racial disparities are still evident during some interactions, according to a new report. /images/news/PressRelease.png New CNA Reports Address San Jose Police Department's Use of Force Incidents Use of force data from the San Jose Police Department (SJPD ... reports for 2,352 use of force events from February 2017 to February 2021. In roughly the same time period, there were approximately 327,000 face-to-face police community interactions resulting from a call
- Edward Flynn
- /our-experts/flynn-edward
- , and public safety partnerships. Prior to joining CNA, Flynn was appointed Chief of Police in Milwaukee in January 2008. He was formerly Police Commissioner in Springfield, Massachusetts from 2006 to 2008. As the chief police executive, he was responsible for 470 officers and 100 civilians, serving a city of 155,000 residents. Flynn served as Secretary of Public Safety under Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney from January 2003 until he took command in Springfield. Prior to his appointment as Secretary of Public Safety, he served for five years as the chief of police in Arlington, Virginia
- James Nolette
- /our-experts/nolette-james
- Nolette-James /images/Experts/Nolette-James.webp James Nolette is an expert in place-based policing, police operations, and police reform. Prior to CNA, Nolette served with the Fayetteville Police ... world. Assistant Chief (Retired) Nolette partnered with the Department of Justice and Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) as the Fayetteville Police Departments command staff liaison associated with the Fayetteville Police Department Collaborative Reform. He was also responsible for leading the Fayetteville Police Department’s efforts in establishing a robust Open Data Portal associated
- William (Bill) Taylor
- /our-experts/taylor-william
- and implementing problem-solving policing activities with police department personnel, neighborhood residents, and other partners both in and out of government. Taylor serves as a CNA advisor to three ... , Police Department and conducted a racial bias audit for the Albany, New York, Police Department. Prior to joining CNA, Taylor was the police superintendent of the Lowell, Massachusetts, Police ... and expert-level training at the FBI National Academy, Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and the Massachusetts Police Leadership Institute. William (Bill) Taylor Senior Advisor