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Your search for Data Analytics found 72 results.

china ai and autonomy report: Issue 5, December 16, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 5, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
reportedly used AI to make continuous improvements in the weapon's design that “gave the human designers a huge set of optimized data points that nearly doubled the weapon's efficiency compared ... ) to advanced technical expert (level 1). The standards provide descriptions and requirements for each level according to several categories, such as business analytics, intelligent training abilities (e.g., algorithms, data processing), intelligent system design, and teaching and guidance abilities. The standards were drafted by a group of organizations that include private companies, state-owned
A Method of Estimating Plane Vulnerability
This Research Contribution contains a series of memoranda written by Abraham Wald of the Statistical Research Group at Columbia University during World War II.
methodology has been employed in the analysis of data from both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. It is published by CNA not only as a matter of historical interest but also because the methodology is still relevant Abraham Wald /reports/1980/0204320000.pdf /reports/1980/0204320000_Page_001.jpg /images/GenericReportImage.jpg Data Science Predictive Analytics /centers-and-divisions/cna/data-science
Assessed the lessons learned on how to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 from the USN Comfort's mission in New York City
: Analysts from CNA’s Health Analytics and Medical Readiness program interviewed Comfort crewmembers, including Military Sealift Command crew, military leadership, and key medical and engineering staff. We collected further qualitative data from military and civilian personnel who led activities at Second Fleet, Task Force-129. We also examined engineering and administrative changes, modeled
StaffLab Frequently Asked Questions
5 questions about StaffLab are answered
, wargaming, and analytics. Organizational wargaming is a component of this service but does not stand alone. Unlike some traditional types of wargames, it also yields quantitative data that are further
Law Enforcement Officer Safety
This brief provides an accessible resource for law enforcement agencies, line officers, and their stakeholders (e.g., policy-makers, training instructors) to inform the development of targeted training, policies, and practices to promote officer safety while in the line of duty.
is a product created through a partnership between BJA and CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation. The Using Analytics to Improve Officer Safety project examines granular incident data from 2015
Thirteen COVID-19 Resources that Use Artificial Intelligence
Andy Ilachinski and David Broyles, co-hosts of AI with AI, CNA's popular podcast on artificial intelligence, have compiled a timely, annotated list of AI developments and resources related to COVID-19.
a machine-learning-driven analytics dashboard that monitors locally reported COVID-19 cases and notifies users when a region’s numbers change significantly. Algorithms are based on publicly available data ... Coronavirus The Innovation & Digital Health Accelerator at Boston Children’s   Hospital has developed a dashboard that uses machine learning and social media data to track COVID-19. John Brownstein ... is the most extensive machine-readable coronavirus literature collection available for data mining. Additional resources include a full-text search engine ( CORD-19 Explorer ) and CoViz , an interactive
CNA: A Cultural Revolution Empowering Business Transformation
CNA Chief Information Officer Rizwan Jan is fostering a collaborative culture to drive innovation, efficiency, and cybersecurity.
own set of challenges. This included implementing robust data governance policies, enhancing data security measures, and improving data analytics capabilities to drive informed decision-making across ... in shaping the organisation's approach to data management, cybersecurity, and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning". This is especially important, as technologies ... platforms, optimising network architecture, and implementing automation tools to streamline processes and reduce manual workload. Jan also focused on enhancing data management practices to ensure data
Crime Analysts: Using Data to Make Communities Safer
Crime analysts identify patterns, trends, and connections in vast datasets to help law enforcement. The crime analysis profession expands along with police data.
justice or data analytics, a Master of Science in law enforcement administration, or a Master of Science in criminal justice. As crime analysis has grown in popularity over the years, colleges ... Crime Analysts as Profession Crime analysts identify patterns, trends, and connections in vast datasets to help law enforcement. The crime analysis profession expands along with police data. /images/InDepth/2023/09/Crime-Analysis-Map.jpg Crime Analysts: Using Data to Make Communities Safer Crime analysis education, certification, careers with police Alisa Leduc Alisa Leduc is a research analyst
Delivery Drones are Coming. Are We Ready?
Controlling the airspace for small package delivery by drones or UAS requires planning that is informed by analysis and modeling with tools such as CNA’s UCATS™.
Yang is a systems engineer in CNA’s Center for Data Management Analytics supporting the future integration of emerging technologies, such as UAS and artificial intelligence, for the FAA. Adam ... clients. Mark Lesko is a research scientist in CNA’s Center for Data Management Analytics specializing in issues and analysis related to traditional air traffic management. Controlling
ai with ai: Elfnark’s Lottery Ticket
Andy and Dave take a look at the reintroduction of the "AI in Government Act," a bill that intends to get more AI technical experts into the US Government. San Francisco bans facial recognition software (but leaves the door open in the future), while Moscow announces plans to weave AI facial recognition into its urban surveillance net. Facebook opens up its data to academic researchers for analysis. DARPA announces the Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program, to automate air-to-air combat; DARPA also announces Teaching AI to Leverage Overlooked Residuals (TAILOR), to make soldiers fitter, happier, and more productive. And IARPA announces Trojans in AI (TrojAI), an effort to inspect AI for malicious code. In research, Andy and Dave discuss research from Frankle at MIT that proposes a "Lottery Ticket" hypothesis, which suggests only certain "winning combinations" are necessary for training neural networks, and that researchers have been training neural networks that are much larger than they need to be to increase the chances of includes one of these winning combinations. Leon Bottou at Facebook AI proposes a method for using AI to identify causal relationships in data (and which goes against the common modern practice of combining data sets into one giant dataset). And research from Cambridge, George IT, and the University of Pennsylvania demonstrates that Magic: the Gathering is officially the world’s most complicated game (and is Turing complete). In reports of the week, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute releases the Impact of AI on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Risk. IKV and Pax Christi release The State of AI. Analytics Vedhya has compiled a list of 25 open datasets for deep learning. Benedek Rozemberczki has curated a list of decision tree research papers. The IEEE Spectrum releases a report on Accelerating Autonomous Vehicle Technology. The May 2019 issue of The Scientist contains 15 articles on how Biology is tackling AI. David Kriesel provides A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks. COL Jasper Jeffers wins the 2019 Sci-Fi Writing Contest with AN41. The ICLR 2019 provides video on four talks, including Frankle’s Lottery Ticket hypothesis, and Bottou’s Casual Invariance. Melanie Mitchell gives a Ted Talk on the Collapse of AI and the possibility of an AI winter. And the National Academies-Royal Society Public Symposium will be meeting in DC on 24 May for an International Dialogue on AI.
software (but leaves the door open in the future), while Moscow announces plans to weave AI facial recognition into its urban surveillance net. Facebook opens up its data to academic researchers ... they need to be to increase the chances of includes one of these winning combinations. Leon Bottou at Facebook AI proposes a method for using AI to identify causal relationships in data (and which goes against the common modern practice of combining data sets into one giant dataset). And research from Cambridge, George IT, and the University of Pennsylvania demonstrates that Magic: the Gathering