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Your search for Maritime Security found 141 results.

Renewal of Navys Riverine Capability A Preliminary Examination
The Director of Deep Blue (OPNAV N3/5) asked the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) to help the Navy define the maritime domain in which riverine operations may take place, the potential missions and tasks appropriate for a riverine force, and the resource implications related to the Navy’s decision to establish a riverine capability. This report examines riverine history; defines the maritime domain as it applies to brown-water operations, identifies where riverine operations might occur; and identifies operational and functional tasks that might be employed by a riverine force. It also examines how well the U.S. Navy’s projected riverine capability fits across a range of military operations. We found that the U.S. Navy has a long and varied but episodic history of riverine operations, which are inherently joint and often combined. Ground and air combat units along with different types of naval units routinely work together. While riverine craft are usually the centerpiece of any riverine operation, they do not perform significant riverine missions by themselves. Riverine operations are also complex: they involve frequent close combat and the employment of combined arms.
elements. In a conceptual sense, maritime domain is directly related to mari- time security and extends beyond our borders to sovereign nations. We surveyed 60 countries which fall into what is known ... (OPNAV N3/5) asked the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) to help the Navy define the maritime domain in which riverine operations may take place, the potential missions and tasks appropriate for a riverine force, and the resource implications related to the Navy’s decision to establish a riverine capability. This report examines riverine history; defines the maritime domain as it applies to brown-water
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 5, December 16, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 5, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
in the new year. We wish everyone a healthy, safe, and happy holiday season and best wishes for 2022! MILITARY AND NATIONAL SECURITY PRC publishes first position paper on regulating the military ... applications of AI shall never be used as a tool to start a war or pursue hegemony” and opposes “moves to undermine the sovereignty and territorial security of other countries by using advantages in AI ... lines or overstretching the notion of national security, remove man-made barriers in the field of science and technology, and ensure the rights of all countries to technological progress and peaceful
CNA Expertise Supports Efforts to Control IUU Fishing
CNA offers a unique combination of maritime operational experience and policy expertise not found in any other organization working on the IUU fishing problem.
CNA Expertise Supports Efforts to Control IUU Fishing CNA offers a unique combination of maritime operational experience and policy expertise not found in any other organization working on the IUU fishing problem. Illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a top maritime security concern for dozens of countries, threatening their food supplies, economies, and security. These risks transcend national boundaries to endanger global fish stocks, the law of the sea, and maritime security. The US government has taken notice, forming the US Interagency Working Group on IUU Fishing, which
Political Military Trends in Italy Greece and Spain
These studies of the current geo-political climates in Greece, Italy, and Spain provide an important backdrop to a number of questions relevant to the study of U.S. Navy-host nation cooperation on AT-FP policies. That cooperation takes place within a context shaped by the host nations' security concerns and national politics and the developing security issues of the region. In addition, the overall atmosphere of US-European and US-host nation relations shape the extent to which the U.S. Navy can work with the host nation to craft an effective AT-FP policy for Navy shore establishments. If we are to provide realistic and useful conclusions and recommendation for the Navy's way ahead on this issue, then they must be grounded on a realistic and useful reading of the current state of political and military cooperation, as well as an accurate assessment of differing security interests and areas of possible friction in the future.
regions to the south and east of Europe. They also have concerns about the security of maritime traffic (crime, proliferation, immigration, drugs) in the Mediterranean. While threats from traditional ... security concerns and national politics and the developing security issues of the region. In addition, the overall atmosphere of US-European and US-host nation relations shape the extent to which the U.S. ... on this issue, then they must be grounded on a realistic and useful reading of the current state of political and military cooperation, as well as an accurate assessment of differing security interests
ai and autonomy in russia: Issue 41, June 27, 2022
of two sections: ethical AI implementation and development, and personal and information security within AI technology and innovation.  In addition to the new Code of Ethics, there is a new ... of human will and ensur[ing] the lack of discrimination and compliance of the implemented decisions with the legislation.”  Military and Security Russia’s advanced deck-based drone to make maiden ... to be delivered to the MOD in 2024. TASS could not independently verify this information, although these data may relate to the maritime version of the Sirius long-range combat drone manufactured by the Kronstadt
Beyond Belt and Road
Over the past decade, China’s presence in the Middle East and Indian Ocean has expanded significantly across a wide range of domains, including military, diplomatic, economic, and even informational.
significantly across a wide range of domains, including military, diplomatic, economic, and even informational. The Middle East and Western Indian Ocean This study examines China’s activities in maritime ... security analysts, including analysts affiliated with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), have long acknowledged the region’s importance as a vital nexus point connecting North America and Europe to Asia. Access to important maritime chokepoints: China relies heavily on access to seaborne energy imports and maritime trade, the majority of which transit maritime chokepoints located in the Middle East
Leading the Industry in Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)
CNA has been a leader in conducting research, designing frameworks, and developing methodologies to build Cybersecurity measures for UAS. We support the development of the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) UAS Traffic Management (UTM) requirements, which represents a new paradigm in aviation traffic management.
and security. Partnering with Virginia’s UAS stakeholders, our team collaborated on use cases and requirements for unmanned technologies to enhance safety and security in the Hampton Roads maritime ... safety organizations, such as research and analysis of body-worn camera data for Las Vegas and other police departments. NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY CNA brings eight decades of analytical expertise to assess the use of UAS to meet mission-critical National Security objectives. In one study, we performed comprehensive research outlining the current use of UAS by public safety industry to inform
Julia McQuaid
on a range of national security challenges. This work has included research and analysis of adversary threats, defense and Navy strategy, maritime security, climate security, and natural resource competition, especially illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. She has extensive experience related to U.S. partners and allies in key regions of the world, across a range of defense and security ... Summer Study on Climate Change and Global Security. McQuaid has a Master of Arts in Arab studies from Georgetown University and a Bachelor of Arts in French and government from Franklin & Marshall
pla update: Issue 9, April 19, 2023
PLA Update, Issue 9, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
center dedicated to studying Xi Jinping Thought asserted that China’s national security is in a “high-risk period” as countries around the world are uniting various instruments of national power ... capability development. According to the author, “emerging fields,” including “maritime, space, cyber, biology, and new energy,” have “enormous power and potential” and must be strengthened to improve ... exercise series (the last one was held in 2020), the two militaries conducted training activities focused on “security operations for major events and humanitarian rescue.” The stated purpose
Great Power Competition in the Indian Ocean
U.S. Navy planners should assume that the PLA Navy’s presence in the western Indian Ocean will grow, and that new bases and places will be organized to support its expanded presence. U.S. authorities can no longer assume unencumbered freedom of action when electing to posture U.S. naval forces offshore of the Horn of Africa and other East African hotspots. If China’s interests are involved and differ from Washington’s, the Chinese could dispatch their own naval forces to the water offshore of the country in question. The U.S. Navy faced similar circumstances between 1968 and 1991, when the United States and the Soviet Union competed for friends, political influence, maritime access, and bases in the western Indian Ocean region. This paper briefly discusses this period in order to provide some historical context for what might occur in the future. As Mark Twain purportedly quipped, “History does not repeat, but it often rhymes.”
offshore of the country in question. The U.S. Navy faced similar circumstances between 1968 and 1991, when the United States and the Soviet Union competed for friends, political influence, maritime ... paper, entitled China’s Military Strategy, stated: With the growth of China’s national interests…the security of overseas interests concerning energy and resources, strategic sea lines ... to economically connect Eurasia, with all roads leading to Beijing, effectively ended that debate. To support and begin to protect the maritime portion of OBOR, also known as the 21st Century Maritime Silk
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