Search Results
Your search for Police found 220 results.
- Kaitlin DePartee
- /our-experts/departee-kaitlin
- Kaitlin DePartee is a CNA expert in criminal justice research and crime analysis. Her research interests include body-worn cameras, crime analysis, and smart policing.
- , DePartee was a crime and research analyst at the Finn Institute for Public Safety. DePartee has also served as an embedded crime analyst in police departments and fusion centers. Her previous
- Kenneth Novak
- /our-experts/novak-kenneth
- Novak-Kenneth /images/Experts/Novak-Kenneth.webp Ken Novak is an expert in criminal justice research. He focuses on improving policing and identifying evidence-based strategies that enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of policing strategies that simultaneously promote fairness and transparency. He has published scientific research on policing, citizen attitudes toward police, community policing, and racial profiling. Before joining CNA, Novak was a professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He conducted research and taught classes
- Heleana Melendez
- /our-experts/melendez-heleana
- Melendez-Heleana /images/Experts/Melendez-Heleana1.jpg Heleana Melendez is an expert in criminal justice research and policing. Her research areas include social network analysis, violent crime investigations, cryptomarkets and police reform. At CNA, Melendez supports projects focused on violence prevention, system improvement, crisis intervention and use of force for law enforcement agencies across the nation. Prior to joining CNA, Melendez was a research program manager with Justice & Security Strategies, Inc., where she worked on several research projects related to policing and other
- Keri Richardson
- /our-experts/richardson-keri
- ; Lancaster, Pennsylvania; Charleston, South Carolina; and Worcester and Methuen, Massachusetts. She has also fostered community engagement and involvement in order to fulfill police reform efforts. She
- Elliot Harkavy
- /our-experts/harkavy-elliot
- to joining CNA, Harkavy worked for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, coordinating with over 1,700 public safety officials across the Police Chiefs Committee- Corrections Chiefs
- Tim Sweet
- /our-experts/sweet-tim
- Sweet-Tim /images/Experts/Sweet-Tim.png Timothy "TJ" Sweet is an expert in crime analysis for both strategic and investigative purposes. Prior to joining CNA, he worked as a crime analyst with the police departments of Detroit and Charlotte-Mecklenburg, North Carolina. In these roles, he was responsible for a wide range of activities, from providing assistance in defining the strategic direction of patrol divisions to providing investigative leads to detectives in gang and violent crime units. Sweet has a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal justice with a certificate in crime
- Center for Justice Research and Innovation
- /centers-and-divisions/ipr/jri
- Helps justice agencies sustain organizational and system-wide improvements and innovations through research, analysis and practical solutions.
- /reports/2021/11/RacialBiasNCSCPageImage.jpg Racial Bias Assessment of the North Charleston, South Carolina, Police Department /reports/2021/11/racial-bias-assessment-of-north-charleston-pd none orange half Racial Bias Assessment of the North Charleston, SC, Police Department CNA’s comprehensive assessment of North Charleston, SC, Police Department included an examination of law enforcement operations
- PAJ DAY 1 3 Civilianization & Role of Police, Prosecutors, and Corrections in Society
- /videos/2023/paj-day-1-3-civilianization-and-role-of-police-prosecutors-and-corrections-in-society
- On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American Justice (PAJ) hosted the first JRI Virtual Symposium. The symposium brought together criminal justice researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging and critical topics in the justice system. NIJ Director Nancy La Vigne, a nationally recognized criminal justice policy expert, joined the symposium as the keynote speaker. Sessions also included presentations and roundtables highlighting research, training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations, emerging technologies, civilianization of traditional justice functions, organizational change and development, and the future of the criminal justice system.
- PAJ DAY 1 3 Civilianization & Role of Police, Prosecutors, and Corrections in Society On August 30-31, 2023, the CNA Center for Justice Research and Innovation’s (JRI) Project on American ... , training and technical assistance, and reform work that JRI is engaged in. These sessions covered the following topics: the role of police, prosecutors, and corrections in society, community relations ... of Police, Prosecutors, and Corrections in Society /our-media/videos
- Right Wing Extremism in US Law Enforcement
- /reports/2021/04/right-wing-extremism-in-us-law-enforcement
- This paper provides an overview of the current state of knowledge about police officer engagement in rightwing extremism, including the sustained use of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic language and stereotyping, both online and offline. After surveying the contemporary right-wing extremist landscape, this paper uses publicly available sources to explore in a preliminary way aspects of extremist penetration and recruitment, pre-employment screening challenges, police participation in extremist activity, and the role of social media platforms and the internet in enabling extremism. The paper concludes with a set of analytical questions that practitioners and policy-makers must answer if they hope to mitigate the rightwing extremist threat.
- of knowledge about police officer engagement in rightwing extremism, including the sustained use of racist, misogynistic, and homophobic language and stereotyping, both online and offline. After ... screening challenges, police participation in extremist activity, and the role of social media platforms and the internet in enabling extremism. The paper concludes with a set of analytical questions ... on the US Capitol has generated fresh interest in the broader issue of police participation in right-wing extremist groups and activities.1 Such extremism poses obvious but significant challenges
- Fair and Impartial Policing Assessment East Lansing PD
- /reports/2022/12/fair-and-impartial-policing-assessment-east-lansing-pd
- and impartial policing practices and made recommendations to improve the agency’s impartial policing practices.
- Fair and Impartial Policing Assessment East Lansing PD Fair and Impartial Policing Assessment of the East Lansing Police Department and impartial policing practices and made recommendations to improve the agency’s impartial policing practices. The ability of a police department to act in a fair and just manner is vitally important to creating internal and external trust, which in turn increases ... and Innovation to conduct an assessment of fair and impartial policing in the East Lansing Police Department (ELPD). This report details the findings and recommendations of this assessment of the ELPD