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Your search for Military History found 104 results.

North Korea's Strategic Surprise in the Yellow Sea: A Future Scenario
Markus Garlauskas presents a fictional future Yellow Sea conflict scenario, following the consequences of a surprise attack by North Korea against South Korea.
of a number of different missiles North Korea has launched this month. The following is a “future history” account of a hypothetical strategic surprise in the Pacific, but not the type Campbell had ... Should Prepare for a Crisis in the Yellow Sea . It is a stark warning of the potential consequences if the United States and South Korea are unprepared for the military and political implications of North Korea's continued weapons development alongside the rising assertiveness of the People's Republic of China (PRC). [Excerpts from “Chapter 15: A Mortal Wound,” The History of the United
Why Are Special Operations Ever Conducted?
Anyone who has watched popular films such as Zero Dark Thirty, 12 Strong, Lone Survivor, or Blackhawk Down has to wonder: why are special operations ever conducted in the first place?
and in the future. The eminent and recently-deceased scholar of strategic theory and military history, Colin S. Gray, once described special operations as “handfuls of heroes on desperate ventures.” Indeed, anyone who has watched popular films such as Zero Dark Thirty , 12 Strong , Lone Survivor , or Blackhawk Down can appreciate the dangers associated with these types of military operations ... assessed and selected to institutionalize the generation of unorthodox solutions—is a historical anomaly, as one can identify special military operations throughout history. Thus, the answer to why
Wrong War, Right Weapons: Lessons for the Next Conflict
Precision-guided munitions contributed to Desert Storm’s sweeping success, but were developed for an adversary and battlefield nothing like the one faced in the Persian Gulf.
the one faced in the Persian Gulf 30 years ago. The history of their development and their successful — and sometimes unsuccessful — use should inform the development of the next generation of defense systems. In the 1991 Gulf War, precision systems — and a well-led, well-trained force using them — made for a conflict unlike any before it in history. This was largely an air war: The first 90 ... . This is what military planners call an “offset strategy.” Offsets address what appears to be a competition that is unwinnable — or winnable only at unacceptable cost — by changing the balance through
Elections in South Korea and the Philippines: Opportunities for Deeper U.S. Security Cooperation
James Bellacqua discusses how elections in South Korea and the Philippines could lead to greater security cooperation with the U.S.
spoken about the importance of maintaining a Philippine military presence in the disputed South China Sea in order to defend the nation's sovereignty. Furthermore, Marcos has publicly clarified that his own family's less-than-exemplary history with Washington would not affect his foreign policy. (Marcos is not permitted to travel to the U.S. due to a 2012 U.S. court judgement against his ... . Manila and Washington also intend to scale up this year's iteration of Balikatan - their largest recurring combined military exercise. Consequently, wins by Yoon in South Korea and Marcos
New Roles for Civil Affairs Forces in a New World
Strategic competition should prompt us to think about new and creative uses for civil affairs forces.
with civilian leadership, institutions and populations throughout our nation’s history. Today, we know these activities as civil military operations , typically conducted by civil affairs forces ... extensively with local institutions and personnel to help restore order to civil society, rebuild, and grow lasting relationships with civil actors. Today, however, the military is contending ... military operations to remake other countries.” What, then, can we expect from civil affairs, given the typical use of these forces has been on “remaking” efforts like those in Afghanistan? Rather
U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes
The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes has the CDC and some state departments of health extremely concerned about the safety of these products.
U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths associated with the use of e-cigarettes has the CDC and some state departments of health extremely concerned about the safety of these products. /images/InDepth/Post13.jpg U.S. Military Recruits Use of Vapes 13 Dr. Elizabeth Clelan The recent unexplained spike in serious illnesses and deaths ... is at its highest level ever, making the military’s recruitable population particularly vulnerable to these new health threats. In 2016, CNA published one of the first studies using a nationally
CNA Veterans on Their Missions—in the Military and at CNA
Eight veterans describe the connections between their work at CNA and their years of service in the US Navy, Marine Corps, and Army.
%20Day%20graphic%20800x1200.webp CNA Veterans on Their Missions—in the Military and at CNA In commemoration of Veterans Day, we asked some of the veterans at CNA to share their thoughts on their time ... as the demands of dual military careers and children caught up with us, and we’d barely been back to Camp Pendleton since. But last April, we returned with the kids to Carlsbad, California, to visit ... that touch areas related to my service, examining topics from mobilization and professional military education to aviation missions and manpower. As I work on these problems, I can see faces and names
What Does Lebanon's New Government Mean for the U.S.?
For the first time in months, U.S. officials now have a functioning Lebanese cabinet they can work with as the two countries face a range of problems.
and an ISIS resurgence in the Levant. Some ISIS networks fled to Lebanon after operations by the Syrian military and its allies Iran and Hezbollah. ISIS retains significant latent capability and thrives ... . Regardless what elected officials are in power in Beirut, the Lebanese military has traditionally remained a close U.S. defense partner and a reliable ally. The Lebanese Armed Forces have some of the most capable special operations forces of any Arab military — except perhaps the United Arab Emirates — due largely to years of training and joint operations with U.S. special operations forces. Despite
Can Kim Jong Un Really Denuclearize?
A fundamental question facing U.S. policymakers is whether North Korea intends to denuclearize. Most Pyongyang-watchers believe this is an impossibility, at least for the near term.
constitution. He holds all the titles of power: party chairman, chairman of the Central Military Commission, chairman of the State Affairs Commission, supreme commander of the armed forces. He controls ... . These rules are tied to  the Kim family’s role  and an unwritten contract that the supreme leader will protect and defend family equities and regime security. There have been times in North Korean history when the leader’s actions encountered pushback, typically from the military. We saw this in the late 1960s when a group of former supporters of Kim Il Sung (the so-called Kapsan faction)  took issue
Resolving the Identity Crisis in the Military Services
The 2018 National Defense Strategy pivoted the U.S. military toward great power competition. Following that, the fiscal year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act included a “list of detailed and specific questions regarding
Resolving the identity crisis in the military services The 2018 National Defense Strategy pivoted the U.S. military toward great power competition. Following that, the fiscal year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act included a “list of detailed and specific questions regarding /images/InDepth/Post02.png Resolving the Identity Crisis in the Military Services 2 Margaux Hoar The 2018 National Defense Strategy pivoted the U.S. military toward great power competition. Following that, the fiscal year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act included a "list of detailed and specific questions