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Your search for Systems Engineering found 88 results.

Craig Faller
Admiral Craig Faller is a retired four-star flag officer with decades of global and national security leadership experience.
warships. Faller is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy with a bachelor of science in systems engineering and the Naval Postgraduate School with a master’s in national security affairs.
china ai and autonomy report: Issue 2, November 9, 2021
The China AI and Autonomy Report, issue 2, is a biweekly newsletter published by CNA, on artificial intelligence and autonomy in China.
dollars from being used to purchase its equipment. According to Carr, “DJI drones and the surveillance technology on board these systems are collecting vast amounts of sensitive data—everything from ... demand for AI professionals. Baidu co-founder and CEO Robin Li  committed his company  to training 5 million people on AI in the next 5 years.  Speaking at the Emerging Engineering International Forum
pla update: Issue 8, March 23, 2023
PLA Update, Issue 8, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
seeks to improve reservists' ability to execute missions, enhance existing institutions and support systems, and facilitate the recruitment of reserve talent from a "larger scope" and "broader fields ... who are majoring in science or engineering disciplines and who are set to graduate in the current year are welcome to apply. College-educated enlisted personnel. Navy enlisted who have received
pla update: Issue 1, February 4, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 1, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
on the Management of Military Materials Engineering Service Procurement Contracts,” which took effect on 3 January 2022. For defense contracts, the provisions aim to (1) improve contract management systems
CNA Wins National AI Competition for Work on Emergency Response Communications
CNA brought home a first-place win in the Smart Communities, Smart Responders: An Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Things Prize Competition (AI3 Prize Competition).
systems to support an organized, effective response. The CNA-RIIS team's FRAME concept was designed to address these challenge components by taking in vast amount of data from smart city sensors ... pitted their FRAME system against the other competition finalists at the Disaster City location within the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service.. The CNA members of the team are John Crissman
Innovative Techniques in Military Construction
This report examines various data sources to identify potential barriers to including sustainable materials and innovative techniques in MILCON. Barriers identified include a broad lack of relevant knowledge, availability of sustainable material data, and forcing functions.
be used to validate such sustainable materials and innovative techniques to encourage their use by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC
Russian Air Campaign in Syria
In this CNA Occasional Paper, Anton Lavrov, a noted Russian expert on military air operations, examines the successes and failures of Russia’s air operation in Syria. He identifies the key structural changes and capability upgrades that made the operation possible. The operation allowed the Russian military to test new equipment and to rotate personnel through the theater of operations in order to gain battle experience. As it continued, the force became more effective, as its leaders learned how to operate in a battle environment for the first time in almost 30 years. The Russian Aerospace Forces’ actions in the conflict increased the combat effectiveness of Russia’s small contingent of forces in Syria and allowed government forces to attain success on the ground. The conduct of the operation can be used as a means of understanding the capabilities and tactics that the force may be expected to use in future operations.
aircraft inventory was significantly updated. From 2008 to 2015, the air force received more than 350 new combat planes and about 1,000 new helicopters, as well as hundreds of air defense systems ... engineering units arrived at Khmeimim airfield in Syrian Latakia and began preparations for the deployment of military aircraft. On September 18, four Su-30SM fighter aircraft from Domna air base in Siberia
Three Smart Design Choices for the New Space Systems Command
Space Force unveiled its design and intentions for the Space Systems Command. It will make some notable changes from the way the Air Force did business.
Three smart design choices for the new Space Systems Command Space Force unveiled its design and intentions for the Space Systems Command. It will make some notable changes from the way the Air Force did business. /images/InDepth/Space%20Force%20resized.jpg Three Smart Design Choices for the New Space Systems Command 83 Margaux Hoar The Organizations, Roles, and Missions research program ... second year of existence, the Space Force unveiled its design and intentions for its primary acquisition organization, the Space Systems Command. While the new command is largely an outgrowth
14 More COVID-19 Resources that Use Artificial Intelligence
Andy and Dave, co-hosts of AI with AI, CNA’s popular podcast on artificial intelligence, have compiled a second annotated list of AI developments and resources related to COVID-19. Ethical guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 digital tracking and tracing systems The Digital Ethics Lab at the University of Oxford released a framework to evaluate whether the use of digital systems to track potentially infected individuals is legal and ethical. The framework consists of high-level principles ... " of the product.) The enabling factors translate high-level principles (the what ) into practical, ground-level considerations for designers and deployers of tracking and tracing systems (the how
Thirteen COVID-19 Resources that Use Artificial Intelligence
Andy Ilachinski and David Broyles, co-hosts of AI with AI, CNA's popular podcast on artificial intelligence, have compiled a timely, annotated list of AI developments and resources related to COVID-19.
derived from The Center for Systems Science and Engineering CSSE at Johns Hopkins University. Discussed on “AI with AI” Podcast 3.21 Mapping ... Ilachinski is a principal research scientist for CNA's Special Activities and Intelligence program. He specializes in the mathematical and computer modeling of complex adaptive systems. He pioneered ... England Complex Systems Institute: Coronavirus Pandemic Resources The New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) is an independent academic research and educational institution with students