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Your search for April Herlevi found 25 results.

April Herlevi
April Herlevi is a CNA expert on PRC foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and economic, commercial, and military actors.
Herlevi-April April Herlevi is a CNA expert on PRC foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and economic, commercial, and military actors. /images/Experts/Herlevi-April.webp April A. Herlevi is an expert on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and the increasing role of PRC commercial ... studied at Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Zhejiang University of Technology in Hangzhou. April Herlevi Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more
China and the Solomon Islands: Drivers of Security Cooperation
Christopher Cairns and April Herlevi examine the security agreement between China and the Solomon Islands, and its implications for other Pacific island nations.
China and the Solomon Islands Christopher Cairns and April Herlevi examine the security agreement between China and the Solomon Islands, and its implications for other Pacific island nations. /images/InDepth/Post117.jpg China and the Solomon Islands: Drivers of Security Cooperation China and the Solomon Islands 117 Christopher Cairns and April Herlevi April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. Christopher Cairns is a Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. On March 24, Solomon Islands officials announced
Pacific Connectivity and Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption
April Herlevi explains how telecommunications infrastructure in Tonga was damaged by the volcanic eruption and the challenges it created for aid efforts.
Pacific Connectivity and Tongas Volcanic Eruption April Herlevi explains how telecommunications infrastructure in Tonga was damaged by the volcanic eruption and the challenges it created for aid efforts. /images/InDepth/Post109.jpg Pacific Connectivity and Tonga’s Volcanic Eruption 109 April Herlevi April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist at CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. She is an expert in China's foreign economic policy, special economic zones, and economic statecraft. On January 15, a “catastrophic eruption” of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano occurred near
pla update: Issue 5, June 6, 2022
PLA Update, Issue 5, is a CNA China Studies Program monthly newsletter, with summaries of Chinese media coverage of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
April Herlevi and Brian Waidelich A PRC scholar has dismissed reported concerns about technology transfer between US defense firms and Chinese companies. On May 16, Fox Business reported ... ] Rose Tenyotkin, April Herlevi, Alison Kaufman, and Anthony Miller, Economic Statecraft: How China Legally Accesses Foreign Technologies to Build Military Capabilities , CNA, June 2020 ... :// ‌htm. [27] Alison Kaufman, Christopher Cairns, and April Herlevi, "PRC Laws, Policies, and Regulations: Implications for Commercial, Economic
Innovation Day
3:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Room 200 Taiwan: Lessons Learned from the Russia-Ukraine War Moderator: Maryanne Kivlehan-Wise Panelists: Dr. April Herlevi and Dr. Kevin Pollpeter (China ... : Lessons Learned from the Russia-Ukraine War Moderator: Maryanne Kivlehan-Wise Panelists: Dr. April Herlevi and Dr. Kevin Pollpeter (China Aerospace Studies Institute) "Ukraine today, Taiwan ... . ► Russia-Ukraine War: Taiwan Lessons Learned Dr. April Herlevi CNA examined Taiwan's lessons learned from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. The Taiwan government and military have enacted
What is a Chinese Communist Party Plenum?
Plenums of the Central Committee help assess future directions for China. The Third Plenum on economic issues is of critical interest for US national security.
What is a Chinese Communist Party Plenum Plenums of the Central Committee help assess future directions for China. The Third Plenum on economic issues is of critical interest for US national security. /images/InDepth/2024/06/CCP-Plenum-2021.webp What is a Chinese Communist Party Plenum? April Herlevi April Herlevi is a senior research scientist with CNA's China Studies Program and a non-resident fellow at the National Bureau of Asian Research. In July, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will hold the Third Plenum of the Twentieth CCP Central Committee to discuss prevailing economic
The East and South China Seas: One Sea, Near Seas, Whose Seas?
China sees the East and South China Seas as its unified “near seas.” Other nations in the region dispute that, noting distinct differences between the seas.
The East and South China Seas China sees the East and South China Seas as its unified “near seas.” Other nations in the region dispute that, noting distinct differences between the seas. /images/InDepth/2024/05/China-Seas-1024x681.webp The East and South China Seas: One Sea, Near Seas, Whose Seas? April Herlevi and Brian Waidelich April Herlevi is a senior research scientist with CNA's China Studies Program and a non-resident fellow at the National Bureau of Asian Research. Brian Waidelich is a research scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program
The US Advances its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia
April Herlevi examines recent agreements between the US and Pacific Island nations and how they fit into the country’s Pacific Partnership Strategy.
The US Advances its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia April Herlevi examines recent agreements between the US and Pacific Island nations and how they fit into the country’s Pacific Partnership Strategy. /images/InDepth/2023/06/Signing-Ceremony-resized.jpg The US Advances its Pacific Partnership Strategy in Micronesia April Herlevi April Helevi is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. She is an expert on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and the increasing role
China as a Niche Arms Exporter
China's defense industry could serve as the foundation for increased arms sales in the future, especially in niche arms markets.
as a Niche Arms Exporter 96 April Herlevi April A. Herlevi is a senior research scientist in the Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program at CNA. She is an expert in China's foreign economic policy, special ... estimates for 2016 to 2020 based on SIPRI data accessed in April 2021. In the 1990s, missile systems and ground-based platforms dominated PRC defense exports. During that time, the PRC provided ..., and used in Jeffrey Lin and P.W. Singer, “Chinese Drones Soon Flying Over Saudi Arabia,” Popular Science, April 29, 2014,
Many Contenders Eye the Pacific Island Countries
In late September, two Pacific island countries — the Solomon Islands and Kiribati — announced that they were switching diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China.
Many Contenders Eye the Pacific Island Countries In late September, two Pacific island countries — the Solomon Islands and Kiribati — announced that they were switching diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China. /images/InDepth/Post20.jpg Many Contenders Eye the Pacific Island Countries 20 April Herlevi April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist with CNA's Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program . “This article contains links to websites hosted outside the U.S.” In late September, two Pacific island countries — the Solomon Islands and Kiribati