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Your search for Donald Birchler found 3 results.
- Donald Birchler
- /our-experts/birchler-donald
- Donald Bircher is a CNA expert in manpower, readiness, acquisition, and training and education.
- Birchler-Donald Donald Bircher is a CNA expert in manpower, readiness, acquisition, and training and education. /images/Experts/Birchler-Donald.jpg Donald Birchler is an expert in manpower, readiness, acquisition, and training and education. Birchler served as the CNA field representative to Command Task Force 72 in Atsugi, Japan, where he worked on Private Public Partnership (P3) readiness ... a doctorate in agricultural and resource economics from Ohio State University. Donald Birchler Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more Field Rep to MCWL
- Reconstituting a Viable and Effective A76 Program
- /reports/2021/10/reconstituting-a-viable-and-effective-a76-program
- The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense asked CNA to make recommendations to improve the A-76 process and to consider the repercussions of changing certain laws governing the conversion of DOD functions to the privatesector. Specifically, CNA was tasked to examine the following issues; what best practices and lessons learned can be gleaned from the legacy A-76 program, what were the deficiencies and challenges of the legacy A-76 program and how can they be addressed in a future program, what actionable, practical, and concrete steps need to be taken to establish an effective A-76 program, and what policy improvements, process enhancements, additional resources, and organizational structures are necessary to ensure the viability and credibility of a reconstituted A-76 public-private competition capability in DOD?
- enhancements, additional resources, and organizational structures are necessary to ensure the viability and credibility of a reconstituted A-76 public-private competition capability in DOD? Donald Birchler
- Reconstituting a Viable and Effective A76 Program
- /reports/2021/08/reconstituting-a-viable-and-effective-a76-program
- The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense asked CNA to make recommendations to improve the A-76 process and to consider the repercussions of changing certain laws governing the conversion of DOD functions to the private sector.
- enhancements, additional resources, and organizational structures are necessary to ensure the viability and credibility of a reconstituted A-76 public-private competition capability in DOD? Donald Birchler Rikesh Nana /reports/2021/08/Reconstituting-a-Viable-and-Effective-A-76.pdf /reports/2021/08/Reconstituting-a-Viable-and-Effective-A-76.png /images/GenericReportImage.jpg Resources and Force