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Your search for Jeremy Sepinsky found 10 results.

Jeremy Sepinsky
Jeremy Sepinsky is a CNA expert in wargaming.
Sepinsky-Jeremy Jeremy Sepinsky is a CNA expert in wargaming. /images/Experts/Sepinsky-Jeremy.jpg Jeremy Sepinsky is an expert in wargaming. He has designed and executed dozens of wargames across ... and astronomy from Northwestern University, and he holds a Bachelor of Science in astronomy and astrophysics from Villanova University.   Jeremy Sepinsky Ph.D. Lead Wargame Designer Featured Squares white ... for organizing and developing the talents of CNA's wargame design team. Earlier in his career at CNA, Sepinsky deployed as an analyst to the U.S. Marine Corps’ Marine Operational Test and Evaluation
The Challenge of Virtual Wargaming
While hobby wargaming has a plethora of outlets during this global pandemic, the same cannot be said for professional wargaming.
The Challenge of Virtual Wargaming While hobby wargaming has a plethora of outlets during this global pandemic, the same cannot be said for professional wargaming. /images/InDepth/Post57.jpg The Challenge of Virtual Wargaming 57 Jeremy Sepinsky Jeremy Sepinsky is the Lead Wargame Designer at CNA's Gaming and Integration division. He has designed and facilitated dozens of wargames for commands and organizations throughout the Department of Defense. He holds a Ph.D. in Physics and Astronomy from Northwestern University and a B.S. in Astronomy and Astrophysics from Villanova University. While
Organizational Troop to Task Wargames
Organizational Troop-to-Task (OT3) resource-management wargames allow players to assign personnel under their command to meet the tasking of a higher headquarters throughout the narrative storyline of the wargame. We outline the rules and requirements to assemble and execute an OT3 wargame and provide a simplified “print-and-play” example. We discuss the data that can be collected, as well as what can be gleamed from that data—namely, (1) as an assessment of whether the organizational staff is “right-sized” for the given narrative storyline and its explicit or implied tasking; (2) an assessment of the gaps and seams of the organization, exploring where the organizational design may impede required information flow; and (3) a broad understanding of how an organization might respond to a given sequence of events. This document does not assess any particular organization. It provides the framework and toolkit for future organizational assessments.
in response to the narrative of events. Jeremy Sepinsky Margaux Hoar /reports/2019/03/DIM-2019-U-019777-Final.pdf /reports/2019/03/OT3%20cover.jpg /images/GenericReportImage.jpg Organizations
Working Toward Cooperative Disaster Response
The Emergency Response Information Exchange (ERIE) discussion was a Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) sponsored event at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, on February 12–14, 2019. It showed numerous ways in which forces of foreign militaries stationed in Djibouti can contribute to the government of Djibouti’s disaster response operations and improve coordination with one another. ERIE explored coordination among the international military forces in Djibouti and the government of Djibouti to support disaster relief operations led by the government of Djibouti. The scenario examined humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) operations in the immediate aftermath of a large-magnitude earthquake that caused extensive damage in Djibouti City. Based on the discussion during ERIE, this research memorandum presents a series of insights and recommendations on the requirements and expectations for coordination and communication among members of the international community assisting in an HA/DR operation in Djibouti.
of international militaries’ involvement in humanitarian relief; and Build international coordination mechanisms in Djibouti Catherine Lea Jeremy Sepinsky /reports/2019/05/DRM-2019-U-019925-Final.pdf
cna talks: Playing a Wargame
In part two of our occasional series on wargaming, CNA’s chief wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky returns, accompanied by Chris Steinitz, director of CNA’s North Korea program, to discuss what it’s like to play a CNA Wargame. Jeremy describes the different players in a wargame, emphasizing the value of people with operational experience who can accurately represent how military leaders would make decisions. Jeremy and Chris lay out the differences between playing Blue team and Red team. They also take us down the “road to war,” describing how the wargaming team lays out the scenario that starts the game.  Finally, Chris and Jeremy take us through the player’s decisions and how the results of a turn are adjudicated.
Playing a Wargame In part two of our occasional series on wargaming, CNA’s chief wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky returns, accompanied by Chris Steinitz, director of CNA’s North Korea program, to discuss what it’s like to play a CNA Wargame. Jeremy describes the different players in a wargame, emphasizing the value of people with operational experience who can accurately represent how military ... the scenario that starts the game.  Finally, Chris and Jeremy take us through the player’s decisions and how the results of a turn are adjudicated. Playing a Wargame Biographies Jeremy Sepinsky
cna talks: How to Make a Wargame
In part one of our occasional series on wargaming, Don Boroughs sits down with CNA’s lead wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky to discuss what it takes to create a CNA wargame. Jeremy describes CNA’s games as bespoke, informed, immersive and diverse, designed to solve very specific analytical problems. To illustrate this, Jeremy talks Don through a hypothetical wargame designed to determine whether the military should invest in an airborne laser. If you enjoy this episode, keep an eye out for part two of our series, in which Don and Jeremy will discuss what it’s like to play in a CNA wargame.
How to Make a Wargame In part one of our occasional series on wargaming, Don Boroughs sits down with CNA’s lead wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky to discuss what it takes to create a CNA wargame. Jeremy describes CNA’s games as bespoke, informed, immersive and diverse, designed to solve very specific analytical problems. To illustrate this, Jeremy talks Don through a hypothetical wargame designed ... to play in a CNA wargame. How to Make a Wargame Biographies Jeremy Sepinsky   is CNA's lead wargame designer. In FY18, he designed and facilitated more than ten wargames for Navy and Joint Commands
cna talks: After the Wargame
In part three of our occasional series on wargaming, CNA’s chief wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky returns, accompanied by Robin Mays, research analyst for CNA’s Gaming and Integration program, to discuss how they analyze the results of a CNA Wargame. Jeremy starts by describing the "hotwash" discussion that occurs immediately after a wargame concludes, and what insights participants often take away. Throughout this episode, Jeremy and Robin describe the type of information note-takers record during a wargame, and how that data gets used in the final analysis. Using examples from actual wargames about logistics, medical evacuation and disaster relief, they explain how analysis reveals insights not readily apparent to those who played the game.
After the Wargame In part three of our occasional series on wargaming, CNA’s chief wargame designer Jeremy Sepinsky returns, accompanied by Robin Mays, research analyst for CNA’s Gaming and Integration program, to discuss how they analyze the results of a CNA Wargame. Jeremy starts by describing the "hotwash" discussion that occurs immediately after a wargame concludes, and what insights ... Biographies Jeremy Sepinsky   is CNA's lead wargame designer. In FY18, he designed and facilitated more than ten wargames for Navy and Joint Commands, as well as for the Office of the Under Secretary
cna talks: The Parallels Between Education and Wargaming
On this episode of CNA Talks, Wargame designers and former professors, Jeremy Sepinsky and Justin Peachey sit down with Don Boroughs. They discuss what the latest ideas in education might tell us about successfully running a wargame.
The Parallels Between Education and Wargaming On this episode of CNA Talks, Wargame designers and former professors, Jeremy Sepinsky and Justin Peachey sit down with Don Boroughs. They discuss what the latest ideas in education might tell us about successfully running a wargame. The Parallels Between Education and Wargaming Biographies Jeremy Sepinsky   is the Lead Wargame Designer at CNA's Center for Naval Analyses. He has designed and facilitated dozens of wargames for commands and organizations throughout the Department of Defense. Justin Peachey is a Research Scientist with CNA
CNA Creates Organizational Troop-to-Task Wargames
A wargame for senior military leaders who wish to test the performance of new or restructured organizations before they are implemented.
Presentation Designing and Testing Purpose-Built Organizations half cover image-first orange white Organizational Troop-to-Task Wargames Contact white Jeremy Sepinsky Lead Wargame
Wargaming is Just One Part of the Solution
At CNA, wargaming is an integral part of the analytical and operational support we provide to the Navy, Marine Corps, Joint Force, and Federal Interagency.
Wargaming is Just One Part of the Solution At CNA, wargaming is an integral part of the analytical and operational support we provide to the Navy, Marine Corps, Joint Force, and Federal Interagency. /images/InDepth/Post19.jpg Wargaming is Just One Part of the Solution 19 Jeremy Sepinsky for the CNA Integration and Gaming Team At CNA, wargaming is an integral part of the analytical and operational support we provide to the Navy, Marine Corps, Joint Force, and Federal Interagency. The wargames we design incorporate the best of CNA: subject matter experts with a deep understanding of the people