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Your search for Jessica Dockstader found 11 results.

Jessica Dockstader
Jessica Dockstader is a CNA expert in law enforcement officer wellness.
Dockstader-Jessica Jessica Dockstader is a CNA expert in law enforcement officer wellness. /images/Experts/Dockstader-Jessica.jpg Jessica Dockstader is an expert in officer wellness. She serves ... has a Bachelor of Arts in human development and family studies with an emphasis in counseling services from California State University San Marcos. Jessica Dockstader Associate Research Analyst ... , sleep disorders, drug use, critical stress). As part of this project, Dockstader is also working with agencies to identify promising practices, policies, and programs that promote officer health
Law Enforcement-Community Engagement
As law enforcement agencies navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and increased calls for social justice, agencies with robust community engagement programs have had more successful public health education efforts.
Law Enforcement-Community Engagement As law enforcement agencies navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and increased calls for social justice, agencies with robust community engagement programs have had more successful public health education efforts. /images/InDepth/Post78.jpg Law Enforcement-Community Engagement 78 Jessica Dockstader, Tom Woodmansee and Abdi Mohamed Jessica Dockstader is a Research ... worked with Ms. Dockstader and Mr. Woodmansee on an assessment of the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office community engagement practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. As law enforcement agencies
What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us
The first study of a comprehensive data collection effort on suicides by police and correctional officers shows trends, suggests opportunities for prevention.
Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers The first study of a comprehensive data collection effort on suicides by police and correctional officers shows trends, suggests opportunities for prevention. /images/InDepth/2024/04/casket-flag.webp What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us Jessica Dockstader and Daniel Lawrence Jessica Dockstader is an expert in officer wellness and Daniel Lawrence is a specialist in law enforcement research with CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation . Special thanks to Karen Solomon, Joe Willis, Lew Solomon, and First H.E.L.P.
Law Enforcement Deaths by Suicide
The first analysis of a database of 1,287 suicide deaths of police and correctional officers examines age, location, job, life challenges, and other factors.
their death, and details about the death event. Daniel S. Lawrence Jessica Dockstader /reports/2024/03/Law-Enforcement-Deaths-By-Suicide.pdf /reports/2024/03/Law-Enforcement-Deaths-By-Suicide-Cover.webp
Developing a Pilot Risk Assessment Model for Law Enforcement Patrol
CNA used machine learning models on officer injury and death data from police agencies to see how risk assessment could lead to safer dispatch communications.
/GenericReportImage.jpg Center for Justice Research and Innovation /centers-and-divisions/ipr/jri Approved for public release. Unlimited distribution. 52 IPD-2023-U-037239-Final Kira Cincotta Jessica Dockstader A Pilot Risk Assessment Model for Law Enforcement Patrol Benjamin Carleton Bridgette Bryson Daniel S. Lawrence
21st Century Policing Assessment San Jose PD
This report is an assessment of the San José Police Department’s (SJPD) implementation of recommendations and action items found within the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report, published in 2015.
and recommendations. Thomas Christoff Jessica Dockstader /reports/2022/01/21ST-CENTURY-POLICING-ASSESSMENT-OF-THE-SAN-JOSE-POLICE-DEPARTMENT.pdf /reports/2022/01/21ST
Law Enforcement Pandemic Response Field Guide
COVID-19 and its public health crisis continue to present public safety challenges, as well as challenges to the agencies tasked with protecting life and social order.
and Bartness (2021) documented the extensive changes to the Baltimore, Maryland, training during the COVID-19 pandemic, including recruit classes, remote learning, and continuing education. Jessica Dockstader
Field Training Programs in Law Enforcement
CNA studied six police officer field training programs around the United States to highlight promising practices and identify areas for improvement.
stone to further analysis that will aid law enforcement agencies in improving FTO programs, thus improving the communities they serve. Monique Jenkins Jessica Dockstader /reports/2021/10
Law Enforcement Officer Safety
This brief provides an accessible resource for law enforcement agencies, line officers, and their stakeholders (e.g., policy-makers, training instructors) to inform the development of targeted training, policies, and practices to promote officer safety while in the line of duty.
; and real-world policing initiatives that serve as examples of practices in the field to improve officer safety. Brittany Cunningham Jessica Dockstader /reports/2021/07
Common Operational Picture Technology in Law Enforcement Three Case Studies
CNA performed case studies of common operational picture(COP) technology use in three law enforcement agencies. Our goal was to address thepaucity of research inthis fieldby providing practitioners and researchers with examples of how these law enforcement agencies have implemented and use these technologies. To do so, we conducted on-site qualitative data collection at the three sites, which revealed common themes among the sites regarding stakeholders, COP technology implementation, and theuse of certain COP technology features. This report lays the groundwork for future work by law enforcementagenciesand researchers in exploring COP technology use andimplementation in law enforcement settings. Researchers and practitioners must further study the efficacy of COP technology in achieving law enforcement goals, such as improving community response, reducing injuries, and preventing or reducing violent crime. This report is not intended to rank or evaluate the products listed. We did not test or evaluate the products. The report’s sole purpose is to provide the law enforcement community with information about how three agencies implemented and use COP technology.
Jessica Dockstader