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Your search for Josiah Case found 7 results.
- Josiah Case
- /our-experts/case-josiah
- Josiah Case is a CNA expert on People’s Republic of China (PRC) media signaling and disinformation.
- Case-Josiah Josiah Case is a CNA expert on People’s Republic of China (PRC) media signaling and disinformation. /images/Experts/Case-Josiah.webp Josiah Case is an expert in People’s Republic ... at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Josiah Case Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more ... the peer-to-peer mentoring program at CNA. Prior to joining CNA, Case was a lecturer and teaching assistant at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Case holds a Master of Arts in East Asian studies
- China's Aid to Russia: Lip Service?
- /our-media/indepth/2022/03/chinas-aid-to-russia
- Elizabeth Wishnick explores whether China’s support for Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine will result in substantial aid, or if it’s simply lip service.
- /InDepth/Post115.jpg China's Aid to Russia: Lip Service? China's Aid to Russia 115 Elizabeth Wishnick and Josiah Case Elizabeth Wishnick is a Senior Research Scientist in the China Studies Program at CNA ... East Asian Institute, Columbia University. Josiah Case is a Research Analyst in CNA's China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division where he authored Telling China's COVID-19 Story Well ... vehemently denounced what it sees as a U.S. effort to blame China for the pandemic and criticized Washington's own response to COVID-19 as a human rights violation. In a case of disinformation déjà
- China’s COVID-19 Propaganda Campaign
- /our-media/indepth/2020/12/chinas-covid-19-propaganda-campaign
- As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the world, Beijing is actively trying to shape how people remember the pandemic and China’s role in it.
- China’s COVID-19 Propaganda Campaign As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on the world, Beijing is actively trying to shape how people remember the pandemic and China’s role in it. /images/InDepth/Post68.jfif China’s COVID-19 Propaganda Campaign 68 Josiah Case Josiah Case is a research analyst in CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division. As COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc ... of the crisis solidified its legitimacy in the eyes of the Chinese people or degraded the public’s trust in the government, remain to be seen. Click here to read Josiah’s full report on China’s
- Telling Chinas COVID19 Story
- /reports/2020/12/telling-chinas-covid19-story
- As the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has striven to shape the domestic and international public narratives around the crisis. Chief among its arguments are that China rose to the challenge of the outbreak and has exemplified the role of a responsible great power. At the same time, it has attempted to deflect blame for the initial outbreak by engaging in an unprecedented disinformation campaign aimed at sowing doubt over the origin of the virus. This report reconstructs the evolution of these narratives and their supporting themes, as well as the wide range of tools and tactics that Beijing has used to influence public opinion—to include diverse public messaging platforms, foreign aid efforts, and suppression of domestic dissidents. The report also examines how Beijing has attempted to use the crisis to degrade international trust in Washington by using the US response to the pandemic as a foil against which to highlight its own successes.
- ) with Washington’s break from the organization. Frequently commented on the impact of COVID-19 on US military operations around the world while maintaining the Josiah Case /reports/2020/12
- How China and Russia Use Information Operations to Compete with the US
- /our-media/indepth/2023/06/how-china-and-russia-use-information-operations-to-compete-with-the-us
- This article examines what tactics Beijing and Moscow use to manipulate the information environment and what narratives they try to promote.
- analysts Heidi Holz and Josiah Case from the China Studies Program and Dmitry Gorenburg and Julian Waller from the Russia Studies Program briefed the fellows on Russia’s and China’s information ... in these countries. In reality, Beijing and Moscow use tools like stipends and access to information to ensure that these vloggers toe the party line. China Studies analyst Josiah Case gave an example ... ?’” Case also pointed to the spreading of satirical videos and political cartoons on Western social media platforms and the efforts of some Chinese government propagandists to obscure their association
- cna talks: An Unprecedented Challenge to Xi Jinping
- /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2022/12/an-unprecedented-challenge-to-xi-jinping
- On November 28, thousands of people across China took to the streets to protest the country’s zero-COVID policies and censorship and to call for democracy. These demonstrations were an unprecedented show of dissent against the government in the era of Xi Jinping. How has the government responded to these uprisings, and how will they affect Beijing’s COVID strategy going forward? To answer these questions, Heidi Holz and Josiah Case , analysts from CNA’s China Studies Program , join the podcast.
- strategy going forward? To answer these questions, Heidi Holz and Josiah Case , analysts from CNA’s China Studies Program , join the podcast. An Unprecedented Challenge to Xi Jinping ... military-to-military relations. Josiah Case is a Research Analyst in CNA's China Studies Program. His research at CNA has focused on PRC media and Beijing's global activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
- cna talks: The Protests in Hong Kong
- /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2019/8/the-protests-in-hong-kong
- CNA experts Heidi Holz and Josiah Case sit down to discuss the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and the Chinese government's reaction.
- The Protests in Hong Kong CNA experts Heidi Holz and Josiah Case sit down to discuss the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong and the Chinese government's reaction. The Protests in Hong Kong Biographies Heidi Holz is a research scientist in the China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs division. Her research includes China's media environment and Chinese military doctrine and operations. Josiah Case is a research analyst in the China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs division. His research focuses on PRC media coverage of U.S. military activities in Asia. ContactName /*/Contact