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Your search for Susan Starcovic found 2 results.

Susan Starcovic
Susan Starcovic is a CNA expert in the economics of renewable and low-carbon energy, climate change risks, and issues affecting military quality of life.
Starcovic-Susan Susan Starcovic is a CNA expert in the economics of renewable and low-carbon energy, climate change risks, and issues affecting military quality of life. /images/Experts/Starcovic-Susan.jpg Susan Starcovic is an expert in the economics of renewable and low-carbon energy, climate change risks, and issues affecting military quality of life. She also specializes in geospatial ... . She also holds a Bachelor of Science in actuarial science from Ohio State University. Susan Starcovic Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more
How Single Salary Compensation Impacts Military Housing
The director of the Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation asked CNA to examine the potential effects of an single-salary system (SSS) on the military’s privatized housing. We found that an SSS would pose serious challenges to the military’s privatized family housing projects because it would eliminate the Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and reduce incomes for active-duty residents.
Contract No. N00014-16-D-5003. 60 DRM-2020-U-027359-Final Robert W. Shuford Susan Starcovic Jessica T. Fears