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Your search for Veronica De Allende found 3 results.

Veronica De Allende
Veronica De Allende is a CNA expert in international and development economics, with 15 years of experience as an operations research scientist at the Defense Department.
DeAllende-Veronica Veronica De Allende is a CNA expert in international and development economics, with 15 years of experience as an operations research scientist at the Defense Department. /images/Experts/DeAllende-Veronica.jpg Veronica De Allende is an expert in international and development economics, with 15 years of experience as a U.S. Department of Defense operations research scientist ... , Mexico. A native Spanish speaker,  De Allende also speaks French. Veronica De Allende Ph.D. Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more
Gender Research and Analysis
This page aims to highlight CNA’s body of research that examines the security implications of gender for the United States, our allies, and competitors.
half of its population. Dr. Veronica De Allende The Watch: Women at Sea are Essential for Maritime Security orange right-justified white CategoryLists /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2021/05
Assessment of CBSI Partner Nation Capabilities for Maritime Security and Law Enforcement
CNA assessed the current maritime security and law enforcement capabilities of the for twelve of the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CNSI) partner nations: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago; as well as two Caribbean cooperative security institutions: CARICOM IMPACS and the Regional Security System. These assessments are concise snapshots of partner capabilities relevant to the goals of INL CBSI as of March 2022.
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